Anything Goes : America Needs New Gun Law by Bieggs Legacy

Bieggs Legacy

America Needs New Gun Law

My heart felt condolences to the people of Newtown, Connecticut, Please my friends from America you need a new gun law, how many more people should be killed before a new Gun Law is implemented

Michael D'Ambrosio

I don't think it's the guns that need to be fixed. It's the people that are broken. As to how we shoulod do that, I just don't know. Maybe it's the life-like video games. Maybe it's family disorder. Regardles, it is very sad.

Krystyna Hunt

You're right, Michael. But maybe one of the ways to make Americans safer is to not allow broken people such easy access to guns -- especially military grade weapons. And because it is difficult to tell who is a broken person before they break, maybe guns should made more difficult to get for everyone because unbroken people don't need them.

John H. Eschenburg

I thought this was a Film Site. Make a Movie about it. More people are killed by cars than guns ! So why not make cars more difficult to get, while you are at it. Guns dont Kill People, People Kill People. Just BAN PEOPLE | Proposed New Gun Law ! Everybody Must Have A Gun, then people will be able to defend themselves and others.

Yvonne Coughlan

I just read Morgan Freeman's comment and thought it was worth posting to this conversation, plus a friend of mine from Texas says the people there are very attached to their right to bear arms and even the cars come with gun racks, so she doesn't see a change in the gun laws being likely. Anyway this is what Freeman has been quoted as saying "You want to know why. This may sound cynical, but here's why. It's because of the way the media reports it. Flip on the news and watch how we treat the Batman theater shooter and the Oregon mall shooter like celebrities. Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris are household names, but do you know the name of a single victim of Columbine? Disturbed people who would otherwise just off themselves in their basements see the news and want to top it by doing something worse, and going out in a memorable way. Why a grade school? Why children? Because he'll be remembered as a horrible monster, instead of a sad nobody. CNN's article says that if the body count "holds up", this will rank as the second deadliest shooting behind Virginia Tech, as if statistics somehow make one shooting worse than another. Then they post a video interview of third-graders for all the details of what they saw and heard while the shootings were happening. Fox News has plastered the killer's face on all their reports for hours. Any articles or news stories yet that focus on the victims and ignore the killer's identity? None that I've seen yet. Because they don't sell. So congratulations, sensationalist media, you've just lit the fire for someone to top this and knock off a day care center or a maternity ward next. You can help by forgetting you ever read this man's name, and remembering the name of at least one victim. You can help by donating to mental health research instead of pointing to gun control as the problem. You can help by turning off the news."

Gary Cappelletti

It's the news media and our morbid interest in these sick attention seekers that makes doing horrific things like that attractive to the sick ones. "They" should become anonymous and erased from history, so they KNOW, that if they do something like that, infamy=fame will not be the payoff.

Michael Dougal

When guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns. We need more training and more people carrying! Maybe we should outlaw knives, cars, alcohol and cigarettes while we're at it.

LB McGill

The truth is ... it's harder in this country to drive a car than is is to carry a gun- and that's just wrong. It's our culture- and the gun enthusists that INSIST that it's not the guns need to know -okay it's not the guns that kill people it's the people- so take the guns away from the people because humans cannot be trusted. Unfortunatly I live in a country where that will never happen, but at least admit- for the ove of God and country that we need strickter laws.

Bieggs Legacy

Well from what i hear people beliefs in guns have become more like a religion or a must have tool for the house shelves Yes its a safety net for some people but the level at which the American legislation is allowing its citizens to own guns is crazy How many more people are going to die and in this case children who had a long life ahead of them

Michael D'Ambrosio

It's obviously a lot more complicated than we'd like it to be. I wonder what would happen if we banned guns. Several years back, an individual was beaten to death in Fox Chase, Pa by a group of thugs with baseball bats. In Prospect Park, Pa, we've had several individuals run down on the same road by vehicles operated by drivers who had vendettas against the victims. Where does it stop? I wish there was a way to control who is allowed to have a gun and who can't but it's not that easy. In Illinois, they imposed a $25 tax on each gun an owner has. This will only encourage illegal possession of guns or legal possession by the wealthy as this tax is incresed over time. It's sad that we are in teh 21st century and we are more barbaric than we ever were in our human history.

Michael D'Ambrosio

To me, there isn't any difference in military grade weapons and a standard handgun. It only takes one bullet to kill a person. It doesn't matter how big or how much stopping power it has. Sometimes I think it's more psychological when people hear "assault rifle" or "military rifle" or other macho terms.

LB McGill

Like I said, no one will ban guns in this country. People always go there when we talk about stricter controls. It needs heavy regulation just like owning a car. Licensing, tags, tax... all apart of owning a car and it should be all apart of owning a gun. But the minute someone suggests it than a gun owner throws out the argument that people will find a way to do violence. Sure, and people will find a way to get around if they can’t get a car. Without a car you ride a bicycle- you can still get there but it takes a lot longer. And never, ever should you be able to own a gun that was built for one purpose and one purpose only- to mow down hundreds of people in minutes- it’s insane and needs to end. There is no justifiable argument for it. We should all be ashamed for allowing it to get this far, for being silent. I’m ill with sadness at our lack of outrage over assault weapons and this is where our cowardice has brought us.

Yvonne Coughlan

Yes Michael, maybe if guns are outlawed then it is only the thugs carrying, but I live in a country where the victims of gunshot are rarely innocents, and we don’t have the right to bear arms. LB you are right, it is ridiculous that it has gotten this far. I’ve heard and laughed at the jokes about Irish guards ‘Stop or... I’ll shout stop again!’ but we do have guns when special force is required. It is important to look at gun ownership, as a WILL to KILL, not as a simple right to bear arms. B’gaurded that is a bit of a cop out, we can’t all step up and be police or mental health carers. Your friend in England was a very sad case, but it is not the same as mowing down innocent children just because someone can or because someone is sad or mad or looking for attention. I am sad for your loss, and your point about mental health care is very valid. If we applauded those who seek help, and offered them every service available rather than ostracise them or ridicule them that would be a step in a more positive direction. I often avoid conversations on this subject, because I don’t know what I can actually do, and I’m all about positive action, so if anyone has an idea about what we can do to make a difference here, please tell me.

Yvonne Coughlan

Yeah you're right Bguarded, you did, and that was a positive solution, but I just didn't see it as practical for me. I'm in Ireland, and me volunteering for the guards here doesn't help with the gun laws there. Apologies for reading you wrong.

James A Wills

It is not always the case that people need to be medicated, then left and forgotten. Sometimes it's about being able to understand the behavior and deal with it in a proactive, productive way. The Autistic spectrum covers a diverse range disorders and not everyone with one specific disorder is the same as the next. I think this is a must read: We have children, we raise adults. (Not staistics, not numbers, not lost souls) Also, gun control in the States appears to be scarily and wildly (in contradiction) uncontrolled. If you don't know how to make a change; start by writing a letter to your government (or state) representative, outlining what you think is wrong about the current law and what should be done, get your friends who are in agreement with you to do the same. My heart goes out to those families blown apart by this atrocity.

