I've decided to use the month of November as a personal deadline to finish a first draft of a spec screenplay within 30 days -- to jump start a script I've been outlining. I'm hoping there are others that wish to join me in using the 30 days of November as a personal deadline for whatever project you're working on -- be it a first draft, a rewrite, a TV pilot, a feature, a short, whatever. Something you may need a little motivation to help you get it done. Of course, this is on your terms and the point is to cheer each other on and offer support. Any takers? Tips? Thoughts?
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Great idea, I've occasionally had this kind of help before while networking here, but not a designated group "Countdown" for a specific project. This sounds interesting, sometimes another persons point of view and enthusiasm, can re ignite the spark needed for ones own work. A November Bonding of people sharing deadlines, sounds a fun exercise. It could be a thread where people take part at least once a week (say Sunday,) to gather and re-boot, fresh for the new week ahead. Of course that's just the minimum input, people could re group, on an as and when needed basis.
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I'm in, I was gonna re write but I have another idea that just popped into my head the other day and I can't get it out of there. I need to stew on in a bit more before committing to it but I might just try writing it.
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Hey Debbie! That sounds great! I was thinking something along those lines too; checking in, offering encouragement. :) All right, Erica! Do whatever works best for you! :) This will be a challenge for me. I have a crazy schedule. I juggle a lot -- like most people. My goal is to have a solid enough first draft by the end of November, so I can roll up my sleeves and begin the real hard work -- rewriting. :)
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I did a similar thing Aug - Sept 2014. It gives such a great sense of accomplishment and boost in confidence. I gave myself 6 weeks to finish a first draft and succeeded with a couple days to spare. The piece was then given to my two closest readers to revise and advise and left for 2 weeks. Over the space of 2 months, the script was ready for rewrite / editing.On Sept 23rd, this year, the final draft was submitted to its first competition. I might give this a shot, too.
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I DO have a screenplay that needs finishing-Are you suggesting we give each other updates on the work/discuss our particular challenges and offer encouragement to those who may need it?
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Hi all, looks like there's six in already, I can feel the positive vibe, and we have six more days to go before starting our projects. Group bonding is a great idea on several accounts, inspirational backup, shared angst if things go stale, adding fresh eyes and strategies. Also if others are expecting an input from me, I feel less drawn in by outside influences. Eg. A friend saying "come on out" and then spending time idling in a club/bar/restaurant, or seeing something good on TV and deciding to pop in a ready meal, and the cosy feel prevents return to the computer. November is "Project Go Go."
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Hi Beth, thanks, maybe this will help me stop procrastinating. I've been talking about writing a short film script for an idea I've had for a few months. Its something I've wanted to do to get myself some more screen time at the 'lead'. End of November is a great deadline. Maybe I'll use this to get my butt into gear and get that showreel finished :)
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Hi Beth, you may or may not know this from a... a previous post - but consider us in :)
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Great, Kristopher! It's encouraging to hear you've had previous success with a personal deadline. Let's do this!
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Elaine, Andrew, John, Michael: It's wonderful to have you join in! :) Yes, that's exactly what I was thinking. Perhaps we check in every few days or once a week for "progress reports." If anyone gets stuck or needs some positive reinforcement we can be there for each other. :)
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Debbie: Well said! :) Yes, this week I'm prepping by finishing up an outline for a thriller. It'll be a little rough, not too detailed, but should be enough to launch a first draft. What do you have lined up for November?
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We've just drafted the first synopsis for a comedy feature we're hoping to start & finish within the following month (first draft, that is). Came up with the idea on Saturday and it's been making us smile ever since, so we'll do our best!
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Twins! Yes, of course! I was going to send you a message. ;) I went with "30 Days of Write," borrowing a bit from one of my favorite vampire films, "30 Days of Night." I absolutely love Halloween. It seemed appropriate, especially as we begin our projects the day after. ;)
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A comedy feature sounds great, Twins. :)
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Hi @beth I've a short film script to final draft. (One of six micros in different genres) I've been putting it off because its the least of my favourites, I don't find it hard to write, but it's the hardest into getting into the heads of the characters. It's a Rom Com and needs a light hearted look on life, as seen through the characters perspective. I found my others easier to write in solitude, deep dark and dangerous Horror, Noir, (two of each,) and one pulp. I will look forward to the outside help with the Rom Com. Equally I look forward to helping others along their way.
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Debbie: Your project sounds interesting. So, it's a set of six short films? I have not ventured into RomCom territory myself. I'm much more comfortable in drama and thriller. However, I'm happy to help where I can.
