Introduce Yourself : Back again after a while by Leya Kokoravec

Leya Kokoravec

Back again after a while

Hi everyone!

Hope you're all doing well these days, it's been a while since I've been active on Stage32, but I wanted to say hi to everyone.

I've been active in film working with my partner and I have also been active with sculpting my sculptures.

In fact a little over a month ago I went to Florence, Italy to receive an achievement award from an art critic for my sculpting and got published in a catalogue where they gathered the best contemporary artists from this generation.

I'm really excited about it and it has inspired me to do even more sculpting.

In fact a couple of years ago I wrote a blog here on Stage32 about how different types of art intertwine and actually benefit each other.

On the film front I've been helping my partner with different projects and working on different things.

We're actually trying to get a feature film funded and made, but in the meantime working on a bunch of smaller projects.

I've met some really cool people and I'm always interested in what people are up to.

So tell me what you're working on and what you're interested in and let's get to know each other a little better! :)

Have a great sunny weekend everyone! :)


Maurice Vaughan

Welcome back, Leya Kokoravec. That's an amazing sculpture! Congratulations on the achievement award and being published in the catalogue!!!

Leya Kokoravec

Hi Maurice Vaughan. Thank you very much.

I'm really excited about it, I'm really happy the that I get to sculpt even more.

By the way that's not my sculpture it's the award, I'm attaching the photo of the my sculpture.

Vital Butinar

Hey Maurice Vaughan, you can actually check out some of Leya's other sculptures on her website. :)

Andrea Zurlo

Hi Leya, I live in Florence, it'd have been nice to know you before and meet you there. Congrats for your award! I agree. I also paint and write novels, theatre and scripts, it's all so inspiring.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Leya Kokoravec. Your sculptures look phenomenal! I've never seen sculptures like them. And incredible job on "Suspended Fear"!

Leya Kokoravec

Hey Andrea Zurlo. That's a shame that we didn't know each other before. But there will be other chances, I actually have a lot of exhibitions in Italy.

I'm hoping that I might get to have an exhibition in Venice this year.

Congratulations on painting and writing! I think it's great when a person does many different creative things, but I have never been for writing or acting.

With film, I try to leave that to Vital, I just shoot, edit and color grade. That's what I love doing. ;)

Leya Kokoravec

Thank you for taking a look Maurice Vaughan !

It's a technique that I developed when I was starting out because I wanted to create sculptures made from bronze, but didn't have access to the knowledge and materials to do so. So I created a way for my sculptures to look like that and at the same time found a unique way of using the materials I had access to.

An art critic said that I had developed a whole new style and use of materials, that had previously not been used in this way. I don't know if that's true but I still like creating in this way because I can let my creativity be more free.

Thank you for Suspended Fear, it was actually more or less Vital's project. I just helped out with the cinematography a little bit. But it came out nicely.

I can't wait until we finish InteGr8, another short we shot a couple of days before we shot Suspended Fear.

Andrea Zurlo

Leya Kokoravec , of course, let's keep in touch. if you happen to come to Italy, send me a PM. I wish you the best for your exhibitions, I hope to be able to visit one of them.

Geoff Hall

Leya Kokoravec Hi Leya, congratulations on your award. Florence is one of my favourite cities. I love that I can walk anywhere in a short time. Thanks too for sharing the blog article. I will check it out. All the best, Geoff

Maurice Vaughan

I think it's great that you developed a whole new style and use of materials, Leya Kokoravec. You're talented. I hope you get an exhibition in Venice, and I'm looking forward to watching "InteGr8" when it comes out!

João Nobre

Hi Leya!

I once read a sentence in an article that Florence is the city of thinking minds. I wanted to visit one day. Your work is beautiful, photography and sculpture, congratulations !!!!

Leya Kokoravec

Of course Andrea Zurlo. We should keep in touch!

Leya Kokoravec

Than you very mucg Geoff Hall and I agree Florence was wonderful.

I hope you enjoy the blog. :)

Leya Kokoravec

Thank you Maurice Vaughan. Yes Vital is working on the editing so hopefully in a couple of days we should have a good cut and then graining and sound. So soon. :)

Leya Kokoravec

João Nobre I think that might be the case for Florence and thank you very much. I love them all sculpting, photography and film. :)

Incidentally we meet a painter from Brazil in Florence, but he lives in Berlin now.

Geoff Hall

Leya Kokoravec I did, thank you and so I left a comment.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Leya Kokoravec. Ok, sounds great!

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