Courtney Rawls

Taking away the 2nd amendment will not fix the problem. While we are banning guns let's ban cars, racial profiling, alcohol, and cigarette's as well.

LB McGill

And again @Huey you You nullify your own argument by insisting someone is trying to “ban guns” no one is talking about banning guns, but placing common sense regulations on the type of guns we as citizens are allowed to own. Just as cars are regulated, just as cigarettes are regulated, just as alcohol is regulated- and as long as we’re talking about racial profiling- I think white males who play violent video games and have access to guns ought to be seriously scrutinized.

LB McGill

A ban on assault weapons will in no way hurt the responsible gun owner. You only need an assault weapon to kill a large number of people. Ya know there used to be an honor code among gun enthusiasts. An assault weapon seems to me to be the weapon of cowards.

LB McGill

Well the “style of gun” used in the Sandy Hook shooting was able to mow down 26 women and children in 10 minutes and that “style of weapon” needs to be banned- and in fact will be. Get with the program, accept it, be a part of the solution and stop arguing the insane.

Johanna Marshall

My thoughts: What has happened to PEOPLE??PEOPLE WHO HAVE BECOME PARENTS??PARENTS OF TROUBLED KIDS???PARENTS OF KIDS THAT SEEM NORMAL OR HAS AN "EDGY" SENSE OF SELF; BUT ARE HIDING THEIR DARKNESS BECAUSE NO ...ONE..IS ..WATCHING..OR..... LISTENING????YOUR NEIGHBOR, THE GUY AT THE CHECKSTAND. etc.etc....I don't mean this to sound idealistic, but what I notice is that the world is walking around looking down at the ground or putting all their attention into a piece of plastic. I agree with the comment above that if someone wants to hurt or kill people it will be done ..........But we as a collective society have a responsibility.....not just to see what the next upgrade is in technology...........I don't have an answer.......Just food for thought....

Ryan Atkins

Having higher measures of security in schools will fix that problem. Having different gun laws doesn't prohibit a mentally ill person from coming into a school and stabbing everyone, does it? Now we have a knife issue. By having a security check at the front door, any harmful weapons or objects are held while the guest visits the school. I've heard another argument that teachers and school administrators need to carry pistols with them to protect their students. I personally think a higher level of security needs to be implemented, and that'll fix it. Perhaps also looking more into mental health services in America. Who "in their right mind" would shoot their own mother multiple times in the face and THEN head to a school with small children and kill as many as they can? It's just a disgusting thought.

Lina Jones

They are going to do something about this, they have to or there is going to be an uprise of the people.

LB McGill

@ John, yes there needs to be a discussion about our lack of action in treating unstable/mentally ill people in this country. The number of mentally ill prison inmates in our nation is staggering- different conversation. This conversation is specifically about “should we have tougher gun laws” and the answer, the resounding cry, the heartsick moan that has gone up to heaven is yes, we should and we will. Adam’s mother owned those guns legally, and the truth, no matter how you try to get around it – is she never should have owned them. Stop and ask yourself, why John, why are you so in love with the idea - that you as a responsible gun owner should have the right to own any gun you want. Our nation is crying out and bleeding in pain. It is time, to ban these weapons, to get rid of the gun show loopholes and to ban high powered magazines.

LB McGill

@ Ryan a maniac in China burst into a school and stabbed 22 children. 22 children injured and wounded- not 26 funerals. Not one death. As our President said yesterday “not one law will stop the violence, but this should not be an excuse to do nothing”.

Johanna Marshall


Ryan Atkins

@Loralie, yes I read about that. Higher security measures would ensure that knife/gun be confiscated before going any further. Not having the tools available to commit crimes I think is the first step in patting down violence.

LB McGill

@ Ryan, oh yes, lets put armed security guards in front of every school in America. Awesome idea. If more guns were the answer we would be the safest nation on earth. More guns is not the answer- just look at the facts.

LB McGill

@ John, I think I heard you say “tougher legislation” then we agree. Let me clarify. Adam’s mother should have never owned the “style of gun” that was able to mow down 26 women and children in 10 minutes.

Ryan Atkins

@ Loralie, Did I say they needed guns? You are implying I said that. A simple metal detector and night stick will do I think. Do not put words in my mouth.

Pup Che

This conversation does not belong on this site. But since you started it - please clarify: By new gun laws - do you mean more or less restrictions on buying a gun? Because if you are logical you will see that the states that have less restrictions have less violent crime as well. The other way about the more restrictive states. The same statistic to to much larger degree apply to countries. Further have you considered other factors in the mass shootings like the side effect of psychopathic drugs? Do you think we should ban them, because it is a clinical fact they do not help, but only harm? Also killings and mass killings can be done in many different ways with no guns. For example one just needs a little cyanide in the water supply to kill a whole town... Also pretty much anything can be used a weapon. There is no difference between a brick, pen, knife and a gun when you are killed. So I ask you - come down from the high horse and look for the truth and separate it from the propaganda. Obama does not even pretend to cry about the many more then 27 children killed with drones, but I wonder why you do not write about that? In the words of Madelene Ol'brite killing half a million Iraqi children was worth it... There is never, ever anything good happen when the government restricts its citizens.

LB McGill

@Ryan, forgive me, I misunderstood. Still, it’s another conversation. The question again is “tougher legislation” which @John- agrees with. We can start with the gun show loophole- we are in agreement there. @ Pup Che- I'm not on any sort of a high horse-

Krystyna Hunt

What needs to be changed is the culture. Whether guns or people kill people isn't the question. The only industrialized country that has this much of a love affair with guns is the United States. It is the only country where people (whether they are law-abiding or not) collect this many guns and which raise gun-ownership almost to a religious calling. It is the only country that considers gun ownership a sacred, inalienable right. And it is also the country with the highest number of gun deaths and mass killings with guns. Does that not tell you something? Do you not understand the relationship between all these things? The love of guns, the obsession with the right to own guns, the pride in guns leads to a culture where the mentally weakest also think they have a place in this gun culture -- and they exercise it according to their way of understanding it. It's the love affair with the gun that's got to stop.

