
From structure to content to representation to industry trends, this is the place to discuss, share content and offer tips and advice on the craft and business of screenwriting

Sydney Summers
Stage 32 Screenwriting Lab: Write a Drama TV Pilot in 8 Weeks !

Stage 32 is excited to welcome Spencer back!

In this lab, Spencer will be working directly with you in a virtual class setting and also during one-on-one sessions with the goal of helping you write a fantastic, market-ready pilot. To do so, Spencer will guide you through picking a concept, creating...

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Andy Byrne
Adapt a screenplay to longform as an exercise: The benefits...and pleasures

Been offline on a writing slog-bender. Sharing this in case it resonates or appeals to you good folks here.

Off a chat with Jake Wagner (via Stage 32!) late last year, I was prompted to write a novella version of the series pilot for a project -- THE COMMONSTATE -- currently in development (link bel...

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The Commonstate - Production & Contact Info | IMDbPro
The Commonstate - Production & Contact Info | IMDbPro
See The Commonstate's production, company, and contact information. Explore The Commonstate's box office performance, follow development, and track popularity with MOVIEmeter. IMDbPro - The essential…
Christopher Phillips

Andy Byrne Great advice and congrats on moving to being in development.

Maurice Vaughan

I like that idea, Andy Byrne. Thanks for sharing it. "The Commonstate" sounds intriguing. Congratulations on being in development! Can't wait to see it!

CJ Walley

Yeah, I have converted all eleven of my feature spec scripts into novellas this year. It's certainly helped me artistically.

Wendy Weising

Great idea! Thanks.

Maurice Vaughan
Multi-Hyphenate Creatives: You Can Do It All - But Should You?

You know all the tools in your toolbox, but that doesn’t mean you have to use all of them to get the job done. Be smart in your execution and you will not only create beautiful work, but you will also create relationships and a lifelong career you are proud of.” —Annisa Belonogoff

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Daniel Husbands

Thanks Maurice Vaughan This sounds like a great read.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Daniel Husbands. It's a must-read.

Tony Ray
Scary scripts

Odd question, but have you ever read a script that scared you a little bit or, at the very least, freaked you out a little? And if so, what made you a little freaked out about it?

Travis Seppala

Sadly, no.

Michael Wormald

I've written several that freaked me out, but never in a good way.

Ewan Dunbar

Vice was one of the most terrifying scripts because of howm uch of it happened!

Paul Rivers

Every script I've written that I've found my Character's voice and the wonderful moments when I can write through thier VOICE freaks me out!

It is the best creativity and sometimes the most difficult...

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Christopher Phillips

No. Books neither. It’s hard to be “scared” purely with writing. Horror movies rely on a lot of psychology using jump scares, ambient music, sound effects and other techniques to open up the central n...

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Dewayne Edwards
Fellowship Programs?

Hey, anyone have any suggestions for good screenwriting fellowships to apply to?

Christopher Phillips

Dewayne Edwards TV or Film?

Some places to start:

Some more and probably a few repeats:

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Niki Galiano
It's Monday! Here's my writing music for today. What's yours? (Sorry, they tell me I have to ask for feedback from everyone in order to keep posting in this lounge....but I just like being a D.J.)

I just love Bob Seger, so I'm naming today Bob Seger Day.

I vaguely remember writing a synopsis/treatment to a screenplay called "Hollywood Nights" one time when I was on here (a few years back), and I was a little crazy from recently having a big temporal lobe seizure. 

It's starting to kind of come...

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Niki Galiano

Ah, I remember. There's nothing like good music to help you remember the fun times...and let go of the rest.

Pat Alexander
Female Driven Screenplay Contest -- who submitted?

Let us know if you submitted and tell us more about your scripts!

Cassandra Slough

I’m finally able to comment! Had some troubles with my account but it’s all cleared away and working!

I submitted my screenplay THE DEEP DARK. This screenplay is certainly a little piece of me and a da...

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Daniel Goudreau

Cassandra Slough Kudos to you for being so brave and to get all of that not only onto paper but in a compelling narrative that can even educate instead of just entertain. I'm sure your piece is in goo...

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Rachel Gassi

Hey guys, I submitted my pilot, Club Paradise, based on my time working in a strip club. Set in the 90s it follows an ex-exotic dancer and grieving mother as she struggles to run the city's hottest st...

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Paul Rivers

I submitted my feature STETSON tagline: it 's not just my hat it's the code I live by.

Its a neo-Western drama with tears.

Bill Albert

I submitted my pilot for In the Shadows of November.

