Introduce Yourself : Hello from a Poster Designer by Chris Davidson

Chris Davidson

Hello from a Poster Designer

Hello everyone! I'm a movie poster designer. I've been doing it for 20 years. I started out working on projects from the major studios and cable networks, but lately independent productions have been my jam. You can see my indie work at and the studio stuff at

I still work on projects of all sizes at all stages of development, so if you or anyone you know needs killer key art, look book, packaging, social media banners, etc., please hit me up.

Excited to be part of the Stage 23 community!

Brian Alan DeLaney

Welcome to the site! Great work.

Allen Lynch

Welcome Chris! Amazing stuff!

James Drago


Jake Richardson

very nice. definitely like to discuss a campaign with you

Aleksandar Zavisin

Nice work. Looks really good.

Chris Davidson

Thanks everyone for the warm welcome! Jake and Vitaly, I'll get in touch with each of you via email.

Rogue Thomas

Beautiful work

John Ellis

Really awesome work! I'm certain you're out of my price range, but welcome!

Chris Davidson

Hi John, I'm not sure what you're price range is, but we do our best to be affordable!

Philip Sedgwick

Great work! Have some projects upcoming!

Cobi Noblin

These are super cool.

Olanrewaju Giwa

Great are you into graphics

Angie Baggett

Great artwork!

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