Acting : Nudity & Sex scenes by Jac Davyn

Jac Davyn

Nudity & Sex scenes

This is something common I guess but I am afraid of doing sex scenes and I feel uncomfortable with showing my body naked. Moreover, I would not know how to tell my parents that I did a film with sex scenes. You know, I will always be there baby and pure and innocent... So how do you overcome this fear and deal with your parents? How can you just be the character and explain after that it was not "you" but the character? I hope I am clear enough. I guess my dad would have no problem seeing me kill some in cold blood but make love to someone else, in front of an audience...

Elijah Rosevic Temple

Agreed, only do as much as you are comfortable. You're weighing the worth of Fame as a nude actor and or the respect of you family. I would take Family over any amount of money or fame

Leon Reaper

need a practice partner? lol joke ;)

Jac Davyn

@Trevor. As I am not yet in position to negotiate (not famous nor rich), I am just afraid to be rejected by a director if I refuse to make a nudity scene because I feel uncomfortable with it. @Elijah. You are right. Family and dignity first. Sometimes though, some choices are hard to make. When I was a model, I had to change clothes really fast in a room full of other girls, makeup artists, hairdressers, stylists... I never get used to it. But I loved being a model and I want to be a professional actress so I guess it is just a matter of luck. Having the right director who understands and accepts your feelings... @Jean-Luc. You made me laugh!! @Leon. Casanova! So you would not have any problems with such issues like nudity and sex scenes?

Leon Reaper

with you nah, i will make sure my clothes are attached with velcro pmsl. rip the whole lot off! :P hahaha

Devorah Lynne Dishington

Firstly, welcome to my creative circle! In answering your question, I missed two lead roles last year, because I stood behind my beliefs and would not do nudity. Does it suck, because both roles were AWESOME, where I could see the fun of growing the character, seeing their changes as the story developed . . . YES; however, I could not go against my deeply rooted thoughts of right and wrong, just for a role. Once you DO nudity, it is out there for ALL to see ( it has nothing to do so much with body image, as it does your privacy and may alter your self - perception. ) There WILL be other roles!! I even discussed it with my Godmother and other Actresses, and they ALL agreed that I made the right choice. See, even I kind of doubted myself, because of the character and story, but, all in all, I KNEW that if I let my ethics slide just for the role, it would not be worth it for me in the long run! When I move to the next level, I want it to be on MY terms with a fully clear conscience! I have told many a Director, even the ones associated with these productions, that I was okay with implied nudity, or even a body stocking, but not skin showing nudity. Honestly, I do NOT believe it is needed!!! There are ALWAYS ways to work around FULL SHOWN; I do NOT care what they say: it IS always for the basic reason, never the ARTISTC, as they say. I truly believe that things like 'Gone With The Wind', where Rhett grabs Scarlett and carries her upstairs to the next scene of her brushing her hair humming, is FAR better, myself!! I think movies show too much, which I think can detract from the story, used more in a sexual way, which they will ALWAYS say it does not, and to shock ( it needs the gratuitous T & A shot, they stink, to draw in the crowds )! I am sorry for such a LONG response, but from one Actress to another, who has experienced the same thing, I thought it might help you in navigating this tricky landscape and give you resilience to NOT second guess the foundations upon which your beliefs stand! Wishing you countless creative channels and success this year and beyond! .>^.,.^<

Daniel Romano

I say if you got it flaunt it lolol;) but it in the end its up to you. Also think of it as their loss. It is not worth you doing something you do not want to, and that would also hurt the performance of what you are doing. Unless it is like porn or something, but that is different all together. Either way be you. Don't do something you don't wanna do.

Leon Reaper

@Daniel Exactly!, mind you, a beautiful french woman! bloody hell my eyeballs with pop out of their sockets lol

Leon Reaper

(jackie is french) :P

Daniel Romano

No really?!;) :P lolo yes I know. A beautiful, lovely, sweet, sexy I could go on french women she is:)

Jac Davyn

Ahaha you guys are sweet. Thanks for your support. And stop making me blush, I am trying to concentrate on my screenplay :P @Devorah. Thank you so much for what you said! I feel much better and confident. It is great that you shared your experience. I am sure a lot are in the same situation so it is always a good thing that we help each other.

Leon Reaper

Je suis dans l'amour maintenant :P

Daniel Romano

I love you too Leon ;):p lolol its all good tho:)

Leon Reaper

lmao sorry but jackie MY woman! :P haha

Leon Reaper


Leon Reaper

love you too daniel ;)

Leon Reaper

forget jackie, lets go off into the sunset together daniel pmsl haha

Daniel Romano

LOLOL flattered, but I dont swing that way. You are cool tho lets be bros cool with that?

Leon Reaper

i dont either man lmao.

Leon Reaper

i dont mean anything by what i say.....unless its to do with jackie beauty then im going full-on! :P

Leon Reaper


Carola Caris

At the end of the day, you are the one who is going to live with your decisions. I for example don't do any nude photos. It just isn't the way I want to go. However I would do nude in a movie for the sake of the art. I don't see anything sexual with it of ocurse, it is me creating art, nothing else. Now, I wouldn't be part of a movie, where there were sex scenes all the time, but if it enhance a movie, and it is just one part of it, of course I would. However, we are different, and you are dealing with 2 issues... your parents first... well, I think right there it is a no-go, becuase I wouldn't suggest lying to them, however it is also your life, you are an adult, and being from Europe myself, nudity is no big deal over there, so for me it is all good, but if you rruly are their baby-girl, you might want to recponsider. The second issue is you are uncomfortable showing your self nude. Well, I guess it is practice thing. Again, I don't see it as sexual to be nude, but we are all different and you need to be able to go to bed at night and sleep well... Good luck!!

Julian Nabunya

@Jack, its is only those who take acting as a job that will ever know how to handle that , if you job was a judge , would you first ask your father on how to make decisions or would you consinder you father's perception on your decisions in law suits ?

Julian Nabunya

@ Jack people don't act nude scenes because they need to show their body [s] , but because they are telling a story of that violeted woman , whose body was mis used by some one in this world , unless if some one wants you to show your nice body , but again you have a choice on that too , you can charge the price of watching your body or refuse to show off .