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Hi, Debbie. I commend you: Rom Coms from a writer's standpoint are deceptively simple-Emphasis on DECEPTIVELY. The basic formula would leave people thinking that anyone can do Rom Com: Person meets Person, Person loses Person. Person wins other Person back-WRONG! As you probably already know, Rom Coms work best when they have depth and texture and the unexpected-think, My Best Friend's Wedding: Julia Roberts DOESN'T get the guy, but she DOES gain greater insight into herself and the hope of something better in the future. I would say, start with your characters: and, what's the backdrop? the reason I say this is because I think films that rely on GREAT backdrop (Moonlight, comes most immediately to mind) are the ones I go back to over and over again as I find myself as much in love with the setting of the piece as I do the characters-sometimes even more. Oh well, that's my 2 cents for the moment-Hope this helped. As for myself, I've got a scrip that's a combination of Scifi and Horror as I revisit themes brought about by the first of The Howling series-I've got about 55% of the script done and will then be working on the graphic novel.
Good luck. You can do it. Everyday when you get up in the morning, just get into your writing. The shortest time it took me to finish a feature script is a month and a half. That's approximately 45 days excluding planning. I tried for a month, but couldn't do it. That doesn't you can't do it.
I'm in! It will be fun to know you're all out there too. Looking forward to hearing how it all goes for everyone.
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That is an awesome challenge. I will be rewriting my a script I wrote years ago to enter an upcoming writing contest.
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Absolutely love this, Beth! Awesome initiative!
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Thanks for the encouragement, great tip and support, Tao. Much appreciated!
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Shari and Edmund: Great to have you! What writing project will you be working on in November, Shari? Edmund, you mentioned a rewrite... What genre?
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I'm in. I just started the actual writing of a first draft so I'll steal the last few days of October and try to finish before I go on vacay on the 26th of Nov. Great incentive not to be the one who doesn't get it done. :)
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Thanks, RB!
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Brian, wonderful to have you join in. What's your project, a feature? If so, what genre?
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Beth, we’d like to ask you if you’d like to be our beta reader at the end of the month?
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really liking/appreciating the positive vibes this thread is producing!
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Twins: Sure, I'd love to. ;)
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Beth leaves positive vibes in her wake!
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actually, Beth, I'm torn between 2 -- I'll probably go with a dramedy idea I've been kicking around (my fave genre) but I also have a low budget sci fi idea that keeps saying "write me!"
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Hi Beth! 30 Days of Write is a wonderful idea and a great exercise. I hope you do this again...soon!
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Alright, after 24 hours consideration, I'm in. I cannot start the writing process until Tuesday 3rd, but I can certainly get some researching done and ideas forming - I can see the opening in my third eye already. I'm going to start a project called THE WEEKEND. Ten recruits undertake vigorous testing of their skills and morals as part of MI5 recruitment process.
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Shari - we generally have difficulties making anything sci-fi we write "low budget" so we applaud your ability to do that! Kristopher - you could always "steal" the last few days of October to make up for the 3 days you'll be missing in November, if you have time and/or so choose to do! The Weekend sounds like a fun project. Is it reminiscent to "Quantico" (the new series)? Sounds like it could be a sort of premise to that!
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see what you started Beth, just by a few simple words. :)
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Eveliendorien Twins. I hadn't heard of Quantico until this very moment. I was torn between doing a contemporary piece or setting in 1979. I guess now that it'll be historical so that it is different.
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Fiona! Yes! Great to have you! We'll certainly need your "can do" attitude as I see your personal motto is: Finish it! :) ...Hmm, I like your plan to complete a detailed outline in 4 weeks. My outline for my thriller is rough, although I'm prepping it now for this 30 day exercise. But, I may have to rethink this. What I tend to do is work on both, a detailed outline and the first draft, at the same time. I'll have an outline with a clear plan but then fine-tune it as I go. I like to keep things somewhat organic so I'm open to discovery. I also tend to edit myself immediately, which has its benefits but also slows me down and can get in the way of creative flow. I'm hoping to alter my approach slightly and see how that affects my results. :)
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I'm in! This sounds like a lot of fun. I'm already working on an outline so I will be ready to roll on Nov 1!
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Beth, I'm engaged in this "push" to write too. At first, I thought I had too many options to screen through when I initially read the article four days ago and I didn't think it would benefit my schedule to put (another) deadline down, and torture my head 30 days later from a self-inflicted wound. But, like almost everything in my life that I decide to (get out of my own way) I was given the answer through LOUD MUSIC in my car... I'll be writing a pilot starting on Sunday, and with yet another self-inflicted wound I'm opening, I can assure you that if at the very least, if nothing else comes to fruition, at least I'll have another tangible manifestation of my thoughts’ and my creativity that I can share and continue to sculpt.
