Linda Summer's Reel

DIY Steal the World – Part 3.mp4

Truth heals. And, as 17th Century French playwright Jean Racine famously wrote: There are no secrets that time does not reveal. In part 3: 1974- Prime Ministers Gough Whitlam and Norman Kirk begin a series of moves against the Mafia Trilateralists On the 31st of August 1974, NZ PM Norman Kirk dies unexpectedly, aged 51. (In 1981, his daughter Margaret told Sydney radio station 2UW that in 1974, shortly before his death, her father told her that 'the buggers are trying to kill me'. ) Ray Cline...

DIY Steal the World – Part

The primary reason I decided to create this series of short 'DIY Steal the World' videos, is because the Trilateral players are still at it. Relevant news is more suppressed than ever and the cowards are still conveniently hiding behind the media as they scurry about their global slavery/drug trade. Revisiting history helps us understand the present and take appropriate steps to expose and eliminate this decades old greed and corruption which has infected the world like an insidious disease....

DIY Steal the World - Part 1.mp4

Who knew that Australia was so heavily infiltrated by the 'top shelf' international mafia corporation which is still executing its dirty deeds today? It's huge! This ‘DIY Steal the World’ video series was made possible by an unknown author of ‘How Australia Was Bought and Sold - A 20 Year History’, published by Denise Prichard on Part 1 includes selected text from the author’s most intriguing, yet widely unreported revelations. If you wish to skip the video,...

BLACKMAIL Flu - The Musical

This video is a musical piece because the Society of Faeries has no words for the corruption, blackmail, lies and filth that have infected and suffocated the global political club for too many decades - especially here in Australia. BLACKMAIL Flu – The Musical is also a tribute to all of the truly independent journalists out there and the art of journalism itself.

Jillionaire Secret Keepers .mp4

I cobbled together this intro to my full length Jillionaire Secret Keepers video which explores the fascinating history of this hidden infinite wealth and the secret battles to dominate it. It's all a bit silly, really because the infinite wealth belongs to us all. Did you know about the existence of a United Nation Treasury Certificate that landed a journalist in jail in 2013 for 28 months when he tried to inform the people of Greece and the world that we have infinite money? Jillions, in...

Eyes wide shut - Kubrick's death.MP4

The creator of this video is Jay Myers. It was removed from YouTube and I rescued it from the internet swamp to re-share on appropriate platforms. I am now interested in sourcing a copy of the original Eyes Wide Shut screenplay to find out what was cut from the film, against Stanley Kubrick's wishes. “Eyes Wide Shut was not the movie Kubrick intended audiences to see. The studio cut 24 minutes from the film, and just few days later, the legendary filmmaker was dead. What was in those 24...

The Secret Covenant .mp4

An irreverent video essay of the little known yet deeply concerning Secret Covenant, believed to be the work of the Order of the Illuminati and a 'blueprint for humanity'. This disturbing document was leaked into the public domain in 2002. I chose this rather dark subject matter for the primary purpose of practising my video editing skills. The voiceover audio varies in places because I recorded it on my phone, and had to re-record a few passages. More importantly, The Secret Covenant is accurately presented, leaked word for leaked word.

European Parliament raises awareness of secret vaccine contracts

How informed are you about the vaccine manufacturing contracts signed by your 'corporate government'? Members of the European Parliament are raising awareness of secret vaccine contracts. Watch Romanian member & human rights advocate Cristian Tehres courageously question the multinational pharmaceutical corporations & produce a ridiculously redacted vaccine contract. (Source: @SikhForTruth, 30 October, 2021) Archbishop Vigano in his latest open letter: “With every passing day,...

CanceIIed Priests .mp4

Mel Gibson speaks candidly about persecuted, cancelled priests, a deep sickness that afflicts the church and knowing the difference between a shepherd and a hireling. He asks who is hiring the vast number of hireling bishops who tolerate nonsense, who is hiring Francis & whether a counterfeit, parallel church was created to eclipse the reaI church. CathoIic Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has been in secret seclusion for the last 4 years over a combination of his speaking out against...

Shot of Courage - Criminal Wars .mp4

A spirited speech by US Iraq war veteran Mike Prysner in 2010, reminiscent of President John F Kennedy's inspiring vision for humanity. Dedicated to veterans & their families everywhere.

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