Filmmaking / Directing : Hello by Mike Miller

Mike Miller



Hi everyone,

I've been meaning to do this for quite some time. I always seem to run into brick walls and the weekend is over before I know it.

So here I am and HELLO to everyone on this amazing platform. What a great resource this is.

I'm a director. I'm also a screenwriter. I've won many awards for my work in both disciplines.

I only started writing screenplays because, well, there just aren't any great scripts sitting around to be discovered by a director. I had been writing my whole career, so it wasn't new to me. But writing a feature screenplay was. I found I really liked it. And I might be OK at it. A work in progress for sure :)

I currently have a movie, a potential franchise, in development at Universal Studios. An action drama in the motor sport space. I have the first screenplay I wrote, titled Shadowman. It's a drama. I've had some great people come on board to help get it across the line, such as Tim Moore from Malpaso and Rob Barnum (Lansky), but it has eluded us. I think a rewrite is in the plans :)

I also have a couple of doco's. One in the public education space and another doc series in sport.

I've also optioned a novel, a thriller, and I'm trying decide is it a feature or a limited series.

But getting back to being a director, I'm open to directing gigs. My website has some examples. I also shot everything that is on there. I shoot as DP and camera operator on all my work.

I am also open to partners who relate to the material and can help package and finance any of these projects.

I'm looking forward to meeting you and talking further.

Hope you are enjoying the weekend.

Cheers, MIKE

Harrison Glaser

That's fantastic, Mike! Congrats on all your success so far and good luck with your project at Universal! That sounds incredibly exciting! I'm the Director of Education here at Stage 32 and I KNOW you're in the right place to find incredible connections and collaborators. And in the meantime if you're interested in continuing to grow and learn more, we offer webinars and classes for creatives of all levels through Stage 32, on screenwriting, producing, cinematography, etc. Always happy to point you in the right direction if there's anything specific you're looking for. Reach me at any time at

Maurice Vaughan

Great to meet you, Mike Miller. Congrats on the projects (the project in development at Universal Studios, etc.). The motor sport project sounds interesting.

Yobani G

Cool :)

Sandeep Sharma

Mike, welcome and congrats on your projects.

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