Screenwriting : Reading outloud by Christine Capone

Christine Capone

Reading outloud

Hi All, do you read your script out loud? It makes a huge difference. But I've read my script so many times  I'm not sure if it sounds like natural dialogue. Maybe because I've read it so often. Does anyone experience this as well? Do you all read your scripts out loud? I might have to do a table read with my friends : )

Angela VanZandt Bumpass

Yes, table reads with friends are good.

Craig D Griffiths

I have my PC read to me. I find it a great way of finding errors. Once I am structural done. I’ll do a read and even some poor acting. I find this important as somethings read well, but is virtually impossible to speak.

Stefano Pavone

Yes, I do - I sometimes even act out the characters' voices if I can.

Zane Wickman

I do and tend to pretend to be the characters; I act-out in front of a whiteboard, just in case something new arises (more of an artist). I'm writing a script for the first-time, and it helps to "act things out" because (1) It lets me know if I'M speaking or my character is and (2) Some of my best lines (while free-styling/ being spontaneous) will sometimes feel more real, natural, more like how the characters in play would speak & respond. Requires some rewrites, but doesn't impact the overall direction.

Luciano Mello

Yes and I try to act and do the whole scene, so I can put myself in the character's shoes, for me this very important and I love to do it.

Richard M Kjeldgaard

Pace back and forth reading the dialogue out loud and body language.

Eoin O'Sullivan

There's a difference between natural dialogue and film dialogue. Film dialogue needs to convey a sense of realism, without being full of ah, well, um, etc. Film dialogue has a purpose (in fact it has a number of them).

If you can organise and record a table read, that's the way to go. It will highlight issues you just won't see or hear in reading or speaking parts aloud.

Christine Capone

This is all helpful! Thanks everyone!

Christine Capone

Eoin, that's interesting. Natural vs. film dialogue. Maybe that's what I'm reading in my script. Although it's not "that" natural, maybe it reads better for on-screen. (if I'm making sense??)

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