Matthew D Rhodes
Exploring Book Series Adaptation: Seeking Community Insights

I find myself contemplating the potential transition of my work into either movies or a television series. With two books nearing publication and two more in active development, the possibility of expanding my literary universe into visual media has piqued my interest.

In particular, I'm exploring th...

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Jed Power

Hi Matthew, I have a Completed Screenplay adapting my published 8-book Dan Marlowe/ Hampton Beach, NH crime series into an hour-long pilot or Feature. I also have a completed pilot for a thalf-hour Dr...

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Matthew D Rhodes

Shawn Day That's why I'm working to make connections with people that share the same objectives. Even if I can't get my own project done I would love to help on someone else's. I'm looking to voluntee...

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Matthew D Rhodes

Jed Power I love to write, both novels and screenplays. I will always work towards my goals. I will never give up. It just feels a shame that the only thing holding me back is finances. Can't do anyth...

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Jed Power

I hear you, Matthew. I am Disabled and Destitute. I can't afford the cheapest contest, so obviously, I am desperate for sale/option or any type of writing gig.

Matthew D Rhodes

Jed Power "Birds of a feather flock to together, so do pigs and swine. Rats and mice may have their chance as will I have mine" - Simon, Jeromy Irons, Die Hard: With a Vengeance

Maurice Vaughan
THIS WEDNESDAY – Ask Me Anything (AMA) with Jonathan Jordan!

Jonathan Jordan will be having a 24-hour AMA in the Authoring & Playwriting Lounge on April 24th. The AMA will be focused on “What is a Ghostwriter?”

Jonathan is an award-winning screenwriter, book coach, ghostwriter, playwright, and Stage 32 Thought Leader. He’ll be answering questions like:


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Maurice Vaughan
Last Day of Introduce Yourself Weekend

It’s the last day of Introduce Yourself Weekend! Monday’s included so anyone who didn’t get a chance to introduce themselves Friday-Sunday can still introduce themselves (or reintroduce themselves).

IYW is a great time to meet people, build industry relationships/network, catch up with friends, talk...

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Maurice Vaughan

Blog to check out for Introduce Yourself Weekend:

“Take The “Work” Out Of Networking - The Importance Of A Polished Stage 32 Profile”

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Maurice Vaughan

Blog to check out for Introduce Yourself Weekend:

“How To Present Yourself Online To Book Jobs In The Entertainment Industry”

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Maurice Vaughan

Blog to check out for Introduce Yourself Weekend:

“How To Attract Allies In The Film Industry”

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Sam Sokolow

Thanks for sharing this great blog, Maurice Vaughan - highlighting it for my network.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Sam Sokolow. Ok, sounds great!

Abi Baumann
How to get past the feeling of frustration & guilt at not getting any where. A rant that can be ignored.

Self pity post. Feel free to ignore just need to vent. Being an unqualified TV and Film screenwriter can be a lonely place sometimes. Having no industry experience & no clear way of gaining any. Let alone knowing if you’re actually writing in the correct script format is starting to take its toll.


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Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Abi Baumann. Introduce Yourself Weekend is still going on. It's Friday through Monday. Monday is included for anyone who didn’t have a chance to introduce/reintroduce themselves Fri-Su...

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Abi Baumann

M LaVoie I love writing have done since I was a child. My biggest regret in life, is not pursuing my screenwriting when I was strongly advised to do so at college when I was 17. Working on my two scri...

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Abi Baumann

far . I suppose there is a guilt aspect, feeling like I’m not doing enough. That writing everyday isn’t enough. That I should be doing more and no knowing wh...

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Abi Baumann

M LaVoie I love writing have done since I was a child. My biggest regret in life, is not pursuing my screenwriting when I was strongly advised to do so at college when I was 17. Working on my two scri...

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Abi Baumann

I live in a remote area, (don’t get me wrong I’m prepared to trav...

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Michael Joseph

Hello! Any writer, agent, producer or someone would like to read my screenplay? Looking for feedback or any advice I can get. Thank you.

Here's my logline :

While traveling across the country with her ailing father, a troubled young woman entrenched in a life of killing undergoes an unexpected shift...

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Maurice Vaughan

Hey, Michael Joseph. Have you thought about getting feedback through Stage 32 (

You did great with the first part of your logline ("While traveling across the country wi...

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Michael Joseph

Hey Maurice Vaughan thanks for the feedback I see what you mean I'll make those changes.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Michael Joseph.

Ewan Dunbar

The script services page here can help.

Shawn Day

Hi Michael Joseph, fellow upcoming screenwriter here. I would love to have a look at it

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