Introduce Yourself : “…a connection that changes your life!” by Clint Adams

Clint Adams

“…a connection that changes your life!”

Hey, everyone,

OK, Stage32, (always thought it would happen at Home Depot, but…) I’m up for that. Glad to meet you all here! My mission in life: to prove that historical/period dramas don’t need to be dull and dreary. Hopefully you agree that if—placed correctly—humor can exist in any genre.

Clint Adams

Thanks for the connection, Pamela!

Donn Swaby

Clint, I remember great historical mini series growing up, like North and South, Shaka Zulu. They were anything but dull to me, very dramatic, though yes, not exactly playing up any humor/comedy. Merchant Ivory-produced films like Howard's End were beautifully produced but could easily have people walking away yawning. Now, to take what they all did and add touches of humor in a script would be nice. Are you actually working on something specifically right now?

Clint Adams

Hey there, Aray. Nice to meet you.

Sai Marie (Sarah) Johnson

Hello Clint - it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance! I am excited to see what you have in store to share with us as we journey toward making dreams a reality!

Katheryn Maddox Haddad

Indeed, how could anyone call historical films/books boring? I'm basing my career on it.

Clint Adams

Hi there, Donn, You’re right. So very interesting/entertaining, and I’m glad you mentioned SHAKA ZULU, because it was both period drama + biopic – I also loved it…and all the Merchant Ivory films. Some had humor and some didn’t. Thanks for asking; I’m now producing the screen adaptation of my latest historical novel, EVANGELINE The Seer of Wall St. When writing the book (I had numerous “funny” scenes), my editor said, “Clint, people don’t buy historical fiction to get a laugh.” I’ve been trying to prove her wrong ever since. :-) How about you? I’m going to check out your bio right now…

Rutger Oosterhoff

... Those are the movies I love!

Clint Adams

Thanks so much, Sarah. Same here. Yes, let's make our dream real!!!

Clint Adams

Hi, Katheryn, I spent thousands of hours researching this woman, this project; I'm with you -- not boring at all...or I would have bowed out years ago. Eager to see your historical work.

Clint Adams

Going back in time may be what saves us all, Rutger. Thanks for the connection!

Donn Swaby

Clint, I wish you the best with your book adaptation! I like the title, sounds mystical. I'm in LA so your title also reminds me of our "famous-for-being-famous" Evangeline driving all over town in her pink Corvette. I am on Day 5 of a 30 day crowdfunding campaign to raise funds for a proof-of-concept short based on the feature, to be used as a tool along w/ Pitch Deck and Line Item Budget to secure financing for the feature. Here's the link if you want to see the 2 minute campaign video. Thanks.

Cheryl Boyles

Thousands of hours researching my not the least bit dull/dreary guy too — even wrote the Wikipedia article on him to organize my research (holy cow, a learning curve there!). My historical/biographical work is a drama, not a comedy, but I wove a touch of humor into the story, even from the opening. Love your post! Thanks!

Clint Adams

Hey there, Donn, Just now watched your video; your story is SO timely. Followed + shared on my Twitter feed -- best of luck to you. Please give my best to pink Evangeline. :-)

Clint Adams

Hey there, Cheryl, Thanks for the kind words and connection. Weaving humor is what it's all about. Please keep me posted on your progress -- I think historical drama is the ONLY genre where 1,000s of hours of research is required. What have we gotten ourselves into?!? Best of luck.

Clint Adams

Thanks, Maurice! Enjoy your weekend.

Donn Swaby

Clint, thank so much for following my campaign, bro! So cool of you! If you should ever need outside feedback/coverage on a draft of your script, please let me know and I'd be honored to read it.

Lee Nourse

Hi Clint. Historical drama, when done well, is one of my favourite genres. It's the BEST way to learn history, right? I think there's room for comedy most everywhere. Sounds like a challenge, but you'll no doubt rise to it!

Clint Adams

Hey, Lee, you're in the "New" Hollywood -- must be a lot of opportunities in Vancouver; hope you're doing great there. Yes, absolutely, historical dramas = great education!!! My exemplar: THE KING'S SPEECH -- I LOVE it! A touching story, educational and several funny bits. What could be better?!?

Egypt Reale

Nice to meet you.

Eve Austin

So totally agree. Humor is essential. My parents amazing Holocaust background is something that I've been putting off creating because I want it to have humor and relevance to all of us today. Looking for collaborators. Sounds like we are on similar wavelengths. Currently have several short films in the Festival Circuit- as an actress and producer- none to do with these themes- Triumph over adversity being one of my favorites. This is my IMDB link LMK if you are interested in connecting.

