Introduce Yourself : Director with First Vimeo Staff Pick! by Michael Aronson

Michael Aronson

Director with First Vimeo Staff Pick!

Hello lovely Stage32 community. My name is Michael Aronson, longtime user of Stage32, worlds biggest fan of Chris Pratt, and dramatic film director. My latest film "Nutcracker" was selected for Short of the Week and subsequently received a Vimeo Staff Pick. I'd love for you to watch and discuss!

Vijay Siddharth

Congrats Michael. The vimeo staff pick must have made you real happy. Wish you tons of success.

Michael Aronson

Thank you. It was more than just an exciting stamp of credibility. There's a discussion that I'm trying to engage in regarding the thematic nature of the film. I hope that if you have a chance to watch, you're open to engaging with me.

Vijay Siddharth

Sure I will.

Nadia Benali Garcia

Congratulations, that was absolutely fantastic. Every scene, I felt like I was there with her. The cinematography, the music, everything about this short film was very engaging. I would love to see more of your work. Great job!

Sadie Dean

Wow! This is excellent. Thanks for sharing, Michael! Fantastic to have you and your talents here with us in the community.

Amanda Toney

Very risqué subject and bold creative choices! Love the scene where it's almost like she's on a conveyor belt with the camera following her to the group of guys on the street. Was not expecting what came out of her mouth! Bold choices. Congrats!

Gary A. Jones

This is great. Has an awesome mixture of tones and camera techniques that tell the story in a real adolescent yet raw manner. Music is super well chosen for a lo of the scenes. And the subject matter says a hell of a lot about the times we live in.

Philip Sedgwick

Excellent work. Strong production value and a hugely potent theme. Well done!

Pat Savage

The music is brilliant and makes the piece shine. Great!

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