Michael Dougal

What the Founding Fathers Said About Guns The Second Amendment had more to do with freedom than historical militias. Here’s what the Founding Fathers actually said about arms: Laws that forbid the carrying of arms, disarm only those who are neither inclined, nor determined to commit crimes. Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants. They serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man. – Thomas Jefferson, 1764 What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance. Let them take arms. – Thomas Jefferson Those who beat their swords into plowshares usually end up plowing for those who didn’t. – Ben Franklin Arms discourage and keep the invader and plunderer in awe, and preserve order in the world as well as property… Horrid mischief would ensue were the law-abiding deprived of the use of them. –Thomas Paine A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government. – George Washington Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are ruined…The great object is that every man be armed. Everyone who is able might have a gun. –Patrick Henry. Are we at last brought to such an humiliating and debasing degradation that we cannot be trusted with arms for our own defense? Where is the difference between having our arms under our own possession and under our own direction, and having them under the management of Congress? If our defense be the real object of having those arms, in whose hands can they be trusted with more propriety, or equal safety to us, as in our own hands? – Patrick Henry, 3 Elliot, Debates at 386. The Constitution shall never be construed to authorize Congress to prevent the people of the United States, who are peaceable citizens, from keeping their own arms. –Samuel Adams, debates & Proceedings in the Convention of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 86-87. The right of the people to keep and bear…arms shall not be infringed. A well regulated militia, composed of the people, trained to arms, is the best and most natural defense of a free country… –James Madison, I Annals of Congress 434 (June 8, 1789). (The Constitution preserves) the advantage of being armed which Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation…(where) the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms. –James Madison. If the representatives of the people betray their constituents, there is then no recourse left but in the exertion of that original right of self defense which is paramount to all positive forms of government… – Alexander Hamilton, The Federalist (#28) . The best we can hope for concerning the people at large is that they be properly armed. –Alexander Hamilton, The Federalist Papers at 184-B. To disarm the people is the best and most effective way to enslave them. – George Mason The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any bands of regular troops that can be, on any pretense, raised in the United States. –Noah Webster, “An Examination into the Leading Principles of the Federal Constitution (1787) in Pamplets on the Constitution of the United States (P.Ford, 1888) [T]he unlimited power of the sword is not in the hands of either the federal or the state governments, but where I trust in God it will ever remain, in the hands of the People. – Tench Coxe, Pennsylvania Gazette, Feb. 20, 1788.

Krystyna Hunt

So what are 20 dead children against such noble sentiments, Michael? Should they have been happy to give up their lives so that people like you can enjoy the right to twirl your gun in your own hand? I don't know of any armed citizen who has been protected by the 2nd amendment when some government authority came to arrest them. Any citizens claiming that they own their guns to keep their rulers humble today will soon feel the uncomfortable attention of the local police, the FBI and probably the Secret Service. If Ben Franklin really made that sarcastic comment about the 'swords into plowshares' he must not have had much confidence in the accepted word of God that most of his countrymen worshipped. It comes from the Bible, Isaiah 2:4. He's basically saying God, and Isaiah, are fools -- not something that's bound to go over well with many Americans even today.

Pup Che

You can print your own gun at home with 3d printer now: So any restrictive law is set to fail. In a year time when 3D metal printers come down on price anyone could get a gun in an hour time of printing. So: FORGET ABOUT IT!

Michael "Cap" Caputo

You are right we need new gun laws, and here they are: Kids should all be taught to handle and respect guns by the fourth grade.. Every Principal should be required to wear a weapon at work and if they are not comfortable with the responsibility that brings with it they should not be considered responsible to take the job. Each campus could have an armed retired veteran on staff, on duty, during school hours. School doors should be opened again, locking kids into the school at the bell in the morning is making them a barrel of fish for the next assault. The community should be coming and going from the school constantly, businesses, parents, town officials, police department visits. Students from higher grades. An active campus is safer. The media should not report on the assaulter past the bare essentials, the victims should be listed. Juvenile offender identities should be public along with their crime. I want to know who my kids are associating with and if there is a problem with Joe Doe I want to know BEFORE my daughter dates him. You want to hear something REALLY special? Take a listen to Charlie Chaplin's "translation" of Hitler's speech in "The Great Dictator" it will chill you to the bone. Average response time of the local police to a school is 12 minutes. Average response time of an armed citizen carrying a concealed weapon is 5 seconds. These assaulters become chicken guts when they are confronted with someone who has a gun and is willing to fire it without warning. They also become injured, found, tried, convicted and removed from society. Said citizen should be lauded for their courage and action. "Arm more Grandpas." Look it up on YouTube. I am sick of the rhetoric that starts with "limit the ownership of guns" or whining that Larry-boy had a (whatever caliber) rifle, pistol, shotgun whatever. It is all baloney. You can kill with a paperclip if you know what to do and are willing to do it without warning. Our responsibility is to make movies that matter and most of us spend our time pushing insipid drivel. How about making something worthwhile people? Cap

Michael D'Ambrosio

While I didn't join this site to discuss guns, I would like to point out to Krystyna that "noble" sentiments after 9/11 were perfectly acceptable when everyone wanted revenge for what happened. Once the emotion wore off, so did the lust for revenge. If I saw a woman on the side of the road being assaulted, I would stop and use my weapon as a deterrent to save her. Without the gun, I'd call 911 and by the time help came, she'd be much worse off. There is no perfect answer for the misuse of guns, just like politics, religion and idealism. The idea that countries that have banned guns don't have any shootings is a half-truth. It has been replaced by other vices of the trade like car bombs, physical assault, knifings, arson, etc. A visit to cities like Cairo, Islamabad, Kabul, Riyahd and even Rome might change her opinion. As a threat level increases, so does the deterrent level. I'd much rather discuss movies than guns. Have a great one everybody.

James Holzrichter

If anyone actually thinks a new gun law will take guns off of the streets is not looking at how successfull laws are at keeping anything off of the street. Like meth and heroine, or prostitution. Laws do not stop people from killing, other people stop people from killing. It's amazing that after a plane is hijacked we can force people to go through a strip search to travel on vacation, but no one puts any security in our schools. Instead of punnishing the wrong people, maybe we should look at our schools with a bit more concern for safety and security. I still thinnk that it is very strange that you have very strict security to go on vacation but not for our children. And ask yourself honestly why that security was not already in place, ask your senator and congressmen why they failed to secure our schools time after time while they raised money to fund research on the sexual habbits of fleas. I am not joking that was a federally funded research program. What's broken is not the fact that guns exist or that people own guns. I own several and have never used them for anything, not even hunting. I hope I never have to use them, I don't want to use them, I don't want to have to use them. But I don't want to need them and not have them. Where I live there are gangs, the Hells Angels, the Diablos, you can bet your bank account that they have not only assault weapons but fully automatic ones, and they don't give a crap if it's illegal to own them. Laws only limit the abilities of law abbiding people, not everyone else. Making another law on top of the over 20,000 that exist is like putting a needle on a haystack. Sure you know where it is and you can find it, but it didn't really add to the pile. I would seriously ask your legislature how many innocent kids have to die before they put at least as much security in schools as they put in airports, courthouses, federal buildings. And ask why no one is talking about security for the schools at ALL, why is it the first thing that is talked about is gun laws? That's what's broken right there. Politicians using this as to their own advantage instead of doing what works best is what no one is talking about. I am disgusted that any politician would use this tragedy as leverage to their own advantage. I would like to ask everyone to write their representatives and congresspersons to focus on security for schools not making the people unable to defend themselves agains a tyranical government. Incedently that's the main reason for the 2nd ammendment in the constitution. I sincerely hope that at least one police officer is placed at every school during school hours and for afterschool activities. That's all it would take to avoid these disasters. How many times does this have to happen before it's even an idea? Placing a police officer at every public school, and maybe requiring an armed security officer at private schools. It's not too dificult and would be possible to enforce. I hope for the sake of MY children that schools become more secure after this, I am considering home schooling them. If our lawmakers go after guns and do not make schools more secure it would push the issue for me. I wish I could charge the legislature with neglegent homicide for neglecting our childrens safetey for the sake of votes. Please pardon any spelling mistakes, and thank you for reading. :) James

Charles Felthousen

We do not need new gun laws but we do need to look at funding mentel health. If we can get to the ones with a problem andd stop them from doing the act in the first place is the best thing to do.