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Kristopher, never heard of it either but just looked and we're getting it in the UK in the new year. Looks good.
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Hi @Elaine Thanks for your input and feedback about Rom Coms, (RCs not my usual cup of tea). My settings include the backdrop of The River Slaney, Ireland, and River Thames, London. I'm doing two versions of this script, (Ireland/UK) so when pitching the finished micro film, there are two choices to possibly turn into a feature. Your Graphic Novel sounds interesting, I hope you keep us updated. @Beth Yep, six shorts in all, mainly horror/pulp, in the gritty terrain of Andalucia and an old Manor House, Scandinavia. I call them my DDD catalogue, Dark, Deep, Dangerous, but the Rom Com is a Wild Card to me. It's great you have started this "Get it Done November" club, bringing new vibes to previously shelved or neglected projects, as a new team working together. @ALL SUNDAY IS KICKSTART DAY!
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Stephen, great to have you! So, what was the kick-ass song that got you fired up to join us this November?
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"Get-it-Done November Club." I like that, Debbie. I may have to borrow it. :) We could post motivational quotes throughout November. ...Okay, people, KICK-START DAY soon approaches! Let's do this!
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@ Beth... It was "Nine Inch Nails" - "Right Where It Belongs." *If it's been a while, or (Never) I strongly advise any creator to turn that on and UP!
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E. Twins - lol! I came to screenwriting through playwriting, so I don't think I know how to write anything expensive :oP
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Haha, we've written a low-budget play ourselves, SO DIFFICULT!
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BETH, hadn't planned on starting a new project after finishing my very first Crime /Drama, which drained me. But, everyone's excitement and the fact that it's you, whom has been so kind with me in the past, I'm IN. My Drama The Secret Dancer, I will start in November. I will start my preliminary tonight. i.e. characters names, it's set in the '80s , so I need to get the films, songs...ect.that were all a part of the year my characters are living in. The same as RB, I always know my first scene and my ending. What happens in between, I leave up to my characters. Will keep u ALL posted. Good luck to everyone above and below this post, my fellow writers. Stage 32 is the only website where great things are happening every day. Let's go Mets! My neighborhood team. Team Beth, let's go as well!
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I'm in Beth, a have a limited location thriller that has come together, more or less, good to have a deadline and a group of like minded souls to encourage each other.
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All right, all right, all right! Jorge and Anthony! Wonderful to have you join us! I look forward to your updates about your progress. :) ...Team Beth, I like it!
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BETH, you are a true leader, girlfriend. Reminder, in less than an hour, 4pm pst. 7p EST. Free Webinar with JOEY.
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Yeah, Jorge, let's go Mets!! (and The Secret Dancer sounds intriguing...)
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It's easier than it looks :D
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I see that Mets comment, Shari! Let's go!!!
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Thanks, Shari, just read your comment. Was on with JOEY. Great Webinar by the way. Yeah, it's about dancers (not conventional types) and they are male) it's early '80s. I can't say anymore or I miss the game which I DVR and I now need to rewind. Cheers!!!
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Just read your post, Shari. Was on with JOEY and great guests on year end webinar. Yeah, The Secret Dancer is about a dancer ( not the conventional type) male dancer by the way and it's early 80's NYC. Can't say no more or I'll miss the game, which I DVR and now need to quickly rewind with my eyes closed. Cheers, girlfriend. Lets make this group, inspired by BETH a hit. To quote our RB, "We are all here to learn from one another. Be active, be visible in the spirit of the site."
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I'm in. !
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Damn, I'm still in negotiations for writing a new script and hope to make the contract. If so, I will join you a little later...
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Sarah, Elisabeth, Oliver: YES! Great to have you! ...Or, hope to have you soon, Elisabeth. :) Sarah, whatcha working on for November? Oliver, can you tell us a little more about your pilot?
Do you know about NaNoWriMo? I find that it's a very helpful tool to motivate you to write, and there's lots of great support from other writers!
Sounds great, Oliver. I look forward to hearing about your progress. :)
Ida: Yup, I've heard of it. NaNoWriMo is geared towards novelists -- wannabe and otherwise. I understand it has motivated some. :) ...Let's just say, personally speaking, I have reservations about their preset, imposed, superficial "ideals" and the market-fed notion that a writer "wins!" at the end of November. What they "win?" I have no idea...
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Perfect! This is just the 'kick in the pants" I'm sure I'll be needing in pre-prod for a 30min sitcom. Also, I hope to have our app ready to launch by the 12 days of Christmas!! Count me in Beth!
