Screenwriting : Successful pitch session! by Krista Crawford

Krista Crawford

Successful pitch session!

In August, I did a pitch session with a network's head of programming. I did a written pitch for my horror comedy Oh Deer and was pretty pumped when I got great feedback on my pitch and my script was requested. Fast forward a week or two and I got the email from Stage 32 saying a meeting was requested by the exec! They loved the script, thought it was "funny and smart all wrapped up in a horrifically bloody bow," and would like to meet to discuss a few options. So we have a meeting scheduled for next Tuesday! So needless to say I'm pretty excited!

Mike Romoth

This is why you and all the rest of us do the work. Big congrats! Keep posting as you progress and best of luck on punching through to production.

WL Wright

Cool beans! Good luck and best wishes!

Guy Castonguay

Awesome new - congrats!

Maurice Vaughan

Congrats, Krista Crawford.

Eoin O'Sullivan

Congrats Krista Crawford

Michael Howard


Jim Boston

Krista, I really enjoyed "Oh Deer," and I wish you all the VERY BEST!

Angela Cristantello

Krista, that is so exciting (also, I feel like there are few comments that could be any better than "funny and smart all wrapped up in a horrifically bloody bow"). Congratulations to you and have the best chat!

Krista Crawford

Thanks all! I really appreciate it and all the support I've gotten here!

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