Krystyna Hunt

To all those who think being armed is the best deterrent to be attacked by a crazy shooter, I ask - how do you explain the 2009 shooting at Fort Hood? Maj. Nidal Malik shot 12 people and wounded 31 others before he was stopped. This was at an army base where there were plenty of guns and plenty of people who knew how to use them. How come no one could stop those 43 people from getting hit?

Charles Felthousen

As far as the Ft Hood shooter his chain of command know he was a problem and they did not do anything about it. Instead of taking care of him by gettting him treatment or getting him out of the army all they did was to transfer him to anounther command so they did not have to do a thing. I feel that they are just as responible for the shooting as he was.

Krystyna Hunt

Interesting that the army has such a policy about guns. If guns don't kill people I wonder why? Do they expect their personnel to not handle guns responsibly?

James Holzrichter

@Krystyna I just have to add, in the past women have been the cause of great wars and mass killings, should we ban all women as well?

LB McGill

0_o Helen of Troy? Really? :p

LB McGill

After a 1996 Mass Shooting, Australia Enacted Strict Gun Laws. It Hasn't Had a Similar Massacre Since.

James Holzrichter

Ha ha ha L B lol thanks I needed that. Helen of troy.. lol

Krystyna Hunt

And when will some people understand that you can't draw a neat line between good people and bad people? Unfortunately people are too complicated to divide into good or bad. Good people can act badly and bad people can also do good. An awful lot of gun deaths are due to accidents. What about accidental killers? Did Nancy Lanza think her son was a bad person? She took him to shooting ranges and taught him to use those guns, ironically, because she thought that would improve his self confidence. She probably knew something about her son that she was not willing to admit. She home-schooled him and never talked about her home life with him, even to friends. Who knows? She was probably trying to protect him from people who might think he was bad. Parents do things like that. Being a good gun owner sure didn't protect her. The fact is, good people suffering from paranoid schizophrenia or psychosis can also kill innocent people and never know what they are doing. Paranoid schizophrenics who have killed, often heard voices telling them the person or people they killed were some terrible danger to their family or the world -- and they, being good people, killed them because they were trying to save their families, or their world. Some have killed to protect the people they were killing, to take them out of what the killer saw as a terrible and dangerous life. Many good people have killed because they mistook someone for an attacker when they never were. Two stories from Florida: A young Japanese exchange student, who dressed in costume, showed up at the wrong house for a Halloween party and was shot by the owners of that house because they were frightened by this strange person at their door. Another daughter was killed by her parents when she returned home from college early and found her parents not home, decided to hide in their bedroom closet and jump out at them to surprise them when they came home. Her father shot her. Those are the kind of people who, too often, shoot and are shot.

James Holzrichter

So if the instrument of defense was a baseball bat or an axe taking action against someone you have not Identified is better than if you are using a gun? Last time I looked brains all over the wall is still fatal no matter what weapon is used. Someone being paranoid in the dark is dangerous no matter what they are holding in their hands.

Ron Brassfield

I'm tired of hearing that argument. Compared to today's guns, baseball bats and even knives make murder much more personal and labor-intensive. Translation: harder, slower, probably easier to stop. Try again.

James Holzrichter

Sitting in the dark waiting for someone to shoot is also not an accident. Cleaning a loaded weapon is not an accident. there is no such thing as an accidental death due to a gun. If it's found by your child YOU are to blame, if you are cleaning a loaded weapon YOU are to blame. It is no accident when you are being dumb with a gun. Would you hold a razor by the edge while you were cleaning it? Would you leave a razor lying around for your children to play with? Would you let your children play in your car on a steep hill? Would you sit in the dark waiting for someone to break into your house and strike down the first shadow you see moving with any weapon in your hand or would you try and make your doors and windows a little more secure? I seem jaded cause people seem to forget weapons are a tool, a simple tool. nothing more. What makes them dangerous is the people using them no matter what they use, it could be something as simple as a pencil. If someone shoves a pencil into your heart it will kill you. No one even thinks to blame the person using the weapon. And yes people can do both good and bad things, that does NOT disprove good and evil. There is a big difference between letting yourself make a mistake like a woman teacher having a inappropriate relationship with a student of hers out of misguided love. that's a good person making a mistake. Then there is the serial rapist/murderer of children that taunts people to stop him, who also is married with children and donates to the church. Evil personality doing good? Stop trying to confuse people. It is pretty cut and dry if you really think about it.

James Holzrichter

You can kill a person with a baseball bat if he has a gun. You can run at him and smach faster then he can draw and pull, it's simple physics.

James Holzrichter

Of course long distance is not in the equation

Krystyna Hunt

The above claim that there are more deaths by baseball bats than firearms is not true. site states the following: "The Uniform Crime Reports made available on the "Crime in the U.S." section of the FBI's web site includes homicide data that breaks down murders by the types of weapons used. In 2010, the percentages for weapon types used in homicides throughout the U.S. were as follows: Firearms: 67.5% Knives or other cutting instruments: 13.1% Personal weapons (hands, fists, feet, etc.): 5.8% Unknown or other dangerous weapons: 13.6% So, firearms can kill two thirds more than all other methods combined. Major Hasan fired 100 rounds in 7 minutes which amounts to approximately 6 shots a second. This can cause a hell of a lot more damage than a baseball bat or knife could do.

Krystyna Hunt

Samuel, there are all kinds of contradictory statements out there on the web. I have read several that say the states with the least stringent gun control laws are actually the ones with the most gun deaths. I have no idea where you got the 2.5 million number from. Police and military have firearms because it is their job to use these things responsibly and we know they are properly trained to use them. They are professionals in firearms use. Interestingly enough, Congress does not seem to hold your beliefs because no firearms are allowed in the U.S. Capitol building (except by professionals). Legislators do not carry weapons and metal detectors ensure no one else who is not professionally authorized, has any. So this would tell you that your legislators themselves don't believe that they should be able to protect themselves with guns while they are in their workplace.