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I have a similar plan for November as well; to outline a script from start to finish. Would be happy to join you for the momentum.
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Wonderful, W. Keith and Óskar! It's great to have you! Welcome to Write Club!
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Yeah , Kate!!
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Okay, getting ready to go on this! :) I have a lot of my character groundwork done though I'll be adding a few as I proceed, but I'm excited to be part of this group and to have this incentive to get my butt in gear on this. :)
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Hey Kathryn! Great minds think alike. :)
Great to hear, Brian. :) I'm excited too. We're getting closer to kick-start day.
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Beth, If you look up procrastination in the dictionary there is a picture of me!! :) This sounds like a great way to give me a kick up the backside!! I have changed from writing screenplays (my head is sore from beating it against a brick wall) and have started writing a book instead. So does your whip extend to Australia??
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Gary, I'd probably be standing right next to you in that picture! I've been struggling too lately. :) You're writing a book?! Fantastic! Well, if you need a kick to get going, I'm happy to oblige. We all are! Lol! Thanks for joining the fun. :)
Beth. What sort of a kick can you help me with? How will this all work?
Without giving too much away.
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Just came across this short post from Film Courage, which I think is a great advice for Beth's 30 day challenge. Once we start writing that first scene don't even dare to look back, just keep pushing forward until the 30th. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IMXbfBXqNWI
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Great share, Jorge! Thank you. Pilar Alessandra is someone that I follow quite regularly and have learned much from her. Yup, just keep pushing forward. That's what I hope to do with this challenge, to not edit my work as I go, which I tend to do.
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Gary, the idea here is to support each other with our individual goals, with whatever project we're working on, whatever stage, and get it done by November's end. We’ll share our individual progress, offer help and tips, and post motivational quotes to get us through this 30 day exercise. :)
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What we all have to keep in mind please is that this is no competition. All scripts are at different levels and I think some colleagues have another full time job besides screenwriting. Meaning, we all also are at different writing levels, different experiences etc. Hence, please stay relaxed. We will see how far we will get and I would like to continue this even if it lasts till end of the year or end of January (because of the holidays). I understand it just as a great idea to motivate ourselves and share experiences, problems, cool ideas and the feeling that we are not alone or so. So, if we say 'Go Mets!"' ;) we also should say 'Go Stage32ers!' which is strange to pronounce - but it looks cool. :))
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Well said, Elisabeth! I couldn't agree with you more. :)
I'm in. I have a pair of half finished screenplay that I will finish the first drafts of in November.
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I'm in!
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I already set up my NaNoWriMo page for this year - I'm excited about making it happen this year! I might just go hardcore and add a screenplay to it - 4 pgs a day would get a feature done, no? :)
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Count me in! I'm in a rewrite on a script that I need to basically reconceive. It's going to be like a new script in some ways but with some of the characters who were not as active taking a greater role in the story. What's next?
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Welcome to November Write Club, Sarah, Walker, Samantha and Richard! Great to have you! Love the positive vibes. I look forward to hearing more about your projects. :)
Cheers everyone - I'm in and stoked to go on this adventure with you. Thank you Beth for setting this up! I could use some solidarity and community with this project. I've got a deadline for the first draft of a horror feature due at the end of December so November will be my attempt at finishing the Second Act. I'll keep you all posted and I look forward to seeing updates on everyone's work! Cheers to the many marathons everyone and best of luck.
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Okay, my friends. It's day one officially for me. I'm sitting in my local starbucks with my prep in front of me and FD open on my laptop. (I'm starting a little early since I'm away the last few days of November.) Let the games begin! :)
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I'm looking forward to seeing who I can make laugh from my first attempts at comedic shorts!
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I see RB's promoting this site-wide on the blog :)
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Excellent idea. Thanks for coordinating this. Count me in. I have a script that's been calling for me to finish it. Here's my chance.
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Perfect - I'm in - rewrite in 30 days! Thank you so much!
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Great thread, I'm in! My political thriller has been sitting there for months. I have the story mapped out and nearly 70 pages written. It takes place in both New York and Washington, D.C. And it's full of tension and political back-stabbing. But it's also educational as I teach economics at a university. It's called "First 100". Can't wait to hear about everyone's progress.
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I'm in, Beth! This will be my first attempt at taking one of my outlines to the next level. Being a novice, I was hesitant to join in days ago...but who can resist this energy?! It's infectious, and just what I needed to finally get going! I will be working on a treatment for a docu-style T.V. series that's a bit out of the mainstream. I'm hoping to have it ready for submission by the end of November. Either way, progress is progress...and this is very exciting!!
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I'm in!!!!!!!!! Great idea!