Bridget O'Neill

Start with where you are right now, and how you feel about nudity and your comfort level and define it, very specifically. For example you could state: I am comfortable with implied nudity and sexual circumstances, but I will only show naked back and side boob to camera etc. As far as your comfort level with your other actor, all boundaries should be clearly defined: Kissing is fine, open mouth is fine, grouping breasts is off limits, but butt is okay... stuff like that. Start with defining your boundaries and get comfortable there. I personally don't do nudity, but I completely understand your predicament. Good luck!

Bob Galinsky

I can understand your concern regarding nude / sex scenes, I myself was very embarrassed when I performed my first sex act, luckily I was the only person in the room and my parents never found out. But, to be serious, I only had a small part, so there is very little chance of me ever making a big entrance...

Emmalene Evans

Hey Jack, I think your mum and dad might not be comfortable watching you in a scene like that, but they may be a little more liberal minded than you think when it comes to sex. After all, they created you ;) I think it's always going to be a bit uncomfortable to talk about this to your parents, but you can either just fleece over it and not really tell them too much detail, or make a huge joke of it!

Kevin Mangar

It all depends how you feel about your body.Are you in good shape and proud of it?Some of my female acting friends always keep up in shape regularly...and go on a no carbs/sugar diet strictly one or two weeks before filming..It makes their body contours sharper.From what they tell me,they get a real buzz out of it,being a methodical actor playing the part and convincing themselves it's not them.But also as we age every day,i think it would be a nice remembrance on film 30-40 years in future looking at what once was!...and being proud of it!

Thomas Lee Howell

If a script has a lot of sex and bad language in it, that means the writer has nothing to say; so he or she went for shock value alone. Don't cheapen your talents by nudity or use the F word a hundred times for no reason when the story doesn't need it to move foward.

JR Olivero

I completely agree with Mr. Howell. Every writer thinks they're clever, insightful and humorous. Most try to be cutting edge and one up the guy who came before (so to speak). Nudity and foul language are common. Nothing new or innovative there. Strive for more.

Vasco Phillip de Sousa

Don't do sex scenes. Plain and simple, you don't have to anything you don't want to. That's what freedom is about, the right to choose what work you do and don't do. There are plenty of great scripts out there that don't have them.

Thomas Lee Howell

Kerry Brent Hower? I produced Bully Girls for 2800 dollars. It was recently signed to the first cable company that viewed it. Hower is mad because I repaired his barely readable script alien strain for free and took out all the BS and repetitive sentences, all the redundant dialogue and tons of F bombs. This was because my teen actors from Bully Girls were to be extras in his (film) I didn't want these decent kids to go into a profane mishmash of foul terms and terrible cliches without someone editing the material in the chance it may be taken to heart. AND by the way my second feature film with Jimmy Drain is called Extreme Tag. This martial arts epic has two more 3 day weekends to shoot and its done. ALSO we are shooting stills for my feature The Invisible Man. track record? Hilarious. Think TEXTBOOKS Hower. See you in the movies.

Jac Davyn

You do not need to explain yourself Mr. Howell ;) and I appreciated your comment about the cheap script sex-enriched. @John. I cannot remember where you did that but I like the awkwardness in "Miss Jack" :P And now, back to the writing. God knows I am not a screenwriter -__- (I love how this subject gathers so many of you!)

Lucifer Divinitas

Doing nude scenes really isn't all that sexy. These days you wear a flesh tone bikini bottom and then put the genitalia in digitally. I personally would do nude if I felt the part would suffer if I didn't. Hell if Divine can eat dog shit for John Waters. I can show my mini me for the right part.

Leon Reaper

I still think we should all get naked and run through corn fields

Kaye Jimenez

Respect your instinct. If you're uncomfortable or think the nudity and sex scenes are gratuitous, don't do it. As an artist, your instinct is one of your best assets. Don't underestimate or ignore it. After all, nudity and sex scenes, especially nowadays, are not only overrated, they are a dime a dozen. Don't be another one of those actors who does nudity and sex scenes early on in their career because they did not value their own body nor respect their own instinct as an actor.

Leon Reaper

haha :P

Alchemical Junkies

There's something wrong when we have problems to be filmed naked but it doesn't matter if our character has to kill 200 persons in a film.

Julian Nabunya

@ Leon , no way , we are not doing nude scene or sex scenes for purposes of attracting attention in the audience , but instead we are telling a story of that innocent person whose body is violated down here in our community , unless if the script does not have relevence relatated to sex or nudity , then i wouldn't recommand it , but if its relevant to the story , then i would rather take a few second of sex on screen and then develop my charcter on what happens after its done to that innocent/naive person am making on screen . like for example what happened in movie called" killing me softly " , most people take it to be rotten tomatoes , but i see it differently , for me , The Alice character is this naive woman that needs to be refocused and indeed the writer made it up right , when things over turn up to her , indeed she got enough of what she wanted and started thinking like a real person , remebered where she came from , who she was before , though it was too late , but at the end of the day , she help Adam realize his long time love problem , who would think that it was the sisters devish mind in Adam's love life ? . and if we could only be on the first 50 minutes of movie, how many people land their lives in hands of strangers like how Alice did to Adam simply because they need to have this hunk in their bed ? decisions like that can lead advance effects on third part like kids ,friends or even family , so tell me if your not that director that caution people's life decision ?

Bryce Bullis

My wife and I just watched a 3 hour 48 minute John Wayne Film. It wasn't very good, but it did keep our attention, (although we did take a dinner break part way through) simply because we wanted to find out "Who Dun-It". There was no sex, plenty of John Wayne style violence and not one 'naughty' word. I really don't think you need to have sex or violence in a film to sell it. I think what has happened, is that the Movie Makers decided we needed sex and graphic violence in our films to sell them. Then they sold us on the need for sex and violence to make our experience complete. I believe Martyn was the one who linked us to a wonderful film, on another post from yesterday, about a mime. Indeed, there was implied sex, but there was no sex. Indeed, there was implied violence, but there was no violence. It was a wonderful film to watch and one I am sure you would proudly show your parents - even though they both might blush at the implied sex scene - which only lasted a few seconds. If they questioned you about it, you could certainly give them the "eye" as to say, "shame on you for thinking such things."