Clint Adams

Nice meeting you, too, Egypt!!! Have a great week!

Clint Adams

I will DEFINITELY check out your link/work, Eve!! You know what? The first thing that popped into my head when you spoke of Holocaust and humor in the same sentence = Joan Rivers. She was the Queen of exposing lightness in tragedy/darkness. Yes, I'm also really big into triumph over adversity; one of the reasons we use humor in the first place. You must be a fellow "survivor." I wrote a thriller novel (and subsequent screen adaptation), THE SEVENTH RITUAL, based on my survival of childhood devil worship, rape(s) and a murder. I don't believe in TMI, if sharing has the capacity to help the next person feel less alone -- I hope you feel the same. :-)

Cheryl Boyles

For sure, Clint -- turns you right into a sleuth, and it's the coolest thing in the world as the puzzle fills out. My guy, Arthur Nash, published a series of 52 magazines called "The Nash Journal," and by some act of God, along with some magic by my local librarian (plus $150), the Library of Congress shipped all 52 issues, bound, to my library with permission for me to take this fragile beast home. I photographed all 700 pages, feeling just like a kid in an a newly discovered pharaoh's tomb. The photograph in my poster came from issue #52, "In Memoriam." Anyway, it is quite the specialty to adapt historical events, so doubly glad to have met you and made this connection!

Clint Adams

Hey there, Cheryl, You mean the photo on the cover of GOLDEN is Arthur Nash? I like it. Eager to see how this all progresses. All the research really does create a bond between you and the “subject: Mr. Nash,” doesn’t it? I feel the same about the woman I wrote about (Evangeline Adams). I truly feel that she was one of America’s first female entrepreneurs; my book + screenplay is a tribute to her. I’m sure you feel the same about Mr. Nash – congrats. on bringing him back to life!!!

Tim Dutton

Agree with everything you said. I try to put humor in everything I write. Welcome to the Stage.

Clint Adams

We're on the same page, Tim, thanks!! Glad to meet you here.

Cheryl Boyles

Yes, the poster photo is of Arthur Nash — didn't know what he looked like when I came across his book, "Golden Rule in Business," in 2011, and it was some time before I was able to dig up any photos. Oh yes, we get to know our subjects so intimately that we are inside their heads, or they in ours! I like to think they are aware of the homage our tributes dedicatedly attempt to pay them, and that their lives and work are being honored in new ways for a new age. What a lovely convo this has been! I will be rooting for you and Evangeline!

Clint Adams

Same here, Cheryl!!! You, go!!! I think we're on the same path...

Eve Austin

Clint; I do feel the same re TMI- If we can help others to understand they are not alone, we are all in it together- what a world it would be.

No such thing as TMI when it comes to history and informing people. History repeats itself. Making the idea of selectively removing Holocaust from HS Curriculums even more frightening. Yes that is happening in our country and others... Not only Holocaust but black history studies as well.

Joan Rivers- yes- as I live in NYC-very familiar with her work and voice. She was a powerhouse-

The Seventh Ritual- will read. (I too have survived some horrific things- apart from my parents experience of the holocaust-some you mentioned) lived in several countries before the US as a child. Took us 10 years to be allowed into US--So many stories =====Now to write it all down- thats a different story!

Clint Adams

Eve, I checked out your IMDb page; you’ve been BUSY!!! I’ve got to see WEIGHT. Again, humor is everywhere – every time I step onto the scale, I laugh hysterically. :-) On a serious note, removing the Holocaust from ANY curriculum is the most epic calamity of our lifetimes. Have you ever visited (any) concentration camps? I’m sure you have – you don’t exit them the same as you entered. Forever changed, am I right? Learning from history is what it’s all about, and oftentimes stories are the tools that heal us. Once in Austria, a friend took me to a vista point on a hilltop in Graz (2006). While standing there, in front of me was a placard with an arrow pointing to a sports arena in the distance. It was called the Arnold Schwarzenegger Sports Arena, but the name had been scratched out. I asked my friend, “Is that THE Arnold Schwarzenegger?” “Yes,” he answered. I continued, “Why is the name scratched out?” His answer shocked me, “Because he’s now the governor of California. California has the death penalty. We no longer consider him Austrian; we cannot be associated with that.” Austria learned from its past (history).

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