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For those looking for an extra push in this support on one another... 3:19 seconds from a man who I admire. https://youtu.be/b8nb34w-lvw
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Yes! Nothing like a little external accountability to get things moving again!
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Interesting that I had already set a goal to finish in November a script I've been working on for a long time. Then this appears in my inbox. Beth must be the cosmic screenwriting angel.
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Gotta cut the first 30 pages to pieces and restitch them to 5. Wish me luck.
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Good luck, Wendy!!!
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I'm a newbie and I'm in. Just received Screencraft contest feedback today on my first script and stoked to make changes....here we go!
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I am already booked and committed to NaNoWriMo with a novel, but feel that I could actually add a script to the mix and still complete my goals! I know at one time the same people (NaNoWriMo) had a month for Script Frenzy (same idea- write a script in 30 days) haven't head about it in a long while. This sounds like it could be just as fun. Thanks for the suggestion- any ideas how we can track progress here?
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All right! More participants! Great to have you! :) Darlene: No, we really don't have a means to track individual progress, that would entail a site buildout. We're operating on a "self-moderated but group supported system" for these 30 days. Feel free to share your progress here within this thread. We'll be posting motivational tips as we go. There'll also be more to come in the days ahead, so stay tuned. :)
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You probably get this question a lot at Stage 32: Is it possible to get these emails in digest form--i.e., all for one day compiled in one email? That would be a lot easier for me to be able to read them all at once as we are in the throes of the productivity; else I might have to click off the box for "send me an email for each new comment." This could become a large group and that could be rather vexing....
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Richard, go to the "gear" icon, found in the upper right corner of the web site. There you can change your account settings. Scroll down to "notifications" and change your email preferences. :)
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Thank you for recognizing that we are in the most creative industry in this World. The written word is always the Genesis in story telling and script writing. I learned playing basketball in College that it takes a team effort to come out a winner. In our business no reward comes without an ensemble in collaboration with one another as TEAM I want to be associated with Philanthropic professionals who have an approach during the production to discuss that any idea will always be considered from the Grip to the Producer with the best idea for implementation. I applaud your approach and you can count on me to score a win-win to get a project to the screen! Keep me informed when we have the opportunity to submit our creations for interest and consideration. God Bless You and Yours, YOLO! Shalom
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Count me in!
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Extra motivation to get this finished: After a first read-request - followed by the exec reading the teleplay & bible - , we're skype pitching a project tomorrow (one of our sci-fi series) to a company exec so if he asks what else we're currently working on... we might have this one up our sleeve, along with some other things as well!
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Wow, big group already! I'm a former standup comedian who had to drop out due to the effects from a bad car accident; I'm now more or less completely healed as of a couple years ago, but I lost my mojo . My goal is modest this month because I have a November 30th deadline in my day job. I simply want to write up an original 5 minute comedy set and have it edited, practiced, tweaked and ready to start performing at open mikes and old haunts by the end of the month. Once I am established back in stand-up I want to start taking Improv/Sketch classes and writing for them as well but that's a later goal. Baby steps. ;-) Best wishes to everyone-- let's do this!
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Happy to have you, JJ and glad you are doing better from your accident. I had an accident which injured my spinal cord and had three surgeries and now I take life one day at a time, but being involved in a creative project is the best medicine. Cheers, buddy.
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happy to have you aboard JJ! Glad to see you're recovering from your accident and you're getting back to doing what you love. As you said, baby steps (speaking as people who've also been through a serious accident and went through a recovery phase) - Keep it going at your own pace, have fun and best wishes to you too!
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How exciting! This is exactly the push I need. I'm already 30 plus pages into my horror script, so I know this challenge will help me stay motivated. woo hoo!!!!
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So excited to go on this journey with you all! Looking forward to finishing a project in November!
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Count me in!
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I'm in. Very much interested in finishing my feature script.
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Funny coincidences. I mentally committed to finishing this script in November. Then I found a class to help me, which runs in November. Then this Stage 32 project appeared. Then, yesterday afternoon, I got an email from a friend at a distribution company asking me how the script was coming. The world wants this script finished.
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Shout out to Jorge and the Eveliendorian Twins from Begium, thanks for your post-accident encouragement. How are your projects coming along? Also to Beth Fox Heisinger, sorry, I'm new to Stage 32 and this came up when I searched "comedy writing" now I see it's for screenwriting but hope you don't mind if I tag along for now- it's a good group!
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Hey, JJ, the doors are wide open ( I'm sure, Beth, agrees) to ALL Stage 32 family members. We are all united here by one common denominator, by our artistry and you are no exception. Great to have you, brother.