Lucifer Divinitas

I have to disagree Bryce. If sex and violence didn't sell. Then Hollywood wouldn't make movies with them in it. Hollywood is about the money. Not about the art. Saying that no matter how much sex and violence you have in your movie. It won't trump a good story.

Michael Lockett

The key fact in explaining it (at least in my opinion) is making it clear that one, its a job. two your job is to portray a character (not be yourself), and three sex is a natural part of life (its how we all got here) it happens all the time and it comes into play in most films or shows because its an interesting and tension filled dynamic. Hopefully you won't have to go down to number three. One and two are the most important things. People are not defined by their job no matter how much we try to put each other in that box.

James Holzrichter

This is a very tough subject. I am not sure I would even know how to break the news to my parents. That being said if anyone offers to give free private lessons on sex scenes in a hotel room DON"T DO IT. :) Sorry I just couldn't resist.

Thomas Lee Howell

Start with a great story. Sex is a natural part of life. However if a sex scene does nothing to develop your characters or the film, delete it. Think- the more people you put in seats the more bottom line money you may earn Restricting your writing talents to only those of age who can see sex or violence will stifle your growth as a writer and film maker. Diversity may be the key in gaining a foothold in this competitive business. Indies are in my opinion the wave of the 'here and now' as well as the future. If audiences are going to have a choice of new, fresher ideas and material or rehashed remakes of the SOS out of Hollywood, judge for yourself. Meanwhile we'll be making movies in Colorado. Rock on. It does not take a ton of money to produce an indie film. Gather like minded people with similar goal , a screenwriter who can tell a story and the equipment to shoot your piece. It is that simple. Don't complicate things. Good luck.

Jac Davyn

Ahaha sure James ;) What I just want to clarify is that I am not shy about my body, I love my body and I do not feel like working out a lot more or just eating salad every day would make me feel more comfortable about nudity or sex scenes. It is very a state of mind. Secondly, acting is a job, true. But when I act, I am myself. I offer the audience everything that I am. I do not erase my personality nor my experience or beliefs for the character to exist. He becomes part of me and together we are one. So it may seem easy to say that it is not me but it is wrong. If an actor was not himself while playing, every actor would be the same. I hope you understand my point of view. I mean, I cannot erase myself and stop thinking because I am supposed to be someone else, for I am not someone else. Every character is me, somewhere inside. And sure, some of them are more comfortable with nudity than others but I still think that a paint with only red on it is not art.

Bill Mackie

There is a good reason most Hollywood stars use body doubles ;) Follow your gut and carefully read scripts before taking a gig.

Kevin Mangar

Hi bill mackie.I always wondered about that..."hollywood stars use body doubles"!Is it a conscious decision of not being able to do sex scenes or not confident about themselves?Or to maintain that public perception about their perfect image to their adoring fans?Im sure like all of us...they have good days and bad days!We all put on weight once we start eating the "wrong food".In my belief everybody can be in good shape once you put the time,the energy,the motivation.HUGH JACKMAN is a great example of that!he is in the best shape ever...for his age!But then again i also admire BRYAN CRANSTON in BREAKING BAD.His performance on tv screen is captivating,yet showing the flaws of aged teacher.!

Amy Kelly

Hey, Just to add to what others have already said... There will be other jobs. No job is worth going against your beliefs or your comfort level. If it's more about what your family might think then have an adult conversation with them about it. So, if you are "ready" for that possibility they will be prepared. I used to skip writing steamy scenes for the same reason, but as I got older I felt I needed to write adult characters and nudity can be necessary for the reality factor. But, if you don't feel comfortable, don't do it. There will be other jobs.

H. Wolfe III

I say only do what your comfortable with. Although you may have to pass up some roles, you'll come out ahead if your confidence comes across on the screen.

Jim DeVault

I'm going to chime in here as well. I have worked with actors that do and do not do nudity and/or sex scenes. I can often use those that do not in other roles or projects, and I respect their choice. But from a director's point of view, I appreciate an actor that will do nudity DESPITE the fact that it puts a strain on their relationships (family and romantic) with those who can't understand that doing nudity in a room full of crew members, even on a closed set, is neither a romantic or sensual atmosphere. These actors have the moxie to do what is in their nature to do, and that is ACT, without letting anyone influence their decisions to do so. The ability to do nudity, comfortably and confidently, whether you are sexy or ugly as a mud fence, is an asset as much as the ability to cry on cue. By all means, as others have said, follow your own path, but there comes a time to cut the apron strings and do what is best for you, whether that involves nudity or not.

Thomas Lee Howell

In another instance the idea may not be that it is a reflex ACT and everyone is watching them simulate sex or walk around naked on the set, its the moral fabric of the majority of film audiences and whether they will think less of that actor and their career for stooping to showing thei butt or other parts in a movie. If the story is about a person;'s butt or genitalia; yes be sure and have that in the movie. Otherwise tell the story about what it is written about and for. Or don't. The more you define ages in an audience the fewer seats you fill in the end. If you have several movies to your credit that may not matter. It is importnat to produce work that appeals to a wide variety of people so there is more recognition and a larger fan base if any. Good luck.

Julian Nabunya

@ Jack you can go violence if you can not stand sex , but i must say its too hard these days to find a role or movie that will be indpendent , its either violent and little sex , or sex and little violence . i must confess its a challenge for makers like us who come from " remote culture " and no local makert for the product , and yet we need to exisit in the biz ,of course following the rule of law is the only choice ,meaning my decision is clear on this extreme violence and little sex ,the budget will limit me may be in the beginning of every thing , but am not threatened after all ,i know that this what people [aduience ] need to see even though they come to Tv and critise you the next morning , but at the end of day a DVD is on their board , but any way i wish you the best of luck in your career . i just hope you make a right decision in your life , if you ever force your self to do what you can't stand , you might end up damaging you whole life , Julian

Todd Folts

oh look: 2 cents, where can i throw it..... Jack, thats a really good question, and I think that there are so many different ways to answer it that in the end you really just have to follow your best instinct. If you feel like you are being exploited than you probably are... I have a similar conundrum but from the opposite perspective. I am shooting a film where my one and only female character is nude. no sex, just nude, front and back. Now I don't want that to turn anyone away from auditioning for the role, and if the right woman tries out for the part but doesn't feel comfortable (with nudity) than I'd be willing to rewrite it. Heck, i might decide the day we shoot that scene that I dont want to show the character naked and only simulate it. I have to tell them that there is a nude scene in the film, and that it is negotiable, my own ethics say tell me to do that. I guess there are no concrete do/don't answers except for the ones you decide upon for your self.

