Hello everyone! I'm Jonathan, and I just started my career. Last year my debut short film "Finite" was selected to the Cannes Festival, and this year I worked as assistant director in an international production called "Crosses and Stars". Now, I'm looking for screenplays or writing partners to start my own productions, with original ideas that just NEED to be produced asap! Anyone interested in start a network?
Hi Jonathan: What kind of scripts are you looking to produce?
Hi Margaret! Any kind, any genre. Could be a short or a feature film, it just needs to be a good idea! I have more experience directing dramas, but I'd love new challenges.
Hi Jonathan: I have a short about a young woman and her fear of Friday the Thirteenth. If you would like to read it let me know where I can send it.
I'll be happy to read it! I'll send you a message with my contact.
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Way to go Jonathan! I have some tweeking to do on one of my screenplays then I am going to be working on a dialogue rich/character driven short that will be very low budget. Ill keep you in mind and congrats on the boost to your career! I hope I get to follow in your footsteps in a way. And I wish you the best for a successful long and fun filled career!
Hi Rachel! Thanks for your contact. Low budget stories are always welcome! Hope we can share some ideas, send me a message if you want to talk about it! Hey Manda! Actually, I'm looking for content right now to start my own productions. If you have any script you want to share, I'll be happy to read it and discuss the possibilities!
Read it. You will Like it! https://www.stage32.com/sites/stage32.com/files/assets/screenplay/23527/...
Hey Jonathan, I have 2 completed screenplays you might be interested in reading. One of them: "HEART OF A CHAMPION" was a Quarterfinalist in the Scriptapalooza competition. You can read both loglines on my profile page or you can contact me via email: spencer5@ptd.net or by Facebook. Looking forward to collaborating with you. Have a great day.
https://www.stage32.com/profile/176332/Screenplay/Subsistence you might like this
Hey Jonathan! I'm a young director of photography/cinematographer, but I'm also an avid writer. I'd love to collaborate with you on projects and help you start a network of some sort. I'm currently working on a script for a short film I'd be really interested in talking with you more about! Here's a link to my reel if you're interested in checking out some of my work: vimeo.com/71227034 To future collaborations! Cheers, Walker
Hello Jonathan, I have three shorts right now. Currently I have a short film coming out next month, produced by Prodigy Six, and directed by Pratt Hanna. Message me if you would like me to email any of my short to you.
What r u looking for right now?
Judging by your movie choices i think we would get along just fine....
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count me in if you don't mind a 66 year old gal to join. My daughter and I have lots of great ideas and can write too. Let me know.
Hi Jonathan, I would love to collaborate with you on scripts as well as direction. I am currently in Dhaka but will be in California this December. I was hoping to check out your film 'Finite' and if possible, scripts or samples of your written work and then take it from there. I also have a couple of unproduced scripts of mine that I can share. Let me know. Here's the link to the teaser for my new film - Madness Theory: http://youtu.be/nT_yLkcyp8g Cheers. Mizan
You may check one of my stories, dear Jonathan https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/75406042/serdiuk_shaman%5B1%5D.pdf My idea to make good festival short movie without words spoken. There will be woman character added as I plan. Such bold ideas could be realized by young film makers only. Hope to cooperate with you! Volodymyr Serdiuk, Ukraine, Kyiv
I honestly can't remember if I've posted here so if this is a duplicate I'm sorry. Check out the loglines and screenplays page of my profile. Lots of possibilities and several of the shorts are no/micro budget.
HI Jonathan.. I'd love to find out more of what you are looking for..
Hi Jonathan... Currently, one of my screenplays is being vetted by a major producer. I am working on some others. You mentioned dramas, could you share more about what you are looking for?
Jonathan.. beyond sharing identical first names, your Desert Island selections are interesting which tells me we may share ideologies. I'm curious where you're located and might be interested in discussing the project in development, "Changing Keys"..
Hi Jonathan, do you have a producer in mind or access to financing for your films? What kind of budgets do you envision for your features? Thank you!
Caitlin, we are a new company and therefore, have not yet gotten to this point..I notice you're student, so my curiosity has peaked
I'm actually a teacher, not a student. 8-) My website is www.caitlinmccarthy.com.
You can take a look at my scripts and see if any of them is of interest to you if so let me know.