Krystyna Hunt

Samuel, can you explain to me why this seems to be the American way of life? I am Canadian, and in spite of the fact that rural Canadians like their hunting rifles, I have never felt I needed to own, or even hold a gun? Neither has anyone I know, nor anyone they know. It's possible to be killed by a gun, but it is so rare that the few times it happens it makes headline news. Every Canadian gun death makes headline news. In fact, if I didn't have so much access to U.S. media I would probably be almost unaware of guns. This is the way it is with most of the rest of the countries of the world whose economies, lifestyle, values and education is on par with the U.S. I have travelled in Europe and never come across anyone who said they needed a gun to live in their country, or warned me to keep one on hand -- how to protect my wallet maybe, yes, but never with a gun. And this is people who have been at war with each other for the past thousand, or so, years, right up to the middle of the last century. Whereas in the U.S. I am always aware of places not to go and times not to go out. In the U.S. I am always warned to be afraid. Gun culture here is almost non-existent. No one talks about guns except how to get them out of the hands of the few people who use them in crime. No one wants to own a gun. The one person I met who does is an expat American. No one is afraid the government will take them over, and so far, with all the guns and munitions in its ownership it hasn't even tried to take the population over. No one talks about controlling the government in any other way than by votes and lobbying. If someone with your history and interests walked into a crowd here and said what you have said, they would receive a long, stunned silence. No one talks about gun collections, or safe rooms, or their prowess at shooting ranges. Most people would have no idea what the difference is between a glock or an uzi and talk of such things is treated like talk of a "depressing". It's quickly moved away from. I am not saying this to come across as superior. I am just honestly baffled by why your reality and mine are so different.

Krystyna Hunt

Samuel, I will leave this discussion now because I feel I have said all I need to say in it and at some point enough is enough. When I mentioned other countries I specified countries comparable in advancement to the U.S. and Canada. Except for New Zealand, the countries of East Europe, Africa, most of Asia and South America are not exemplary in their acceptance of human rights and the tolerance that comes with democracy, nor do they have governments that work for the people. I hope you have a Merry Christmas with no need to use your guns.

Joe Becker

here's the problem with "new gun laws". first, they don't stop criminals from shooting innocent citizens. but, they do disarm innocent citizens, making it impossible for them to defend themselves. we should have the right, and the means, to defend ourselves. the Newtown tragedy may have been much different, if it had NOT been a gun free zone. making it a gun free zone did not stop a criminal from bringing a gun and shooting almost 30 people. but, it did stop those teachers from defending themselves and the students. most times, when a mass shooter is confronted with a gun, the shooting stops. sometimes, the person has to fire their gun, but often not. everywhere there are strong gun laws, crime is up. look at Chicago. they are the poster child for gun restrictions and they have the highest murder rate in the country. laws don't stop criminals

Joe Becker

what the news fails to report is all the gunmen who have been stopped by law abiding, permitted weapons carrying, citizens. it happens all the time.

Ashley Kennedy

I see a lot of ignorance in some of these comments. First of all guns don't kill people, people kill people. The only thing to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy/gal with a gun! I own many different types of hand guns, shotguns & rifles used for hunting, target practice & self defense. If guns were ever banned, the bad guys will still get their hands on them just like drug addicts still buy drugs. All banning guns will do is leave innocent people helpless & defenseless when attacked. I feel a lot safer knowing that if someone breaks into my home or trys to kill my kids or anyone in my family, I can protect them. People who are against guns need to be more educated. We need to focus more on mental health issues & putting armed officers at our schools. Think people!! Get educated!! Innocent civilians need to be able to protect themselves, if they can't then criminals have the upper hand!

Michael D'Ambrosio

Well spoken, Ashley. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you, your family and everyone else out there in the Stage 32 family.

Ashley Kennedy

Thank you Michael, merry Christmas to u too

Joe Becker

where we have strict gun laws, there are more murders. where the people have guns, there are fewer murders. Chicago has the toughest gun laws and is the murder capital of the USA. disarming innocent, law abiding citizens does not stop criminals from shooting them. many crazy shooters are stopped by law abiding citizens with guns. - criminals do not obey gun laws. if you check, those crazies are shooting all these people in gun free zones. the recent theater shooting in Colorado. the shooting in Newtown, CT. it is quite obvious that guns save lives. the government is pushing to take away our guns. remember that our founders wanted us to have guns to protect us from a tyrannous government. every dictatorship began with disarming the citizens "for the good of the people". 100s of millions have died because of it. we do not need gun laws. we need mental health care reform. we need to teach morality in the schools again. we need to love one another, enough to want to be able to protect one another. animals use self defense. it's a basic right of nature. no one should be able to take that away Happy New Year!

LB McGill

Chicago is my home town, I grew up there. The reason there is high gun violence is because of the gangs. There deaths by guns are bad men with guns shooting other bad men with guns and innocence gets caught in the crossfire. It has nothing to do with the gun laws. On another point- there is no industry in these United States that is allowed to continue making a very dangerous product without regulation except for gun manufacturers. It needs to be regulated. On another point- I've heard all the reasons why the semi automatic weapon should not be taken away, but none as to why it should be kept. It's so simple, more guns, more gun deaths. Less guns, less gun deaths.

LB McGill

I've said it before, I'll say it again. Whenever anyone starts talking restictions, people argue that you're trying to take away your right to own a gun. And now I've been called a fascist. Awesome. I've hit a nerve Samuel. I'll let my argument stand. You're right, you don't need a car... and cars have been made safer- whilst no one has taken away your car.

James Holzrichter

Ok I'm starting a new discussion on this one to many comments to

LB McGill

Oh don't leave us now James- we're finally getting down to some meat ;) Samuel has in fact given me two clear reasons why he aught to be able to own a semi automatic weapon. Reason one. He believes that the mere suggestion of his being not allowed to own one is an act of fascism. That his rights as an American citizen to own a gun would be infringed upon and that is a right that he is guaranteed in our constitution. I would argue that restricting his right to own a semi automatic weapon in no way infringes upon his right to own a gun. But I don't believe that that's his real argument anyway, I think his real reason is reason number two, which is- he wants the right to own a semi automatic weapon because he wants the right to arm himself against his own government. And that right is actually not guaranteed in our constitution. Samuel, I don't know what country you live in, but I live in a country which provides a free education for my children, a community that has a functioning police department which would be at my doorstep in 10 minutes if I needed them to be. I live in a country that provides a fire department, willing to come save my house from burning to the ground even if I set it on fire myself. I live in a country that provides a library for me to bring myself and my children, to educate ourselves and where there is a hospital on practically every corner. Safe roads and a mostly working commerce where I have enough opportunity to wile away my day having a discussion on gun control instead of slaving away in some factory in order to feed myself and my children. Samuel, you have inspired me. I have started my research, and anyone that knows me knows I hate research, which is why I'm a teller of stories, mostly fictional, but for you- to honor you and your fine thinking, I shall begin to search out the truth of the facts, to get to the heart of the matter. To shine a light on my way would you be so kind as to provide the sources of your "facts" so I might (in my ignorance) be able to verify them and substantiate them. Oh James... don't leave us now- for as Shakespeare wrote- The truth will out! :)

LB McGill

PS I am definitely not the fascist in the conversation. Please read and judge for yourselves. :)

Joe Becker

that sounds good. the left always makes their way sound good. but it still doesn't add up. it's still not true. and still, no one has answered my questions. if you are right, why are there NO murders in guntown? are you telling me it's because there are no gangs there? then why are there no gangs there? no one can convince me that disarming good citizens is going to stop bad people from shooting them. there will always be bad people. there will always be crazies with guns. and, if we keep our rights, there will be good people with guns to stop the violence. the lefty media doesn't publish stories that show how a man was stopped by someone with a gun. but, the stories are out there none the less. and those people who shoot many, ALWAYS do it in a gun free zone. when people have no guns, they cannot stop them until it's too late. that is a plain and simple fact

LB McGill

sigh ... no one is talking about taking away your guns. pistols, riffles, shotguns... all yours. Just no semi automatic and no high powered magazine clips with 30 rounds or more. That's it.