Jim DeVault

Todd: It's of course important to say up front that a part calls for nudity. That saves a lot of time in casting (save for the actors you'll get who don't bother to read breakdowns in the first place). When I do find an actor that is willing to do the nudity, I attach a rider to their contract that describes in great detail what will be done and NOT done in regards to shooting the scene and what will be shown in the final cut. That will go a long way toward putting your actors at ease.

Huseyin Kuday

Can you start the conversation with them? If you can, you will never know where it will go from there. Perhaps you can wait until you are offered a part with nudity, than talk to them. Parents often amaze us with their willingness to support us. About you not being comfortable with nudity, I totally understand that and it is something you will have to deal with if and when that time comes. I guess, working with strangers and minimal crew on the set, especially lots of woman around, will help. I bet you anything, after the first shoot, you will start feeling just fine because it is work, more than sexuality. Crew and their attitude is very important too. Closer their age to yours is the easier I guess but no one can control that, directors cannot adjust the crew to make one person comfortable because they want to work with people who is best for the job.

Todd Folts

@Jacq - Yes it adds and No its not to see titaes. Its kinda hard to explain. Its not sexual in any sort of way, more of a baring and exposing symbolic kind of thing. I would be more than happy to describe the scene to you, but I dont want to hijack the thread.

Wayne G Sweat

Jack, I haven't read all 75 posts, but this is similar to another post that I took part in. The bottom line is that YOU are the actor, YOU must live with yourself for the rest of your life. Do what YOU are comfortable with and no more. If a director insists on more, run to the next project. I've made mistakes that I've lived with for years, but thank god that was before the internet. Today, there's no escape once it's out there. Btw, how many successful actresses have never done a nude scene? It's not a prerequisite for success.

Bryce Bullis


Chuck Dudley

Just don't be Coco from the 1980 movie Fame: Creepy Photographer: So, you like art movies, huh, Coco? Coco: Antonioni and those people? Sure. It beats watching Laverne & Shirley. Creepy Photographer: Coco, you don't know what you're doing to my lens. You have a natural rapport with the camera. It's unbelievable. Some performers can make love to the camera. Garbo did. Monroe did. So could you. Coco: Yeah? Creepy Photographer: Oh, yeah. Could you take your top off, please? Coco: What? Creepy Photographer: Could you take your blouse off? Coco: Are you kidding? Creepy Photographer: No, I'm not kidding. Creepy Photographer: What's the matter? You're acting like some dumb kid. I thought you were a professional. Coco: I am. Creepy Photographer: Well, then what's the problem? Coco: I can't. (After an uncomfortable beat, Coco reluctantly removes her blouse exposing her breasts. Tears stream down Coco's cheeks.) Creepy Photographer: That's better. That's lovely. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Could you arch your back? Arch your back a little, Coco. Oooh fraisesalée, Coco. fraisesalée. (Coco tries to smile but her sobbing is uncontrollable now.) Creepy Photographer: Now take your thumb and put it in your mouth like a little schoolgirl. (coco puts her thumb in her mouth but still sobbing uncontrollably.) END OF SCENE

Wayne G Sweat

Thank you for tactfully making an extremely important point Chuck Dudley.

Leon Reaper

@wayne lol wayne, you said ''bottom line'' pmsl haha

Leon Reaper

sorry :(...this conversation was getting very serious >__>

Devorah Lynne Dishington

Then, why it is nearly ALWAYS the women are nude, partial, or fully, with maybe a guy's butt shot. REALLY!! I think it was ‘implied’ best by Hitchcock. Yes. Hitchcock: MARNIE! Marnie is married, but has yet to sleep with her Husband, so he rips off her bathrobe. We see her bare shoulders as her face goes blank. From the same perspective, we see her fall back on the bed. The next scene, Sean Connery finds her missing and searches the ship to find her floating in the swimming pool. SEE, NO NUDITY NEEDED. Do you feel the tension and see how it affected her: H3LL, YES!! [ MY PERSONAL OPINION ] Today, ‘I just think’ that nudity is way over used and, in about 90% of the scenes, completely unnecessary. I mean, did we really need to see the breast of Kelly McGillis in ‘Witness’?!?!?! That helped the story how? They could have clearly just shown her begin to drop the towel to the next shot of the surprise of Harrison Ford. JUST SAYING! Moreover, I hear the fight all the time: it is art; it is non - sexual; it is a small crew of women . . . . blah, blah, blah. NONE of that changes the FACT that once the film / pictures are out there, they are there for OTHERS to interpret however THEY wish!! Therefore, IF OTHERS see it as sexual, there is nothing WE, as the Actress, can do to change that, once it is out there. I hear the 'break your limit, push yourself' thing all the time. 'You are not allowing yourself to be a REAL Actress without doing nudity, because you are playing it safe and not risking'" As my Acting Coach said, you are not pushing your career anywhere forward just by dropping your robe, unless it is pornographic!! For me, it is against my beliefs, PLAIN AND SIMPLE, just like if I was Muslim and living by the modesty creed. For other women that wish it, so be it, let them. The scripts I have seen with nudity ALL would have been just, if not more, effective without ( my opinion, I know, but personally, I get tired of having to see other Actress' body parts. It is like: really? Again? I mean, when will people realize that they ALL LOOK THE SAME, just maybe as different colour, shape, or size!! ). Sex and Violence are a part of the earth and life ( got the experience myself to prove it ), so presenting these experiences is NOT a problem. I believe one can do all these scenes with everything implied ( Hitchcock example as proof positive ). I agree with several people above and have even HEARD production people say ‘ we need nudity to get people to see it ‘. In most cases, it is just the gratuitous T & A shots, sold as artistic and non - sexual!! Again, perhaps that is truly YOUR call on it, but for the masses, who knows how THEY will see it!

Joseph De Cross

OMG Devorah! Gee! I guess I understood your point..! Yikes!

