The Stage 32 Videos: Pitch


My author pitch video for the Frederick Douglass dramatic feature series. My screenplay had to leave many fascinating elements out from Douglass' fascinating life. The series format allows all of those to be put back into this warts-and-all biography. SeriesFest 2023 Video pitch for DOUGLASS: The North Star by Kerry Gleason Contact: (303) 565-6083

Scooby's Gone

Scooby's Gone Faith Base Screenplay. I've written this screenplay would love to get it produce.

'The Forward Observer' pitch

An injured soldier returns from the Afghan War and finds that his family, the house he grew up in and his life pre-deployment don't exist... and never have. JUST IN: Santa Barbara International Screenplay Contest-Honorable Mention

The Forward Observer (Pitch)

He fought and died in a war that took place more than 50 years ago. So why is he running for his life today? A picture that must be made because its' so terrifying good. JUST IN: Santa Barbara International Screenplay Contest-Honorable Mention


This video was made by me, Nikolas Soren Goodich, and my friend, fellow screenwriter Elizabeth Ziemska, for Ron Howard's 2021 Impact Skydance Elevated, Grounded Sci-Fi Series screenplay search.

FollowLeadLOVE an excerpt to my presentation

I am a first generation Immigrant from the Philippines and as a person of color, in so many ways I see myself being represented by this project. Now more tha...


Here is an excerpt of my presentation to the documentary film I am currently producing FollowLeadLove . This was from the recently held First Ever Fractured ...

IOTD Video Pitch.mp4

My second take for my "Icon of the Defender" video pitch - it's shorter than the first take by 2 minutes and is much snappier and more animated, following advice from those who know me (including my family).

#29, A GameChanger? ...P R O J E C T C D

I think so... and a game changer when it comes to creating suspense. In this video, I mention a few things about one of my scripts, a little horror spec that I've been cooking up.... a showcase script for myself and one that I believe could be my most commercial idea.. a potential word of mouth piece?.. like a Blair Witch Project or like a Paranormal Activity? Due to how scary and how captivating it is/ reads? Can't leave out original too. Although Projectcd is very different from say a Blair Witch or a Paranormal Activity because it features a new villain- like a Jason, like a Freddy, like a Micheal Myers, like a Terminator, like a Predator! So it's something that can serve as a SLASHER- although amplified. In other words... the script wasn't written as just another b movie or something that follows trends. It calls for performances. It calls for that grittiness. It calls for that realism. That scope. That aesthetic... and potentially even a visionary director. Someone in the game right now in their prime that could pull this off - and elevate it beyond the pages... and deliver to horror fans, moviegoers- PEOPLE... something that we have never seen before... Title Reveal coming soon... right here on Stage32 & on my Instagram. Learn More @ >

#11, Not Skimping on Character... P R O J E C T C D

Learn more @> - ( Will be updating my bio soon! )

Augmented Reality movie pitch

This is a video presentation in which I pitch my idea for a feature-length horror, Sci-Fi, Action Adventure film. Please watch it and feel free to leave feedback in the comments. You may need to pause the video to read some of its content. If you are interested in learning more about this project please contact me directly. Thank you
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