The Stage 32 Videos: Comedy Series


SOLD OUT CROWD LAST NIGHT, Divorce Diaries in Jersey, the area I grew up and proud I sold out, endless mornings of writing, days of rehearsing, marketing, cold calls to law firms, local businesses, FB groups, FB, IG-all social posts, it all pays off when you have a night like this.

Pedro, The Madman Series (Episode 1)

Covid from the point of view of a Crazy Filmmaker!

The "Janitor" Directed by Gregory R.R. Crosby

The "Janitor" Directed by Gregory R.R. Crosby Starring- Artur Lago-V. Produced by Gregory R.R. Crosby and Artur Lago-V. Written by Gregory R.R. Crosby and Artur Lago-V. Choreographed by Artur Lago-V. Enjoy this multi genre comedy that will take you on an intense journey through elevator ride with gangsters, lovers, and action figures of Hollywood! 10 minutes you will never forget. This short concept for a bigger feature that I would like to discuss to co-develop with any of those who have resources, skills, and passion to help bring fun and entraining concept to the audience. Enjoy!

A Coupla Pros_Sizzle Reel.mp4

Reel for the soon-to-be-released digital series A Coupla Pros, a delightful romp about women and friendship, dreams and failures, life and golf.


DK the gig. An Original New Comedy Series About A Middle-Aged "Never-Has-Been" Musician Whose Ego Is Much Larger Than The Restaurant Stage He Performs On.

Manhattan Crawl Trailer

An adult comedy series that presents an uncensored peek into the lives of ordinary Manhattanites escaping their day-jobs to forget about life for a while.
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