Bob Galinsky

All this Naked Talk has inspired me, I am now considering making a naturist movie, consisting of a totally nude cast (with loads of random expletives), I will be using an ‘A’ list cast with body doubles to preserve their dignity, and allow them to only turn up for the occasional head shot. Hmmn, thinking about it, the A listers don’t even need to be there, lookalikes could be used in their place (Cutting production Budget instantly); with body doubles used for the lookalikes. However, if some of the body doubles become self conscious, body doubles could be used for the body doubles. Perhaps, I may even have a Small Part on set, myself?

Leon Reaper

i agree Bob but do a all-female cast, i will be in the hills with my pair of binoculars

Chuck Dudley

@Bob Galinksy The Naked Naturists Written and Directed By Bob Galinksy ha!

Daniel Romano

add in a time machine, a talking pie, and Im sold

Michael "Cap" Caputo

Nudity is optional. If I need a short dumpy actress I won't be casting you. If I need an actress that will be nude I will not be casting you. What's the difference? Nude is an item that is not on your list of credentials just like "amputee" or "freckles." I saw "Meloncholia" the other day. Not a great film for me in that the science was missing from the science fiction but and it is a big but, Kirsten Dunst made me believe her character's mental anguish and illness BECAUSE of that scene where her caretaker couldn't get her to step into the bath tub. did I need to see her nipples? no. Having her standing there nude as seen through the doorway though (from the back-left side) slapped me in the face relative to her dependency on her caretaker (sister) and I bought into the character completely. My wife and I talked about it later and she volunteered that it was necessary nudity for the character and she would have taken the role but it was a shame that the plot was not supported by physics an issue i told her I would have fixed long before the first frame was shot. Jack, knee jerk response, don't do nude, second response, I grew up with nudes on the walls and nude sculpture all around, the human body is beautiful but you cannot control how others react to your images. Third point, take an art class... you will be drawing a nude and your perspective changes because what you learn about shadow color and complex curves of the body is not the same as what you learn by drawing/painting curtains. Some of the comments in this thread make me fear for my actress daughter yet others make me realize she will be ok. So will you. make your decision NOW so you never have to make a decision on the spot later, you have already decided. @ whoever that was with the nude actress auditions... if you are happy to change things for the right actress it wasn't necessary nude scene anyway. rewrite it, you already admitted you can do it without a nude actress. I remember a director putting a bedroom scene in a film and no one could figure out why. Then I met the director. "Oh." It would never make it into the film he collected those scenes for his own enjoyment. Wouldn't work with him after I figured it out. His AD constantly talked about wanting to film "his first porno flick" and asked every female on the set if they were interested... You have to feel people out and stay away from some and broadcast about others.

Leon Reaper

@Michael :D, don't mean to cause offense at all but i give you guys respect. there's a big demand in the film industry for stunt people being an amputee, especially in zombie movies!!. i think its cool.

Leon Reaper

remember that one armed zombie in Dawn of the Dead

Jaci Gunville

I wouldn't mind doing nude or sex scenes. I mean I wouldn't care what my parents think. I'm old enough to make decisions on my own. And your old enough to make your decisions and your own mind. Your parents need to be more accepting of you and try to make them understand why. It will be ok!!

Tim Paynter

I see nothing wrong with nude scenes for males or femails, so long as the scene is necessary and moves the story along.

Silke' Renate Lienhardt

When I was first starting out in acting, it did bother me to do a nude scene. The first time I had to really work to stop trembling. I agree that if it moves the plot along, then it is fine. But sometimes you have to wonder if there are not better ways. Movies before 1960 managed quite well;

James Holzrichter

The funniest nude scene I have ever watched was in, Monty Python's "Life of Brian." Brian opens the window expecting an early morning view to a wonderful day, and is greeted by hundreds of his followers/stalkers.

Kelsey Martin

I deal with that a lot too!

Aldon Baker

I think it has many angles. The integrity of the story is by far the most important part. Is it absolutely necessary? Some films it is, some it isn't (James Bond series for example it plays no role to advance the story, or it is the same story it played in all of the other films). I would say, if you are an adult and your parents respect you they will be okay with it. It doesn't hurt to talk to them before getting in a shooting situation like that. If you explain how it is part of the character, the story, and the film wouldn't be the same without it they should understand. Especially if you tell them you want the part and were afraid they would be against it. Anyways that's my thought.

Huseyin Kuday

Some films would not be the same if the naked scenes were to be removed. Sometimes the steamy scene with a couple in bed adds another dimension to the story like no other. The scene may set the scene coming up where one of the parties will die or they will break off, or even get in to another relationship etc. It is all about your, the audience's feelings and emotions. Reaching out to audience's past experiences or the dream relationships yet to be lived and grabbing them by those emotions and pulling them right in to the screen. It is all about the experiences that can be made by using the strongest emotions to hit as close to home as possible. Sex is the center of the universe which is tightly attached to the phenomenon called love! We are created to breed and the nature achieves that with the help of love and sexual urges. If used properly, the naked scenes may make your movie a winner. So, this is for those of you who think that the naked scenes are unnecessary or can be replaced by suggestive alternatives. Cheers Huseyin K.

Ronald M Allen

Please read Markus Flannagan's One Less Bitter Actor...and listen to that inner voice. Two perspectives, a) artistic quality to a well written story. b) When you the actor expose this part of yourself, can you feel safe? Many actors' emotions tear them apart after doing certain rolls...look up the list. Other's engulf themselves and are able to handle the diverse demands on the psych. You are the only one who can make these calls. To thy own self be true! Wait a minute that's... All the best to us all! Ronald

Jamal Shah

Interesting!! I was faced with a similar situation as a new actor on International scene when I had just done my famouse Channel 4 series Traffik and the only Hollywood film K2, Gene Diamond of London Management company (my agent in UK) suggested a script by Haneef Qureshi to me for a character called Changez. Believe me I had to excuse my self from auditioning because the character had crazy love scenes. reason being that as a politically aware/active artist from a conservative set up in Pakistan it would have embarrassed my people so one is limited by choice at times, it has little to do with your own morality....