LB McGill

okay Samuel- I'll get to all this, but making stuff up? Me? WEBSTERS DICTIONARY FASCIST 1 a person who believes in fascism. 2 A member of a fascist movement or party. 3 A person who is dictatorial or has extreme right - wing views. FASCISM A totalitarian governmental system led by a dictator and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism, militarism, and often racism. It's not me who's making stuff up. and to your point about me twisting your words, you were the one that said you were afraid of your government - I didn't twist anything.

Joe Becker

name calling doesn't help. the problem with allowing restrictions is that it gives the federal government power, which it then takes from the people. give them an inch and they'll take a mile. there is no reason for restrictions. there is no reason for the federal government to be involved. there are specific duties prescribed to the federal government. ALL OTHERS are reserved for the people and the states. and don't tell me "no one is talking about taking away our guns". the left most certainly is talking about taking away all guns. and, as soon as they get the power to take away one gun, they will find a way to take away the others. it's the way they operate. look at the 1st amendment. congress shall make no law regarding the establishment of religion or PROHIBITING the free exercise thereof. the federal government was set up to PROTECT OUR RIGHTS and stay out of our lives. instead, they keep telling us we CAN'T, which in my book is PROHIBITING THE FREE EXERCISE THEREOF. congress couldn't do it, so they had the courts do it. first they said "you cannot have forced prayer in the schools". since then they have removed the bible and prayer from the public square, saying you can't this and you can't that. that is most definitely PROHIBITING THE FREE EXERCISE THEREOF. no one ever took that to mean that people couldn't before 1960. Madelyn Murray O'hare was laughed at when she brought up the notion. and the courts only said you couldn't have forced prayer. which meant someone could opt out of corporate prayer, which had been a staple in the public school system since before the revolution. they do not stop. the whole country continues its slide to the left and we continue to lose our rights. it is to the point now that many want to abolish the constitution. what people don't realize is that the constitution does not give us our rights. the federal government does not give us our rights. the constitution only lists OUR GOD-GIVEN, INALIENABLE RIGHTS. if you don't believe in God, then our NATURAL RIGHTS that every person is born with. and it gives the federal government the responsibility of PROTECTING THOSE RIGHTS - THE RIGHTS OF THE PEOPLE. recently, the constitution has been shoved aside so the federal government can now detain us, indefinitely, torture us, and kill us, all without trial or charges. the US army can be used against US citizens. and recently, O graduated the first class of the Civilian National Security Force. he most definitely wants to take away all of our guns. that is what every dictator does before beginning his reign of terror. and he and hillary are working with the UN to do just that.

LB McGill

Thank you Joe, for saying name calling doesn't help. oi vey! that's a lot of information guys. My mother is 78 years old. From my crib she has taught me to fear my government and that my rights were being tromped on and that the government is poisoning my food, and secretly trying to take over the world. Well boys I was born in 1963- I live a free and happy life, in fear of nothing. My mother spends all day on her computer finding out the secret of everything. I eat what I want I go where I please and if I wanted I could step outside and scream I bleeping hate my government and nothing would happen to me. There's a song I learned in camp... "let peace begin with me, let this be the moment now" I am a Christian, and I live as Christ has taught me to live, by the law of love, not fear. Bless you both.

Joe Becker

those are very nice statements, but they don't really say anything. Jesus told his followers to buy swords - Luke 22:36-37, called people names and brought a whip to church. he wasn't the wimp that the left likes to make him out to be. the facts remain the same. government has no right to take away our guns. the federal government was set up to protect us, and to stay out of our lives. like I said before, if they take away some guns, they will take away all guns. give them an inch and they'll take a mile. we all want to live in peace. but, leaving your doors unlocked, your valuables out for all to see, and remaining defenseless is not the way to do it. the bible teaches that we are all born sinners. we are all selfish and hurtful. there will always be bad people with us. disarming law abiding citizens does not stop bad guys from shooting them. law abiding citizens with guns have saved many, many lives, 75% of them without firing a shot. where there are legal guns, gun crimes go down. where guns are not allowed, gun crimes go up. so, asking us to give up our guns is asking for more guns crimes. Mikhail, I do believe prayer changes things. A friend of mine was in Iraq. after being there a while, they raided an al qaeda hide out. among the things they hauled out of that hideout was a video. they were amazed to see themselves in the video. my friend was in the cross hairs, and he moved just as the gun fired, allowing the bullet to miss him. in another video, he was near a bomb that wouldn't detonate. had a friend in Africa who ran into an elephant at night. totaled the car. and walked away from it. had another friend in the military jump from a plane and his chute didn't open. he was falling fast and no one thought he could make it. but, his reserve did open and he made it out alive, to everyone's amazement. these are Christians who pray all the time. does it mean they will never be hurt? they will never die? NO! but, it does show how God is in their lives because they pray every day. you cannot expect God to come to your rescue every time if you do not pray. so, yes, more prayer may have made a difference. God is not weak. I believe in bulletproof prayers. the pencil thing I agree with.

James Holzrichter

My father and grandfather started teaching me how to be responsible with firearms when I was 5. I was a sharpshooter in elementary school. I can now hit a golfball at 100 yards with iron sights(no scope). I have also NEVER pointed a gun at someone even in jest. Even as a kid playing war in my back yard I would not point my toy guns at my friends. That is due to my parents, and I thank them. However I do not carry anything with me out of the house. I also don't hunt with a gun, when I pretend to hunt I use a bow. I say pretend because I won't take unless I need to and right now I can still afford food. So I go out with my bow and have a wonderful time in the woods practicing my skills. What I don't want to do anymore is try and force this opinion of mine onto anyone else. And that is all I ask of others. Whether or not you are for or against guns, something needs to happen before both sides start shooting each other out of anger. In other words, "Can't we all just get along?" :) lol

Joe Becker

A friend posted his thoughts on fb... Strict gun laws do not help the crime rate go down. A good economy does. When people have full stomachs, a roof over their heads and a little jingle in the pocket, they have less reason for committing crime. So here's an idea: instead of wasting so much energy arguing about gun control, why not focus on building a better economy? A positive solution is always the best way to solve problems. Besides, when you tell people what they "can't do" it just makes 'em mad. Show them what they "can do" ways to become more successful. When you focus on the positive, the negative mostly fades away.

