Screenwriting : What happens when the strong character shows weakness? by Zorrawa Jefferson

Zorrawa Jefferson

What happens when the strong character shows weakness?

Let's say there's a character who's always been strong, confident, and saving everyone but eventually those people finally get to see his weaknesses, flaws, vulnerabilities or they find out he isn't as tough as he was claiming to be. - what typically happens when moments like these happen?

L. Tom Deaver

^^I am wondering something similar. I have a character that is active in terms of activities/plot but is passive emotionally due to his traumas. He is following orders for the first half of the script but morphs/arcs to become stronger, healed to become active. Does that work? Your thoughts? I like Zelene's approach, personally, as it plays with reality. People do have flaws and it is good to see people's perceptions change due to knowledge of their weaknesses.

Dan MaxXx

That usually happens (Hollywood American films) to main character at the end of Act 2, beginning of Act 3/Climax. I think script gurus coined it, "All is Lost/Point of No Return/plot point 2."

Basically you want the movie audience emotionally invested when Main Character hits rock bottom at 2/3 screen time of movie.

Debbie Croysdale

A strong character showing a weakness is often a good thing if executed well. Audience actually need know they are human like they are and not perfect fictional robots. A weakness/fault can work in a script in many ways. EG:- They need to face their weakness thus there is a fascinating and crucible test before they overcome it. Their weakness may be used to drive the plot, things happen cos of it then other stuff happens as a result. Antagonist and protagonist use each others weaknesses as weapons. Protagonists weakness becoming their own downfall can work well in a tragic script. Protagonists weakness was brought on by others/nature/the system such as abuse caused mistrust of humanity or they lost use of legs in avalanche and scared to try to walk again or can’t get social security benefits so become a tramp. A character is hiding a “secret,” I just finished a scene where everyone thinks a man who did time is an arsonist but he took the wrap for his son. Weakness can be redeemed and show an organic visceral strength the character themselves never even knew they had.

Geoff Hall

Zorrawa Jefferson what happens when a strong character shows a weakness? Well, we are not writing stereotypes, so your character better have flaws to make them believable.

L. Tom Deaver

I suggested FALLING DOWN as an example but it's been awhile since I saw that film. Maybe others have examples of the story structure for Zelene?

Craig D Griffiths

People believe him/her to be real. Superman is nothing without Kryptonite.

William C Robinson

It's actually a pretty good idea, I think.. I guess my example would be like the Rock wearing a too too for his daughter, in the movie I think it's called The Game Plan or something like that or something about a tooth fairy. or him allowing his daughters to make up his face. I guess it humanizes the tuff guy character.

Matthew Anthony Williams

I agree with William, it definitely humanizes the character, and the movie was The Game Plan. It was my nieces favorite movie a few years back.

Kiril Maksimoski

If looking to copy get ahold "Carlito's Way", "Heat", even "First Blood", lotta macho turned sweethearts when facing situations outta their regular scope...

B A Mason

Hemingway's Iceberg Theory 101: A deeper Character should not be evident on the surface, but should shine through implicitly. Humans aren't made of quartz; we all crack.

A good recent fictional example: Paul Schrader's The Card Counter has a very strong-willed character cracking to weakness. A good recent real-life example: Alexei Navalny.

Ewan Dunbar

If a strong character has no weakness they won’t be challenged in a way that can bring about personal change.

Dan MaxXx

Rocky usually fails before act 3. we all need an "Adrian" character in our scripts.

Geoff Hall

L. Tom Deaver Tom, Falling Down for me is Michael Douglas’ best film. Love it.

Jed Power

Kiril, "Carlito's Way" is both one of my favorite books and movies. Novel was written by a NY judge!

L. Tom Deaver

Thank you for the Rocky video, Dan. It gave me an idea for a rewrite. It was much appreciated. Geoff, it was a good flick but been so long since I watched FALLING DOWN. I need to rewatch it.

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