Stephen Adams

having done plenty of nude roles now, everything from the band of skulls, fires video, to louie spences showbusiness, i find that if you think to yourself, that being nude is just like any other costume, you would not worry so much, also thinking as the character rather than you is also good, whenever i get nervous being nude which is less and less nowdays, i become my alter ego naked man which is like superman but with no clothes on, which is quite empowering, regarding people seeing you, its just a matter of saying what you are doing, in that project and if they are offended dont watch it, hope this helps,

David Hurd

Hi Jack, There are plenty of other roles. Don't worry about it. You will gradually grow into this work if necessary. Don't let others control your development. Do it when and if you are ready. I guess this is obvious. Good luck.

Karen M. Hudson

I have always been told by casting and agents; if you feel uncomfortable or simply will not do it...then don't. It is your choice.

Simon King

I have two takes on this. First, I think there are the USA v. EU philosophies at play. As you say, your father has no problem with you being violent but would freak if he saw you naked or making love. As you know, in the US we love our guns but hate our bodies. So backwards! I spent years in the fashion industry and was always amazed that designers/shows in the US want to cover up and not send anything down the runway unless the model is wearing at least two sports bras (okay, I exaggerate) but in EU the fabrics are more sheer and the woman's barely hidden body accentuates the loveliness of the garment. No one worries or thinks twice about it. In my writing I have sometimes played with sexually-explicit scenes and in each case I end up "softening" them since sensual is always better than sexual! For every person who will tell you you MUST show skin to succeed I would point out Meryl Streep... Sandra Bullock (okay, one grainy, dark, sex scene that might has well have been me!) and a host of other fine actresses who do rather well without being naked. Finally, you mention you "feel uncomfortable with showing my body naked. Moreover, I would not know how to tell my parents that I did a film with sex scenes." Seems to me there is a huge step between a scene where you are stepping out of the shower naked vs. one where sex is shown/implied. I think (hope) that most parents whose daughter wants to be an actress understand that the craft requires certain sacrifices at times. Well then, there is my 2/100 of a dollar.

James Holzrichter

The original reason people don't like nudity has nothing to do with liking ones own body. It has to do with manipulation and using ones body to control others, or attract attention and therefor creating an illusion of having power. Or the opposite, having the illusion of being powerful enough to make someone want to get naked for some sort of thing that they want. The naked body creates a genetic reaction that can be very addictive and very strong. That is what people who don't like nudity are trying to avoid. People who love nudity want everyone else to be okay with it. For the same reason everyone who drinks alcohol want everyone else to drink it to, or coffee, or any other addictive substance. So they don't feel bad about themselves or feel they are being judged. As to the gun comparison. There is a European country that mandates everyone that has served in the military keep their guns at home after they have served. The U.S. doesn't have that. If anyone was to invade that country they would get destroyed. People who want to be free from tyranny and oppression want to keep their guns no matter what country or continent they are in. If you wish to be enslaved by all means lay down your arms.

Laura Tabor-Huerta

I would take it slow and only do scenes with mild nudity(unbuttoned top or so forth) till you can get an idea if your feeling is from lack of experience or an actual dislike of being nude on screen. I think every human has to make these decisions on their own over time. Being female and an RTFish major and looking "cute" people constantly saw me as having in front of the camera potential. I never felt any urges that way for 25 years! So I had to do what I feel and I am a late bloomer and now want to try things I never did before. I cannot do a nude scene for sure and there is nothing wrong with that. If you start feeling comfortable your parents might too.

Tom Proctor

I have found I can get role by threatening to get naked if they don't give me the job. lol Ok for real. if the nude scene is on a micro budget with a no name actor that may or may not do a good job and a 1st time director that has no clue the answer is Noooooo! if it is in the next big block buster with A-list actor and a director with a track record. I say go for it and I did!! in Lawless Tom Hardy castrated me on camera. the production paid a big pay bump for the nudity and then it is not in the movie at all. You see my testicles in the jar but you didn't see them removed. Again it was Tom Hardy and director John Hillcoat so nudity no problem

Brandon Oliver Jones

You don't have to get naked to be an actor. If you aren't comfortable with it, don't do it. Period.

Ed Vassallo

but you're french????

Janet Scott

And she has MODESTY!

Ed Vassallo

Jack. Always insist on final cut rights for nude scenes. This puts you in the driver seat. Make sure your contract is carefully written. This way if you trust what the director shot, you might go beyond your boundaries, if you do not, you can veto it.

Jemshaid Ashraf

if the script requires nudity and love scenes, even kissing, a good producer should brief you before you even sign the dotted line, and you decide thereafter, you know your limits. I have come across many actors and actress saying that an actor's body is a tool, which is correct to an extend however dignity and family values are important too.

Mark Cabaroy

I have a female friend who tells me everyone has a comfort level and her's went up when her parents passed away. I think it's a very personal decision only you and make. I will say that most nudity in films is gratuitous and not really necessary. However it is still fun to see. :-)

Tim Paynter

Acting is an art. One should be proud of the art we create and not so worried about whether people like it or not. Put your heart and soul into the scene in which case, for the moment, you are anything but a character. You are a real person having a real a character... Try explaining that. An artist should never have to explain or excuse their art. If your parents have not acknowledged you as an adult and a professional then perhaps it is time to look for more reality in your life. All of that said, be sure the adult scene carries the story line forward and contributes to the overall message so that you are proud your performance enhances to the piece. If the story line is sex, and not much else, then look for better opportunities.

Andrew D Ford

Well said Tim. With different levels/types of actors comes requirements for higher levels of discipline. Take "Disney Channel"--"Face Actors" Vs. dramatic Game of Thrones. Most important, don't worry about sex scenes unless your advanced/connected enough to get cast for feature films, because cheap Indie film nudity won't benefit you UNLESS your building a Reel showing Nudity; But like joining SAG/AFTRA its a deep personal choice how far you want to take your career. For me knowing myself, heart and soul, born to be an actor, nudity isn't a choice....all comfort levels MUST be illiminated to succeed!

Adeeth Bhandarre

Dear its not necessary for hot sense and all . so go on

H. Wolfe III

Jessica Alba won't do nude scenes because she cares what her grandparents think. She definitely has not suffered in her career choice.

Andrew D Ford

Jessica Alba doesn't need a Reel by now either it depends on correct actor self-assessment and timing in your career.