WOW! I didn't expect that much of comments here! Thank you ALL for the amazing reception. Let me answer some questions that may help you to understand me... I'm really beggining my carreer right now. I'm starting to produce the feature film of my debut short "Finite", had finished to write the screenplay last week, but it will take some time to start shooting it. That's why I'm really hungry for other ideas and experiences. Don't have any preference in therms of genre - everything is welcome! But it will be cool if it's a low budget story. As I said, I'm brazilian, and here in Brazil we don't have an actul "movie industry". It's really hard to get support, money or any type of help. I'm always paying everything on my own, or sharing the costs with my crew. So, being really honest, I know nobody likes to "work for free", neither do I, but I'm looking for a real partner who wants do see things happening and agree to let me shoot your screenplay. That's why I also said that I'm looking for a writing partner - so we can develop and idea TOGETHER and make it happen! It's kinda hard to assume and share this things, but that's how it is. I'm open to conversation, with anyone who wants to support my madness
Thanks for the add
Hi, Jonathan. What kind of material are you looking for? Also, what length as well? I've written several sci-fi/fantasy/horror novels and now adapt them to screenplays. Would love a challenge like this if it was a topic I can feel a pasison for.
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If you need a composer working with the orchestra or solo live instruments - tell me. ;-)
Lets talk screenplay. Get with me here or at NtegrityProductions@gmail.com
Hi, Jonathan. I usually write sci-fi/fantasy/horror but, if I feel a passion for it, I will write other genres. What kind of topics do you have in mind? Maybe I can give it a good story.
Thanks for the messages, guys! I'd love to read some of your scripts! You all can send me a message here, or an e-mail to jonathan.mendonca@live.com, so we can talk about it. Michael, I'd love to try some fantasy or horror stories, but right now I'm looking for low/no budget possibilities. But if we could do some adaptations in your stories, or write a story that fits it... Send me a message and we can arrange this!
Hi Jonathan, My friend Jason Mildwurm, of Mildwurm Productions had his film screened at Cannes 2013. Jason and I are Co-Executive producing, a CrowdFunding campaign on Indiegogo for The Women of Central Himalaya - UTTARAKHAND, India. All Mubai-based crew. We will have a US release too! Respectfully, Nicholas Chase - producer / director / writer etc....
Hi Jonathan. I have a few shorts that may interest you, some with Latin leads.
Do you film in English, Portuguese or both?
Hi Jonathan, I'm a novice in the industry looking to start submitting my script into a producer. I would love to share a couple of my scripts if you are still interested. Please feel free to PM me in here or my email at fredausindo@yahoo.com. I would love to start submitting something instead of just being part of film crews :)
Hello Jonathan, the better the story the better the movie? Not always right, but it helps to start your career with a well made screenplay. But think of the costs! If you like to know about my work about an writer, you can have a lokk at Drei Masken Verlag. In the catalogue you will find the alphabetical order, click to L, there you will find my name! just translate by google tranlater from german to english, the you will know something that could maybe interest you. Wish you al the best, V.L.
Hi Jonathan. This writer (produced on stage, not yet on screen with 4 full-length completed projects) is happy to begin a professional dialogue with you. Please visit me @ http://swiskaycommunications.com to learn more of me, my writing and explore whether we share a narrative approach. For future reference, my personal email: michael.swiskay@gmail.com. Looking forward to further communication. Kind Regards, Michael Swiskay
We Will Collect Depends On Your Open Souls, Hearts and Possibilities. Take a moment to check it out on Indiegogo page and also share it with your friends. All the tools are there. Get perks, make a contribution, or simply follow updates. http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/the-women-of-central-himalaya-uttarakh... https://www.facebook.com/WomenOfCentralHimalayaUTTARAKHANDMovie Kind Request. RESPECTFULLY Thanks half a Million Rahul Himanti Pandey
Give me your e-mail- I'll give you the goods.
Got several scripts written based on my books...would you like to take a look at them Jonathan? Please PM me if interested,
Sure Jonathan. Maybe I can help you with ideas for your productions. You can add me to your link.
Need music?
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I am an up-and-coming filmmaker who looks forward to collaborating with like-minded individuals. My residence is located in Utah, home of scenery for movie making between the deserts, mountains, snow, and lake point views which is probably the reason Sundance is located here.The movie I'm currently writing is a thriller. There is no such thing as knowing it all in this industry and one needs to be a scientist of sorts to stay ahead of the game. If you are interested in collaborative discussions with me, seeing how we can assist each other, feel free to contact me anytime. Adventure is something I thrive on.
Jonathan - You might want to check out my 7-page short, The Flame. You can find it on the screenplays section of my Stage32 page - https://www.stage32.com/profile/47534/bob-johnson. Under the reels section, there are links to two short films based on this screenplay. I have some completed feature-length scripts. but none with very limited budgets. Is there any particular genre in which you are most interested?
Hello, Jonathan! Where are you located? You may find something that tickles your fancy on my page. I've written six feature length screenplays and had three of my shorties made by others into films. I have several more features I'm working on at the present. You may want to check out my LinkedIn page, too, under "Ralph D. Shorter."
