Your Stage : Script Slug Interview with Ashley James Louis by Ashley James Louis

Ashley James Louis

Script Slug Interview with Ashley James Louis

I recently did an interview with Script Slug (who now have a copy of my shooting script for THE LAST VICTIM (2022) up on the site) about being a professional screenwriter and I'm excited to finally be able to share it!

Thanks so much to Justine Owens and Avery Faeth for writing the article.

Ashley James Louis on Writing, Resilience, and Success
Ashley James Louis on Writing, Resilience, and Success
Ashley James Louis, screenwriter of the 2022 neo-Western crime thriller The Last Victim, shares his journey, challenges, and advice for aspiring writers, emphasizing the importance of passion, prepara…
Maurice Vaughan

Congratulations on the interview and "The Last Victim" being out, Ashley James Louis!

"Ashley emphasizes how crucial passion is in pitching projects, advocating for a strategy that shares the entirety of the concept with potential partners." Exactly. I've missed opportunities in the past because my loglines, synopses, and pitches were vague. I avoid being vague now, and I tell writers the same thing. Vagueness is an opportunity killer.

Where do I download the shooting script on Script Slug?

Ashley James Louis

Thanks Maurice, I'm not sure why the link to the script is down on the Script Slug website right now, but it should be accessible via search.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Ashley James Louis. I didn't see a search bar on the Script Slug website. When I searched for the script on Bing and Google, they took me to the same page (

Liliana Angela Angeleri

Many congratulations

Ashley James Louis

Thanks for pointing it out, Maurice, I'll see if I can contact them.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Ashley James Louis. Ok.

Mike Boas

Movie looks great! Looking forward to watching it.

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