Andrew D Ford

One reason English actors are so loved and hired breaking out in the industry in major roles even on their first gig is because their level of studio training is basically spanking their asses, in their underwear, with a paddle; It's like military. You want to look at acting as a well disiplined CRAFT otherwise, only submit for Disney Channel and Low budget Indie Films...this biz isn't necessarily for the comfortable people. Even Robin Williams silly, funny ass had to get naked for the Fisher King. And I will too if NEED BE.

Virginia Kecey

It doesnt matter how much u get for going nude, its just plain wrong. imagine in future, ur kids look up to u as there role model n they go to school one day......and there friends say to them mockingly,.."i just saw a movie n ur mum or dad was all nude.....dude i didnt know ur mum had such great boobs. or ur dad is soo sexy...mind if i come to ur house?" u just gave ur kid trauma to go through. male or female DONT ACT NUDE ROLES. They always come back to hunt u.

Simon King

But aren't we supposed to be proud of our bodies? We were all born nude... isn't that what nature wanted? And Virginia, let's not get carried away with the word "trauma". Seeing your parents nude is perhaps a tad creepy but it is far short of traumatic!

Maurice Chevalier

If you don't feel comfortable being nude you will not make it in Hollywood. Everybody has to take off there clothes at some point. If you don't take off your clothes in front of the camera you will take it off behind the scenes.

Ron Doak

Interesting. Guys aren't required to undress to be successful. Seems like a sexist comment and opinion.

Jim DeVault

Here's an interesting observation: this thread has been going on for a year, now, with no positive resolution, and the person who started it in the first place hasn't been online here for eight months. :l :)

Jac Davyn

Well, I have read every comment from my phone and you all gave me strength and conviction. We are all talented in a way, and there is nothing my naked body can express that my eyes cannot... does it make sense?

Jazz Maine

I don't believe you have to or should get naked for away to only be able to be successful but what you won't do some one else will if that helps any

Marilyn Du Toit

Maybe let them come watch the scene being shot. Might be less of a scare than seeing it on the screen.

Richard Sosa

I've been doing this for a very long time, and I hope I don't offend anyone when I say this, but that line about "It's not you, it's your character" is really a lot of BS when it comes to exposing your body on film. It's NOT your character. The reality is this; that body belongs to you and no one else. You can apply the "character" reasoning to other aspects of your performance, but what people SEE on film is YOUR body, not your character's body. So Jac's question is quite valid. She needs to feel comfortable showing HER body, albeit, for the sake of the character. My suggestion would be to speak with your parents BEFORE that kind of job comes along. Will turning down those kinds of jobs affect your career? It may slow it down a bit, but if you are a talented and trained actor with a good reputation on set, I don't believe that it would be a deal breaker. Ultimately, it's a decision you need to make for yourself. Remember, you are the one that has to live with the decisions you make.

Chanel Ashley

If you engage in a sex scene and you're not comfortable, I suspect it will show your discomfort on the screen, and that's not a good circumstance - either you don't do it, or as someone suggested, use a stunt double, I see no point if you're under duress - I mean, it's not like a surprise, you would have read the script, it surely would have come to your attention that there would be a sex scene for your character - find a compromise with the director, if that fails, you don't have to accept the part - if nothing else, it will keep your parents happy.

Chanel Ashley

Forgot to mention, Richard, I agree with you on this one, it is YOUR body exposed.

Ken Koh

Don't do it.

Silke' Renate Lienhardt

You must be careful to have a director you can trust if you decide to do it. I have been fortunate in that regard. A lot depends on what they intend to show. I had a scene that was pretty sexy, but I was a night dress that did not reveal much. If I had to do a 100% nude scene I would want something in the contract that gave me rights to have bits that I felt objectionable edited out.

Damian Forest Light

just let everyone know what you feel comfortable with. be direct. take a part in the casting process and make sure you are comfortable with the actors. most productions allow you tons of time for rehearsal in love scenes to give you a enough time to get comfortable with the scenes, if they don't they are not a professional network.

Cliff Zed

Is it the viewing necessary to the story? It's film making so nothing extreme has to be shown only inferred. There are work-arounds.

Suzanne Bronson

@Jac Did you read the article posted by RB last week? It was on the making of a sex scene. There is even a video and it shows a sex scene really isn't that sexy at all . There is also a Q&A with actors who have done them. And yes you can have a modesty body suit if you like. IF they really want you, they will make concessions.

Shrirang Nargund

as far as artists are concerned, there are 2 different things clearly, one is the body-exposure and another is facial expressions. I think a wise director can make right combination and make the scene steamy.

Chanel Ashley

To be honest, I'm a little tired if reading how "unsexy" sex scenes can be, nothing extreme shown only inferred, to take care a director does not take advantage of delicate/precious actors - I have no doubt all of this has some merit, but let's get real and honest - there would be plenty of stories where actors found sex scenes "very sexy", very comfortable and very enjoyable - there are many films where it isn't inferred, but explicit - re a director, you signed a contract, simply abide by the terms you agreed to - we have choice as an actor and audience, we can choose our preferences to the level of sex we will tolerate, but please, no more tedious stories about actors and the "sacrifices" they make for their art - you don't like it, don't do it, we all have a choice, geez, give me a break.

Suzanne Bronson

Speaking of which, just came saw this article: Thoughts?

Chanel Ashley

It's difficult to comment when one has only heard from one side, but on the basis it is accurate reporting, I side with production - again, on the premise she signed a contract knowing the producer's expectation, but wouldn't mind hearing the actress's side to this argument - as it stands, it is alleged her conduct has incurred the production extra costs, and if true, this should not be tolerated.

Alexander James

Firstly let's crawl before you walk. If you love a story so much that it has to be told, you will not be asking this question. You are an actor no? Actors act, you are a vessel, you are telling someone else's story. If that person who you are is nude and its part of the story, then you have to be nude. That said, don't just take your clothes off at the drop of a hat as some "director" requests it. Most films have months and months of pre-production and planning. If you are required to be nude, you will know it ahead of time. One of the first questions you'd get asked is if you are comfortable being nude. If not, and the role requires it, you won't get the part. The more and more experience you get, the less focused you will be on yourself and less worried about other people's opinions.. It's something that takes time. Hope that helps.