Joe Becker

Donnetta, the children don't have to defend themselves. but the adults could have been armed. except this was a gun free zone so, no guns were allowed. if you check the facts, these shootings seem to occur in gun free zones

Matt Milne

A larger change in gun use culture is required, for gun control to be effective. In constitutional theory, an armed population can resist a military government, but the use of that would result in a civil war which is highly destructive (and was). All too often we reach for weapons, when peace can be brought through words.

LB McGill

Columbine had an armed guard. So did the Arizona tragedy.

Joe Becker

I will add mine - to answer "why can't we all just get along?" the bible tells us we are all born sinners. I see that every day. we all tend toward selfishness. we all tend to hurt others. we have to make a conscious effort to help others and think of others before ourselves. we should all try to be nicer, but not all do. some give in to "the dark side" and just aren't nice. some become very violent. because we will always have bad, evil, cruel and violent people with us, we should be prepared to protect ourselves and each other. the way I see gun control logic. it's like Kirk saying to Spock, we're going to land on a new planet. we've often encountered violent creatures on these planets so, I think it's best to make sure that our crew are absolutely defenseless. let's make sure none of them take guns with them.

Joe Becker

the guys at columbine were deterred by armed men. they had planned much more than they accomplished. they intended to set off a bomb and shoot more people. they were stuck in firefights that didn't allow them to finish the job. and that was BEFORE police and SWAT arrived

Joe Becker

all too often, people think they can talk to crazy men on shooting sprees and terrorists.

James Holzrichter

So what your saying is, I should keep on developing the microwave gun I am working on.

Joe Becker

criminals will always have guns. if you think we carry guns out of fear, and that we should get rid of them, then maybe you think fire departments are there because of fear and we should get rid of them. and police. all that is based on fear so, we should just get rid of them. of course, that is absurd. we carry guns for the same reason we have fire departments. not because we are walking around afraid that we are going to catch on fire. and we don't walk around afraid we are going to be attacked. but, we want to be prepared in the event of a fire, or attack. both of which are real possibilities. if you don't want to be prepared, that is your prerogative. but, that doesn't mean we should all be unprepared

James Holzrichter

Oh I was telling myself that i would not add more to this line but I just have to. The U.K. has NEVER allowed it's citizens to carry ANY longarms. That was started by a monarch many thousands of years ago to protect his rule over the people. Many a battle has been fought over those thousands of years after the people get fed up with the king they would revolt and use illegal longarms against the monarchy's rule. Much like the U.S.A. did a couple hundred years ago. All I am really saying is that laws don't work so well.

Joe Becker

Ali, that is what is so different about America. your government rules over you. in America, the people are sovereign... or were. the government has been overstepping its bounds for far too long, taking rights from the people and gaining power against us. if we disarm, we will be under their rule, instead of them serving us. we were a free people. that is what our founders intended. the federal government is here to protect us and stay out of our personal lives. at least, that was the idea. and it worked for a short time. it's always something small. little things they do to add to their own power. politicians used to be public servants. they were citizens who took time away from their jobs or businesses to serve the country. when they were done with their term, they went back to their job or business and were subject to the laws that they passed. they had the same health care and benefits that every other citizen had. now, there are no term limits. so, we have career politicians who exempt themselves from the law. it used to be that individuals were not taxed. our founders believed, as it says in the bible, a man should enjoy the fruits of his labor. in 1913, that changed. they set up a voluntary tax to help with the war effort. but after a while, that voluntary tax became mandatory, and then they just started deducting the tax from our paychecks. if the people have no guns, they cannot protect themselves. you are not citizens, you are subjects. we the people of the United States of America would like to be free. we don't like the federal government telling us what size drink we can buy, what our kids will eat for lunch, or the many myriad things they want to force down our throats. we like being free. it's why so many people from around the world came to America, to be free. things have changed around the world. when America was founded, the norm was for kings to own the land, and peasants were allowed to live on it, but they had to pay tribute to the king. the tax collectors would come and take from your sheep, or wheat, or whatever you had. tax collectors would take a little extra for themselves, not caring if it meant the people would starve. in this country, we didn't have that problem. we do now. we have allowed the tax code to grow so large that it would take Evelyn Wood a month to read the thing. and people have lost their homes because they don't pay tribute - or property tax - to the government. it's sad what we've become. and it's sad that I hear people here saying we should be more like europe. they somehow think you are advanced, when in actuality, we were advanced and are reverting to your ways. we are losing our freedoms and our rights. it's to the point now that many are saying we should do away with the constitution. the constitution doesn't give us rights. it lists God-given, inalienable rights that every person on earth is born with. not something any man of government can take away. but, our government now thinks these are privileges that can be given and taken at whim. including the right to life. NDAA does away with that. we have no rights whatsoever, but we keep plodding along like we do. if we have no guns, the government can do whatever they please and we have no recourse. every dictatorship has first disarmed its citizens. that would include China, Germany... all of them. the people cannot stand up to a government when government and police are the only ones carrying guns. if you want to see what's possible when that happens, go watch Schindler's List.

LB McGill

for the record (again) I do not advocate a ban on guns. Just gun safety.

Bryce Bullis

Laws don't change the way people behave, as a matter-of-fact, if they did ... then we wouldn't need police to enforce the myriad of laws our lawmakers have legislated (just last year alone ... not to mention the years ahead of last year), right?

Max Boyce

Good Guys With Guns Lament by måx keanu Sticks and stones Protecting homes? Swatting, armed gnomes Roam far afield Stalk phantom Black-hatted scum Dastardly caped Scoundrels of Wicked laugh Sly smiles... Those Bastard bad guys Of big guns, so snide Posse of white hats Covered in stealth In steely pursuit Of villain until They bleed red In blood flowing Gunshot holes Ending life Onto the afterlife Year after year BUT! Remember Tots fallen, buried... Remember those Tiny White coffins... Cremation's embers... Hero's shot, desperate Pain of recovery Months of life Stolen forever Deathbed escape Riddled by fate A bedbound hero Of gun-gods brio Deprives a son, daughter Of football friend, full father Of white hat covers A decent man, a life lover Wife of disabled Denied penetration Of love's ardour Receives disability Payments galore Heroic deemed ride Proud parade yearly Wheelchair waving White-hatted family... Hers is a gun-snatched Life in hell's constant hover Her decent man, her life's lover....

Joe Becker

I believe in gun safety too. in the 1950s, most Americans had guns, and they were well trained to use them. that included safety training. it's still encouraged and taught. anyone with a gun and no safety training is an idiot.