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More than happy to help/mentor/co-write/whatever (according to how busy I am at the time). Currently finishing two 15 minute shorts and have plans for a low budget feature. I have as lifetime in writing and making movies and television
I am your Partner. I have screenplay and cash. email private.advice@yahoo.com
Hey Jonathan, I have a few short and full script. What did you have in mind?
Juan.. we're not searching for scripts but instead looking for writers willing to leave their comfort zone to collaborate on a concept that's innovative as well as one that will translate across multiple platforms.
I'd love to hear more about why I should leave my comfort zone, where discomfort can cause great art. Am I comfortable now?
Michael and Manda (hmm.. sounds like a TV show).. What's referenced by leaving one's comfort zone is related to stepping away from what's familiar, ie creating stories and genre for a SERIES that are unlike what you've done before, along with knowing there's no box to confine one's thinking or creativity. This is about throwing around ideas that meet an objective set and through creativity finding the 'ah hah' moment and moving ahead with it
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What would you like to see from me? Being out of one's comfort zone spurs great art! Kind Regards, Michael http: //swiskaycommunications.com
Good sense of humor Joel :) Michael as I stated I'm not looking for scripts but instead those wanting to collaborate which means throwing out ideas once the objectives are understood. Remember the goal is a TV/web SERIES rather than play or film that must translate across multiple platforms.
Understood. I love to play with genre and tone.
No tutu??? Out of the question.. We ALL wear them especially when we're creating.. Haven't you seen "Birdcage"? LOL Michael this isn't about genre it's about understanding short attention spans on the web and cross platform storytelling as well as breaking from the classic 3 act format :)
I get it. Short with a punch.
No pun....ch intended. Your work speaks for itself. After months of working with screen and play writers, I've found it takes a unique type to be able to break from the familiar.. that's all I'm saying. I'm wide open here and know that the best soup requires lots of creative ingredients.
Here's what you do Jonathan. . refuse to listen to all those voices out there who are fed on the bullshit of marketing; they're trying to distill what people might want based on what people are seeing now. Find your own voice and make sure it is authentic (and I'm not talking about the buzz word 'authentic' but authentic authenticity). Be absolutely bloody true to yourself and you will be worth hearing. But that doesn't mean anyone will listen. For anyone who decides to write a book or paint a canvas or speak poetry or make a film, there are several people who might hear you and who might just tell others what they're hearing and seeing. Then again, they might not! The simple fact is that an artist, a true artist will confront his/her own pain and delight and will work through the lies he tells himself and that others tell him. He might touch truth and beauty without sentimentality or even sophistication. Its a risky business you've chosen and there are no guarantees that you can wriggle up through the pile of bodies to breath air. Don't be afraid to be vulnerable and never let a marketing expert get in the way. We need people who can sell our work to the world. But first we must do the work and not be guided by what everyone else tells us. There are no guarantees, just the joy of making something that is yours and that might connect with others who need and understand. Be your own guru.
Thanks David.. It's about holding true to the vision AND knowing success isn't about fame or money, it's about bringing value through storytelling that touches people of all ages and backgrounds. My journey continues as we forge into uncharted waters. I very much appreciate your inspired words :)
Needless to say, great innovation requires radical thinking that spits in the face of convention. Let me join you in expectoration and land some punchy ideas.
Michael...Glad to see you 'get it' There's always plenty of room for those who seek to challenge status quo. After all there's no such thing as bad press!
Yes I would be happy to pitch you some good stories with excellent characters. If you have interest contact me.
Denis.. please follow the discussion here.. we're not looking to be pitched. In fact the innovative approach to storytelling requires out of the box thinking.. This is NOT the conventional way of going about developing a project
That's great Crystal.. and it appears you're also very busy not to mention the largest Stage 32 network I've ever seen! Good work.
Jonathan, as a film student my classes require me to write a complete new short every two weeks. I have several really good ones, receiving spectacular grades from my instructors, I would like to contact you about, if you have the time. I would LOVE to start a network as most of my fellow cohorts live in Florida. I also am president of a school club and have a site on Facebook called The Film Scene. Check it out and drop me a line. Looking forward to networking with energetic and creative people. MJ
MJ.. as I mentioned with another member, we're not looking for projects to produce, but instead those risk takers, trouble makers and people that seek to step from their comfort zone to collaborate on an exciting project we're developing.. We're in the Bay area by the way, in case you were wondering.
And I want to be the composer! - Hans Zimmer himself said that you should bring in the composer in an early stage of your film - here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HzN1FeVflJo And this is my site: www.johanneskern.com Currently in LA. ;-)
Oh, my mistake. With your title being, "Young Filmmaker Looking for SCREENPLAYS or Writing Partners" I misunderstood and thought you were searching for screenplays and writing partners. Good luck with your search for investors.
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...meow !