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Yes indeed. Zero Draft Thirty. I'm going for it, now working on notes to flesh out a cheap-easy production and working on the story so to draft a great script in 30 days. I believe it can be done start to finish. If not I'll have Humble Pie, 30 Days in the Hole: https://youtu.be/sdXjm8pZMws?t=3
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@Harry LOL....no room for humble pie in this group, The Dream Team, so no reaching for backup with commiserating pop bands. @All. LAST CHANCE TOMORROW EVERYONE.....to indulge in a lazy day, so grab some ready meals and beers, and pull up a cosy chair for the Saturday movie. Play basketball or sit in the park, or window shop in the mall and gather your pals. Tweet, text, and surf over a late lingering brunch, as you revel in the Goss.....cos SUNDAY ITS SCRIPT CAMP!
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Welcome to the club, Harry. You got this, Harry and we ALL got your back, buddy.
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Hey it's already tomorrow here in Australia so don't worry the world hasn't ended, so no excuse there :) To write or not to write that is the question! Bit of brekky first then into it, maybe, no definitely, perhaps! No have a Nike moment and " just do it!"
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All right, all right, all right! Great to see you onboard: Kathy, Irene, Regina, Nancy, Theresa, JJ, Leo, and all! Love the enthusiasm! JJ: All are welcome! Ain't no shame in comedy writing. We'll probably need a good laugh in the days ahead, so help us out, okay? Lol! :) Leo: Funny coincidences indeed! Serendipity is a beautiful thing!
Thanks, John! Much appreciated. Great to have you here! :)
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I'm in
Great to have you, Vince! What project will you be working on?
Albino Peacocks
Screen play
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We can actually start on an (extremely) high note seeing as we had a pitch meeting yesterday that went very well and we have a producer interested in shopping one of our projects! A single "yes" dumbs down the so many noes you get when you're trying to get your foot through the door & your work out there! JJ, to us there are only a few things more difficult than writing consistently good comedy so we applaud you for that! We can be funny in dialogue, but we're not comedic in our writing at all. Developing a complete comedic show would be something impossible for us to do at this point. Might be an interesting follow-up excersize: "Write a 10 page skit that is completely out of your comfort zone" LOL but let's first get through 30days of write first. We've got our creative lubricant (wine) and our story outline ready, so we're good to go...we just have to survive this halloween horror walk we're doing tonight.
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Great news, Twins! I'm looking forward to hearing about your progress! I'll join you with that applause, I think writing comedy is one of the toughest things to do. Hands down.
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I watched a really cute movie the other day to put me in the spirit of writing. It's called "The Rewrite" http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2509850/?ref_=nv_sr_5 of course I do love a good rom com with Huge Grant. Defiantly a lot of inside jokes if your a screenwriter.
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Happy Halloween, everyone! I'm feeling SUPER PUMPED about tomorrow! — could be the Halloween candy talking! Lol! ;) I'm a little behind with my outline, but I'm ready to hunker down and get to work! Keep an eye out for a S32 30-Day Write Club blog post tomorrow. Really looking forward to November! Let's do this!
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I am 100% in, thanks so much Beth. I'm going to use this time to expand my treatment for a kids' feature into the first draft. I already feel excited and invigorated to see how much support and enthusiasm there is fizzing on this board.
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This is pretty cool, reminds me of that manuscript contest also. Should get Stage32 admin behind it and can be structured contest whoo hoo. My goal for November seems like an easy one, there's a contest to complete a seven page short in A4 paper size...(what is A4??) but the rules are quite constraining omg. Some of these contest rules are super tricky to fit the companies goals. It's definitely worth it so I could use the encouragement to get a well polished script off in due time. I already met my first obstacle within the rules and will probably have to scrap my original plan. Back to the drawing board! Good thing I have lots of unfinished scripts laying around! Will keep ya posted! I'm in!
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You know we should all listen to the ideas of others and not negatively dismiss them, It is so sad and a shame that when someone dies, we lose all the ideas and dreams that they did not want to mention for fear of ridicule. We should encourage everyone to purge all ideas, who knows we may uncover the next big Hollywood blockbuster, a cure for some of our most challenging and insidious diseases like cancer and Parkinson's disease or even that elusive better mouse trap.
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Christopher - A4 is the worldwide most used paper format and short for industry norm DIN A4 which is 210 x 297 mm (= 21 x 29,7 cm). I only found this link in German: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/A4-Format The paper norm in U.S. is a little shorter and wider (215.9 mm x 279.4 mm = 21,59 x 27,94 cm).
