Introduce Yourself : Unleash Your Inner Hero! by Led Bradshaw

Led Bradshaw

Unleash Your Inner Hero!

Led Bradshaw is a graphic artist, writer, and owner of Jetpulse Studios, an award-winning comic storybook publisher located in Brooklyn New York. Founded in 2018, Jetpulse Studios publishes it's flagship series titled, " The Adventures of Jake Jetpulse", a common book adventure series that was inspired by Led's soon Jacob who was diagnosed with Autism at age 3 11/2. Together, they create extraordinary stories that teach kids about autism. These incredibly books for kids are quickly becoming a must have for children of all ages.

Wilmer Villanueva

Well done!

Led Bradshaw

Thank you!

Solange Plaza

Awesome job! Good luck to you on your journey :)

CK Barlow

What a fantastic idea, and clearly it's working! Good luck to you. I teach at two colleges (music tech) and in recent years, it's typical for me to have at least one student who is on the spectrum every semester. I have seen that finding "the hook" to pull them into learning is crucial.

Justin Manntai

That is great. Having a son in the spectrum, as well, I totally relate and the comic is an amazing way to reach out.

Tahsha Bennett

That is so cool! Good luck!

Asher Ben

Led this is really cool. It is true that a child is the best teacher.

Rosalind Winton

Wow, that's amazing, best of luck with it all :)

Evelyn Von Warnitz

That's fantastic! Good luck for your project!

Rosan Dieho

Great idea!

Jay Reeves

So cool.

Led Bradshaw

Thank you all so much!

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