Joe Becker

again, you missed the point. there will always be crazies with guns, whether you ban them or not. when a crazy starts shooting unarmed people, as in the batman shooting, they are unhindered and can take many lives. when a crazy starts shooting with armed people around, as in San Antonio, as in the father during his daughter's slumber party, as in the woman who hid with her kids in the crawlspace, and many others, the crazy, or intruder, is stopped before killing a bunch of innocent people. believe me, you are not going to stop crazies from trying to kill. and our government has become a very scary behemoth. they have shown total disregard for the law, the courts, the constitution, the will of the people... our president has said it's ok for our military to be used against US citizens, we have no right to a fair trial, they can abduct us, hold us indefinitely, torture us, kill us, and all with no charges or trial. sharia is becoming the law of the land in parts of the US. a total gun ban would put innocent lives in danger with no defense. why do you insist on disarming the innocent and allowing them to be slaughtered? that is the insane religious belief of the left. they are so caught up in their utopian beliefs that no amount of facts will sway them. I suggest you spend a few bucks and read a book. I've already shown you that a man in a gun free zone can kill as many as he wants. while people with guns are able to protect themselves. I hope you never have to face the situation. but, if you do, for your sake, I hope someone nearby has a gun -

Joe Becker

THERE WILL ALWAYS BE CRAZIES WITH GUNS - ALWAYS that means there is always a danger of someone coming at you with a gun disarming the innocent doesn't protect them, nor does it make any sense whatsoever if you knew someone was going to come at you with a gun, would your first instinct be to get rid of the gun you had? that is the insanity of the left. they have no clue when it comes to reality. you can whine and cry all you want but, it won't stop evil people from killing. where there are gun laws, there is gun violence. where there are guns, gun violence is rare. Kennesaw, Georgia, the most pro-gun community in the US, has the lowest crime rate in the county. they had one murder between 1982 and 2009. there were three murders in 2010, in a gun free zone. guns save lives. those of you who want to disarm the innocent, want them dead. you're on the side of the criminal. and again, we've all said what we can say. I'm going to stop posting, stop responding, going to take my name off this list. but, I suggest you take my words and print them out, put them on your fridge, and then remember when they take our guns, when you see the carnage that occurs, violence unfettered thrust on the people by criminals and government. it will happen, if we give up our guns.

Joe Becker

you take one incident, the batman shooting, which happened in a gun free zone, and work it to death to try to make your case, while ignoring every case where someone used a gun to protect innocent life. if guns had been allowed in the theater, like they were in the theater in San Antonio, there wouldn't be almost 30 people dead. GUNS SAVE LIVES. yet you will push the lie that somehow, disarming innocent people, which resulted in 30 people dead, is the better solution. THAT IS INSANITY or blatant lie. whichever, it's a deadly mistake. people should have the right to defend themselves. we do in most parts of the US. if you get your way, we're dead. thanks for your support

Joe Becker

"the guns as self defence are useless" you are a liar and refuse to tell the truth. the book has actual stories, many instances, where people used guns to save lives. I've mentioned a few recent incidents in this post. look at the San Antonio incident. look at the woman who hid in the crawl space... there are countless TRUE stories of people using guns to protect themselves. 75% of those never have to fire their weapon. there are 65 lives protected by guns for every life lost to a gun - five lives are protected per minute - and, of those 2.5 million protective uses of guns, about 1/2 million are believed to have saved lives. if you are only interested in myths and disarming the innocent, than keep up your stupid rant. if you're interested in facts, here they are -

Joe Becker

with your gun? ok, if you're not lying, you're just plain wrong. there are tons of stories if guns saving lives. if you're interested in the facts, there are plenty of sources. the mainstream media does not like the fact that guns save lives. they support the gun control legislation. it goes against our constitution. if we allow them to change this, they'll change a lot more. there is a push by the left to abolish the constitution. if we lose it, we lose freedom. if America loses freedom, the world loses freedom. America is the protector of freedom. I know we're not perfect, and over time, we've gotten worse and worse. but, giving up our rights to appease the left doesn't make things better. if the world cherishes freedom, they will respect the US and it's constitution. if you don't mind a worldwide dictatorial reign, then let them take our guns

Justin Rubner

My heart also goes out to the victims' families. Not one sensible "gun law", however, would have prevented this crime. CT is one of the strictest states in the union.

Bryce Bullis

What seems to be most interesting about all of this discussion is the fact that everyone who wants stricter gun laws seems to blame the "gun" for the tragedy. Consider this, People driving drunk cause more deaths each year in America, not to mention the myriad of personal injuries - some of them that leave people suffering for the rest of their lives. How do we handle this problem. Do we make cars more difficult to get? Do we attempt to ban cars, or at least some types of cars? No, of course not. The cars aren't the problem, the people who are driving drunk are the problem, so we have laws that, hopefully, will get drunk drivers off the road. Do they? No they don't! We still have people who continue to drink to excess and people who continue to drive their cars even after their licenses have been revoked. Depending on the state you live in depends on the type of sentence you will receive for your first offense, your second offense and so on. Dear friends, it really doesn't matter how many laws you enact, goof-balls have been around since the beginning of mankind and will continue to be around until we cease to exist, or in my opinion ... until Yeshua (the Hebrew way to say salvation and the actual name given to Jesus at his birth) returns. What can we do about the problem? Well, we need to become better educated about mental illness. I would guess that the majority of people who commit such heinous crimes as what is being discussed here suffer from some form of mental illness. We need to stop medicating people with mental illnesses and putting them back on the street (or leaving them on the street). We need to be pro-active in seeing to it that people, especially people with serious mental illnesses issues are confined until they are healed of their illness. They not only are dangerous to society, but also, and just as importantly, to themselves. We need to begin to see substance abuse for what it is, ABUSE! Just a side note: If you look at police records, you will find that the large majority of people who are arrested, for any type crime, are high on something ... whether it is a legal substance or an illegal substance. We need to stop pandering to those who have substance abuse problems and get them into facilities that can help these individuals with their decision to abuse drugs and/or alcohol. Again, these are not "out-patient" facilities, but lock-up type facilities. We need to realize that no matter what we do, we will NEVER stop people who are bend on destroying other people, that is, until the Return of the Messiah of Israel and Savior to the World sets all of the human race free from the bondage to sin. The best we can hope for is to slow the problem. Disagree with me if you like, that is okay. I will respect your opinion even if you don't respect mine. Shalom, shalom

Joe Becker

guns save lives the Newtown tragedy happened in a GUN FREE ZONE criminals don't obey laws that's what makes them criminals disarming the innocent will not stop criminals from shooting them

LB McGill

not according to this recent study Violence plays role in shorter US life expectancy

Joe Becker

you need to stop reading crap lies and start looking at the facts. Australia gave up their guns, crime is rising, and now the citizens are defenseless. the truth is, guns save lives. no other silly reports necessary. violence does play a role in shorter life expectancies, that's a given. but, we're not talking about creating violence. we are talking about dissuading violence. guns save lives. guns deter the violent. it's only in gun free zones and gun restricted zones that we have the enormous rise of violence. people prey on the weak and defenseless. guns save lives.!

Wayne G Sweat The final words "her life is safe, and the kids lives are safe".

John H. Eschenburg

Good on you Mommy. We need more of you around, irrespective of which country you are from. You GO GIRL!

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