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COMMENTATOR: GOOD MORNING, 30 Days of Write participants! It’s a beautiful day at the starting line of our endeavour; the sun is shinng and creativity is palpable wherever we turn. From all over the world, people joining in will be gathering notes, pens and setting up stories in their Final Drafts. 30 Days of Write was brought to you courtesy of Beth Fox Heisinger and Stage 32 and has participants worldwide! Be sure to stay updated with our broadcast as 30 Days of Write gets updates from writers! That’s all we have for you right now, Beth, back to you.
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@Eveliendorien Twins. Thanks for the cheery reminder, it's Day 1 to begin work, on all our shared ambitions. This is the beginning of a journey no one need take alone, with endless possibilities and outcomes. All the thoughts shared, we may even discover "new tangents" or pathways to getting our projects off the ground.
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Everyone, start your engines! Hope everyone starts off on a strong note today. I unfortunately have an eye doctor appointment later this morning and I know my eues will be too dilated to write. So I will have to join the party tomorrow. May the creative juies flow faster than the Nile! Happy Writing all!
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@David. Hope your appointment went well, sometimes I've remembered fleeting thoughts and feelings during medical appointments, I have later added to stories.
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This is a great idea. Perhaps everyone participating should post their logline. That would be the commitment! I know I should start with posting my own logline, but as I have just finished a new screenplay I am still deciding on which of the myriad of screenplays in my ideas folder I should work on next. LOL I will make a decision and post a logline soon.
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Kick-start Day! Love the positivity and enthusiasm! Thanks everyone. This is fantastic! :) David, I hope your appointment goes well for you today too. You may not be able to tap away on your computer, but a lot of writing is working things out in your head, and that you can do. :) Me, my goal for Day 1 is to finish my rough outline and write my opening. Anyone else care to share what the day holds for you?
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Spending kick-start day with examining the structure of one of my scripts. I have a lot on my plate for November 1st, so there won't be much time for writing. However I will be engaged in an acting class and participating in a reading of an original play with discussion to follow, so I'm still in the thick of it. November looks to be a month where I have to rearrange my writing time to the mornings--I've been writing in the evening. But it seems too much is coming up during that prime real-estate time and I need to find another time to write. Well--who needs sleep, right? Oh, my log lines: Script One: The ghost of a young man who was murdered returns to his grieving father to help him over the hump and return to the land of the living. Script Two: A closeted and newly sober religion professor gets stranded in Laramie, Wyoming and falls in love with an atheist tow-truck driver and the town of gay nightmares.
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Okay, Ladies and Gentlemen. It's officially November the 1st, time 5:00 PM. (in my time zone anyway) So, since Beth stated to share progress, I'll say what it is and what stage it reached so far. At the end of the month we can all see a progress that the script made. I heard people saying TV Pilot or TV series are the hardest thing to write. So be it, I mean I'll have to step on that land-mine at one point sooner or later. So, GREEN FOREST (logline posted under loglines on my profile) "rough first draft" Pilot + 7 episodes, 484 pages in total (nothing is final yet since I have a lot of more things to research ) I'll start a Bible and polish the current pages as much I can, but once I complete the Bible I'll post it under logline so maybe some of you could give me your opinion on that. Good luck!
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Well for me I'm going to continue on the outline idea for my script. I think I'm also going to finish writing my short script that I've had open for a month now. Of course later it's off to work but that's okay, I tend to write more in the mornings then night time. Happy writing to all!
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You know, I had considered this. But I am in preproduction of a short that will shoot the first week of December. So I am not going to commit. Too much to get done this month. However, with that said, I am still working on a feature almost every day. But it is only for about an hour a day. Those that are dedicated to getting it done this Nov, I cheer you on! Get at it and DO NOT WAVER!
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I think it's a good idea people in this thread are putting down personal things they're attending to on official start day, it's like being in each others home, and the interaction gives "cyber energy." (Shared Positive Vibe.). I did tune in to the thread earlier, but I'm just starting my work now, due to having guests earlier on weekend. I've been putting off my Rom Com for ages, because I find it the hardest subject with regards getting into the mind of the characters. I usually write DDD....Deep, Dark, Dangerous, but this project is light hearted with happy go lucky younger people, in amusing situations. I've done first outline, draft, theme etc, but I'm doing the whole script again, with regards to the point of view of the dialogue between characters. I'm hoping to pick up new ideas as I go, on this shared journey with you all, bringing "Sean and Fin," along for the ride. (2 male leads Rom/Com). Also today is the day "To Bin" any Unnecessary time wasting Sunday rituals, Lol not the Roast, but I'm not tuning into my usual 7pm fix of Dallas.