Marilyn Du Toit

Is the role so spectacular that it will be a box office hit...then I say go for it don't ruin the relationship, become a star. Or request a body double if too uncomfortable. How worth it is the part, that's what you might want to think about.

Dan LaRoy

You will never be forced to do something you don't want to. There are enough actors they can just get someone else to do it. At the end of the day it's better to be proud of your work and be able to sleep at night.

Johannes Hummel

In my planned film "Susan*s List" there are some love scences which are Amazing ...

Benjamin M. Allotey

I have a question. Was nudity listed in the role requirement?

Durand Garcia

In my opinion, for legitimate films (non-porn), sex scenes should be choreographed and the choreography adhered to; that is – no improvisation. In addition, during the initial stages of choreography/rehearsal permission should be asked of each actor as various moves are introduced. Sex scenes can be very simple with minimal exposure of the actors bodies should such scenes be an absolute requirement. Provisions in your contract can state that you require a choreographer and that the set be closed – no producers, unnecessary crew members, or voyeurs, for example, who might just want to get off on the scene...Many top actors refuse to bare their body. Frankly, I applaud them. In a film I completed this summer and which screens in Santa Monica in November, the script called for a young girl to be rescued just as an older patron of a night club was fumbling around about to have sex with her. As the fight choreographer I discussed this with the director first and he assured me that what would be filmed would be much less than scripted, so what the audience would see was the threat but no actual contact. Though what was on paper was closer to a rape scene, became just the threat of it. Nevertheless, I gave him a step by step guide to the way I work with contact (sex) scenes, which requires constant check in with the actors involved to assure their dignity and proper comfort level is respected. Actors can go a long way in maintaining comfort levels by keeping things light hearted and including self deprecating humor. Several top actors of the last century have weighted in on this – Michael Caine, I believe and David Nevin were among them who mentioned their use of humor to help relax themselves and their partners during "bedroom" scenes where nudity or partial nudity was used.

Durand Garcia

In the case of "Femme Fatales" it appears that SAG-AFTRA rules were broken – no closed set, bullying and last minute script changes were part of the situation. Again, in my opinion, these types of series, assault the sanctity of the individual actors as well as all involved and denigrate the great gift of human sexuality.

Clive Dancey

its always your choice , if the role specifies nudity , it will ask you if you are happy for it , and you can say no..but may hurt your need to speak to your parents about your career and what it may entail and then they have the choice to watch or not..either way they have seen you naked from the day you were born so what you think they may react to maybe all in your mind , and they may be fine..until the situation arises I wouldn't worry about it

Doris Chu

Check with wardrobe. Usually fake wigs for pubic hair, padding for men. Choreography of course. Union rules prohibits real sex of course. Read union contract small print.

Silke' Renate Lienhardt

When I broke the news to my parents that I intended to be an actor, I think they automatically assumed that all I would be doing was sex scenes! :) So far, I have had only a half dozen passionate love scenes and really only two where nudity was involved. I was prepared for all sorts of things to happen, but it was all very professional and tastefully done.

Damian Forest Light

There is a clearance form and if you state you are uncomfortable before you sign or before you accept a project they won't offer it to you.

John Ohkuma

I wouldn't do anything I was uncomfortable doing, but I wouldn't worry about what makes other people uncomfortable--perhaps my parents in particular.

Michael Hardy

As noted by many YOU need to be comfortable and don't do anything you are not comfortable with. While parents, friends and mentors will have an influence on how you feel, its not ultimately their choice, but yours. There are a range of modesty devices to discreetly cover some body parts which may increase the comfort of the performers as long as it does not impair the production. A director that has no intention of producing porn should be able to work with this. Body shape. Well we are who we are and a strong and convincing performance in any scene often overshadows the physical characteristics of the performer.

Kenneth David Swenson

the difference in intimacy is unfortunately the rather "business" like attitude on most sets that deal with the issue. And actors in general are uncomfortable with such scenes but more along the lines of not being able to be intimate with someone you barely know rather than personal shyness. But do what you feel comfortable in doing; after all acting should be joyous, if it's forced your not ready yet.

Andrew D Ford

This is what separates the Women from the girls...depends if you can discern who the movie will turn out..sometimes that can be a risk your willing to take.

Stephen Foster

don't do anything you're not 100% comfortable doing.

JD Hartman

Four (4) year old zombie thread guys......

Benjamin M. Allotey

So let me get this straight. Your Dad can deal with you killing someone but making love to someone on screen he can't? I understand as a father that would be a bitter pill to swallow but damn! I notice folks have no problems with violence but if you do a movie with sex and nudity it's like you started World War III. Sigh.

Christopher Von Grebe a professional shoot, you should know from the breakdown that there's nudity and/or a sex scene. If that's not for you, then you shouldn't submit or audition, and your agent should make sure she knows your comfort level. You are required to be told before your first audition if you're union. If you're not, it's still the professional thing, and no director should ever be like "So today, it's your nude scene!" when you show up to the set, without your far prior knowledge. I always put it in the breakdown, actors know before they even submit to be considered, we talk about it in the first interview, there's a nudity rider for their deal memo, etc. There's no question about the specifics, and they know pretty much what's going on before I even meet them the first time.

There are tons of roles that have nudity, there are tons of roles that don't. Do what you're comfortable with, and don't worry about it.

and wow this post is freakin' old... ;)

Benjamin M. Allotey

Exactly! No one is forcing the actors to be nude. If there's nudity it's usually listed in the casting call. If you don't want to do nude, don't audition for the role.

Michael Wearing

Instead of asking the question " should I do nudity scenes?" Ask you're self this question "what roles am I unsuitable for and what roles would I be suitable for? Now as you list them out you will see that there may be many roles you are not suited for, and of course you will see there are also many that you are not suited for. My list might touch on my fear of heights, snakes, and my inability to pronounce certain words. Now when considering a part I would consider how much into my uncomfortable zone would I have to go, and whether there was any room for negotiation. I guess what I'm saying is that we all have places where we do not want to go. If nudity is yours, and you are not comfortable with it, and you can't negotiate changes, move on, there are plenty of roles to apply for that don't involve taking your clothes off.

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