Your Stage : What I've written (introduce myself, sortof) by Travis Seppala

Travis Seppala

What I've written (introduce myself, sortof)

I was recently asked what I write scripts about. So, just an FYI - NOT counting stuff I've been hired to write - I've written....


- an evil gingerbread house that constantly changes

- Bloody Mary

- a cop who hallucinates going after a serial killer

- vampires (this one got produced)

- Santa Claus

- witches

- a monster

- Dracula

- a cult deprogrammer

- Korean urban legend Elevator Game (this one got produced)

- a very haunted house

- an adaptation of "Forget Me Not" by Carolee Dean

- a ballerina who becomes paralyzed

- a magician going to Hell for a show

- Captain Hook

- a slacker becoming a supervillain

- a girl with powers in captivity

- a detective forced to run

- Peter Pan being evil

- a woman alone with a sentient shadow

- Chinese urban legend Shui Gui

- a soldier getting sci-fi upgrades

- astronauts being shark attack victims

- adaptation of the short story "The Starfish Girl" by Maureen McHugh

- a woman being stalked by her zombie husband that she JUST killed

- a man trying to get to his daughter during an alien invasion

- a tank crew trapped in an upside down tank

- a meta-sequel to "The Mysterious Case of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde" by Robert Louis Stevenson

- the Roswell Incident

- home invsasion

- time travel

- vampires

- a superhero

- domestic abuse


- a teen girl with Asperger's

- kids with a magic book page

- a boxer

- an invisible friend

- Hannibal Barca

- robots

- Japanese folkore Namahage

- modern day adaptation of "The Phantom of the Opera" by Gaston La Roux

- security guard gets psychic powers

- time loop to save the world

- girl who might be an angel

- psychologist who might be a skinwalker

- vampires

- alternate earths

- a surgeon and an FBI agent (co-wrote with my wife)

- dinosaur cops

- teenage angst and a 1600s witch

Maurice Vaughan

Unique ideas, Travis Seppala!

I’m a Stage 32 Lounge Moderator. I wanted to let you know I moved your post from the Screenwriting Lounge to the Your Stage Lounge because it’s promoting your scripts. Promotion can go in the Your Stage Lounge and on Your Wall.

You can post your promotion in one of the main Lounges (Screenwriting Lounge, Filmmaking/Directing Lounge, etc.) if your post starts a conversation that’s helpful and educational to the community.

Example: If you post this in the Screenwriting Lounge, within that post you could start a discussion about how you come up with ideas and asking other screenwriters how they come up with ideas. This doesn’t have to be long, just something that starts a conversation that’s helpful and educational.

You can also post your promotion in one of the main Lounges if you're asking for feedback.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Claude Gagne

Good for you. Keep pecking at the keys and produce is key.

Rutger Oosterhoff

"- a cop who hallucinates going after a serial killer. " Interesting, what's that all about? He just hallusinates and does nothing?!

Travis Seppala

Rutger Oosterhoff I realize now it sounds odd put that way. It's a cop who hallucinates... going after a serial killer. Going after the serial killer is not the hallucination.

Travis Seppala

Maurice Vaughan Ah. Sorry for putting it in the wrong place. My brain just decided since I'm talking about scripts, it goes to the Screenwriting section. Sorry.

Rutger Oosterhoff

... What's the halucination then,?

Maurice Vaughan

I can see dinosaur cops being a cartoon or live-action show for older kids and teens, Travis Seppala.

Rutger Oosterhoff

... Oh well, Travis, at some point in time, we all write our own versions of "Angel Heart." Be it a logline or a complete story.

Debbie Elicksen

Rutger Oosterhoff OMG, Angel Heart still creeps me the hell out, no matter how many times I've seen it.

Rutger Oosterhoff

Yes, Debbie, seen it many times too. it was a great movie! movie. Have a logline for an over the top version: "Alter egos intertwine as a confused LAPD detective puts together puzzle pieces in a quest to uncover and lock up a serial killer posing as Hollywood’s Messiah." Of course the detective is the killer, but he's "Split, " I mean really split, like detective, judge, and executioner, after finished writing this screenplay, (if I ever begin), I'm probably ripe to turm myself in to a mental hospital.

Travis Seppala

Rutger Oosterhoff

1) He hallucinates his partner who was killed in the opening. Like basically always sees her and talks to her and stuff, even though she's clearly not there.

2) I have no idea what "Angel Heart" is...

Rutger Oosterhoff

A movie from the eighties.

Debbie Elicksen

Rutger Oosterhoff lol. [after finished writing this screenplay, (if I ever begin), I'm probably ripe to turm myself in to a mental hospital.] says everyone who tries to create a project. :)

Debbie Elicksen

Travis Seppala OMG, find Angel Heart to watch. It was also highly controversial when it was out because of (well the ending) and Lisa Bonet's sex scene. She was on Cosby at that time, which was considered an abomination of everyone thinking she was her wholesome character on Cosby. Mickey Rourke and Robert DeNiro. Need I say more?

You can probably rent it on YouTube. Here's the trailer:

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