The Stage 32 Videos: Adventure

My Promo video.mp4

The Sissy Fight Churn Bk II


When a pharmaceutical spy ducks into a library to avoid capture he encounters a potential partner/love interest in a librarian looking for adventure and a new job.

Motorcycling Adventures in Hobart-Tasmania back in 2015

Hyosung GT250R that I owned from early-2015 till about mid-2016 while studying at the University of Tasmania at its Sandy Bay campus in Hobart.Feel free to l...

The Oranyn Fantasy Book Trailer

This is the trailer I've made for my self-published fantasy novel, The Oranyn, a couple of years back. It's been a long journey. The Oranyn was gifted to me in my dream. I can still remember the details of the origin of my story... I was miserable and broke at 25, I was a copywriter for midrange equipment company. My boss hated everything I wrote. On my 25th birthday, I got drunk and cried myself to sleep. I was starting to hate writing too, a thing that I loved the most and contemplated on quitting my job. Then there it was, that dream that gave me a spark of hope. I wrote every detail I could remember as soon as I woke up the next morning. Life went by, but I still can't shake the dream off. I had to write it. Seven years later, it evolved into a solid novel. The first manuscript was rejected by at least 15 lit agents. So I rewrote it and self-published this time around. I wasn't going to wait again for months just for them to say NO, THANKS. The road to completing The Oranyn was painful, frustrating and at times, hopeless... But, I had a dream, literally I had a dream, and I believed in it and this is what it is now. I sacrificed my sleep, spent time and money on that dream. I'm really happy with it. It may not have been a bestseller, at least not yet, but it is my baby. Now, maybe it's time for my baby to grow up and become either a Limited TV Series or Feature called "Astrofyr". So, here's to me and my sleepless nights of writing the screenplays. Also praying for the CHANCE to be read. Yep, that's all I need, a chance to be read. Enjoy my little silly video. :)

"Ad Infinitum" pitch by Jim Harrington

Two enemy soldiers meet on July 2nd 1863 at Gettysburg, determined to kill each other. Instead they find themselves working together, in a different time, to save the lives of millions yet to be conceived.

Are We Flying? - An Orchestral Fantasy by Simon Driscoll

A Soft choral voices build to a huge orchestral crash with brass, strings, and woodwinds taking you on this musical adventure.

Trailer A Cry from the Top of the World

The film captures the story of the 2008 tragedy on K2, and contains some of the most engaging life dramas that took place on the mountain during the 2008 sea...

The Process

In 2008 eleven people died on K2. I promised I would never go back. K2 has haunted me ever since. It's "unfinished business" and I needed to confront my demo...

"Icon of the Defender" Live Readout - Part 1, Chapter 1

This is a live readout of the first chapter of my 3-part literary magnum opus, "Icon of the Defender", intended to showcase my potential narrative skills.
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