Screenwriting : Logline webcast??? by G Robert Frazier

G Robert Frazier

Logline webcast???

So when is the webcast on the logline contest and how do we access it??? Is the first one this Friday???

Patrick Taylor

I couldn’t find any info either. Received a zoom link to the logline webinar after emailing support and messaging on IG.

G Robert Frazier

Hello, Stage 32??? Anyone home??? Posted eight hours ago about this and still nothing. Emailed support about it. Nothing. Messaged Kay. Nothing.

Daniel Smith

Good question. I only know that it is today.

CJ Vecchio

Missed it! Looking for a LINK to watch it, they had to of recorded it....????

Beth Fox Heisinger

Typically, a zoom link is sent via email to those who have signed up/registered or submitted for an online event or a webinar. So perhaps double check your email. Also, webinars are usually recorded and that on-demand link is later made available, again, to those who have signed up or submitted, etc, for that particular zoom/webinar, but for whatever reason, be it work, schedule, etc, they were unable to attend it live. Or perhaps, depending on the event, the on-demand recording may be made available on the site for all members. Nonetheless, I just sent a message to Script Services to have them help clarify. :)

Ricki Linksman

I never got the zoom link for the logline contest which I entered. Did it take place yesterday? I entered 4 loglines and if they did run it, I hope I didn't miss it if one of mine got picked! Is there a replay of it if we missed it? If so, where is the link to the replay?

Jason Mirch

Hey everyone! The link is found on Stage 32 and Stage 32 Script Services Instagram and Facebook pages. Make sure you are following us on Social! The Link to the webcasts will not be posted on Stage 32!

We did several posts on Instagram as well as stories. We also emailed those who submitted loglines. The next time the link will be posted is on Tuesday. If you submitted to the contest you will also get a link to register for the webcast.

Beth Fox Heisinger

Ah, okay, got it. :) In addition to email, the link is on S32‘s Facebook and Instagram. Thanks for clarifying, Jason!

Christiane Lange

Jason, the link on FB is only to the live session.

Heather Hood

I missed It too due to health reasons. No internet in the hospital.

Any chance you might run it again?

Ricki Linksman

On the Logline Contest webinar it was mentioned we can submit more in October. Where is the link to do so?

Ricki Linksman

Angela showed a link in the chatbox but when the webinar ended, the link was gone. Can someone post the link again to submit to the logline contest? By the way, the logline webinar with Jason and 3 execs was fantastic if anyone missed it.

Martha Caprarotta

Ricki, here's the link to the web page where you can submit your loglines. It's toward the bottom of the page, the red box that says "Learn More and Enter Here".

Ricki Linksman

Hi Martha, Thanks for the email, but the link only came back to this page and there was no red box that says Learn More. Can you try it again? I rewrote all my loglines after hearing the webinar and would like to submit. So kind of you to reach out.

Ricki Linksman

Aha! It took all night but I found it. Go to Stage 32 Facebook, and click on the "That's a Movie" Contest at the lowest posting towards the bottom, and that takes you to the write up with the "Enter Here" button in the middle of the write-up page. Thanks Martha for hanging in there with me!

Martha Caprarotta

Oh, sorry my link didn't appear in my comment. It's But I'm glad you found another way to it!

Jim Boston

Martha, thanks so very much for putting up the link!

I watched last Friday's webcast (only because I signed up to take last week off from my factory job). Glad for the chance to watch...and as a result, I've just submitted three more loglines (two for scripts I've already written and the third for a screenplay I'm currently working on).

All the VERY BEST to everybody who's entered the "That's a Movie" Contest!

Ricki Linksman

Thanks Martha for reaching out.

Laurie Ashbourne

Bumping this to the sequel -- no link sent

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