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By Wayne Cothron

GENRE: Sci-fi, Action

Boring workaholic magazine writer Wayne Thomas goes  to the Himalayas to bring his father home, but he soon discovers his father was murdered by mysterious government agents, in order to protect an international conspiracy involving  the Yeti


The Legend the myth

The Yeti

Travel Journalist Wayne Thomas goes on a journey to The Himalayas to solve this father's murder, and expose a worldwide conspiracy involving the legendary Yeti.


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Tasha Lewis

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Steve Rouse

Hi Wayne thanks for the White knights on the log Line / have a look at Centains / it's about the Yeti but in a different way / The Pillowcase Man will go on KICK START / Soon stay safe Steve

Wayne Cothron

Thanks for the positive comment Steve.

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Wayne Cothron. I reworked the logline a little: "______ goes to The Himalayas to solve this father's murder and expose a worldwide conspiracy involving the legendary Yeti."

Instead of Wayne Thomas," I would put an adjective and the main character's title (doctor, detective, etc.).

Maurice Vaughan

Also, your logline is in the synopsis section.

Jason Mirch

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Jason Mirch

Great start! While I don't know that it is essential to include the name "Wayne Thomas" I agree that an adjective might help contextualize Wayne's personalist (ie "a rogue archeologist", "a brave but humble Scotsman", "a mild mannered accountant") - which help us get a sense of who he is.

Robert Sacchi

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Nathaniel Baker

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J.D. Elliby

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Frank Baruch

To build off of Maurice's logline:

When his father dies under mysterious circumstances, a (cautious, superstitious, bemused?) travel journalist embarks on a dangerous trek to the Himalayas, but soon uncovers more than he bargained for. The legendary Yeti.

Also, like Maurice said, you need to switch the synopsis with the logline. And vice versa.

Nate Rymer

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Michael David

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Michael David

Strong conflict. Original premise. Hint of mystery. Very good.

Heidi Schussman

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