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Niksa - lol. Seen from the starting time we Europeans were in advantage. :)
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I love this idea! I wanted to try and do it every month because I have so many ideas, but at least I have a place to start here and, hopefully, with some support behind me. I'm still working to be more structured with my writing schedule. I tend to write fantasy and sci-fi although I have a few others that are realistic fiction or based on true stories. Spending the first day working on editing one of my other scripts while also watching "Gotham" (I work better with a film or show because it helps me with dialogue and structure) and outlining my next scripts.
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our mobile was being screw-y so we didn't have a chance to look up who did this...but it seemed apropriate for this new endeavor of ours!
Way to go, Kathryn!
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Beth & Debbie: I convinced my doctor NOT to dilate me considering I was at my specialist Friday and he took care of those tests. I dodged a bullet there! So I might be able to write an entire episode of TMI - Too Much Information in a bit. Easy to do since all sketches/videos will be 4-7 pages..
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Thanks Fiona! First episode is titled "Sex Advice". It's between a 21 year old kid and his father.
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Hey, everyone, great post here on day one. I was up until 4 a.m. Got through the first 9 pages. Was to introduce the inciting conflict my protagonist is facing, which is should he jeopardize his soul and the love and respect of his girlfriend and mother, by becoming a strip dancer in order to make good money fast to help his beloved mother with mounting bills and a father who is about to arrive in a foreign country with no money and sick in a hospital. The antagonist (already a dancer at a gay clubs) is working his evil magic on protagonist to join him, that no one has to know. Protagonist will be a secret dancer, trained and entice by antagonist, who's motives are more personal and selfish than anything else. This is all I have to report my fellow writers from my screenplay The Secret Dancer, it's 1983. New York City and the life of an innocent 19 year old, son of a single mother, will be change forever. Stay tune, my fellow happy (November) happy writers...
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Fiona: at first the father gives it to his son then it grows into sharing the same info. Mom is nowhere in sight, lol. But I do plan on having a female version of the same title/conversation.
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Wow, nothing like crying as you finish your script. It's the best feeling in the world. I just finished a a first draft of a short 12 page Christmas script. I'll post more on it later, right now I need to wipe away my tears and get ready for work. Cheers all!
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Totally in agreement with you my dear Kate.
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Hi, All! I'm getting a late start today. I love all the great comments. You all are giving me energy! About to jump in and work on my web series script again. Happy Writing All!
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Happy November everyone. I'm in on this challenge with you all. I am committing to a fantasy re-write which should take the first week of November. Then, I'm on to complete a first draft of a sci-fi thriller. All by November 30th. Fortunately, I've got a 15-page October jump and a good outline.
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Working on the logline for an idea i've had for some time. I will post it as soon as I get a working line to get some feedback. So far I like where it's going. I like this challenge.
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It's November already!! - I actually started yesterday morning: wrote some today - 12 pages total. Good luck everyone
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Okay, I got a late start, but I did 6 pages on my Web Series. That's no too bad. Thanks to you all, I also got some of the outline done for my Children's feature film! Off to a good start!
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Kenneth, Robert, Vince , great having you on this journey, 3 amigos.
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Thank you Elisabeth for the info! All these years writing and never have stumbled across that type of paper! This contest I'm writing for is very stringent I am finding as I've already blown through now six of my script concepts and NONE meet the criteria! I have resorted to taking a small portion of one I have called 'The Pimp Is In' as part of the 'origin' of the story. Writing now, wish me well! Appreciate ya'll!
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Great progress today, since I was still navigating the sugar high from last night! I re-worked my outline and everything is falling into place. More writing tomorrow...minus the sugar. I hope everyone had a productive day!
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It's great to hear a lot of you fared well today. :) Me, not so much... I had such a jammed-packed weekend that I didn't quite get the chance. I managed to do a little in between events, but not nearly what I had hoped for. So, tomorrow should be a busy, productive day. Here's to Monday!
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Since we have a lot to agree on (two of us here, haha) today mainly consisted out of brainstorming and storymapping for us. Finished the first 4 pages and quite happy with it so far. We're having a very busy couple of days ahead, but we're used to working in the middle of the night and lack-of-sleep is our middle name, so we'll steam through. We should be able to work through a large chunk tomorrow (advantage of mapping things out) so onwards we go!
Christopher - I think you got this contest rules wrong and take it as complicated. I understand it not as strict, it only says it shall be in a normal letter paper format and A4 is the most common. Actually this is a sign they also accept and get stuff printed and by post - maybe they only accept the printed form? I don't know, but if they accept your script uploaded as well and you write in FD, Celtic or what ever you have nothing to fear and can forget the paper format.
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@Fiona. Hi I'm in a similar boat to you, with regards rom com research, although I don't have the added sub genre of horror. I'm used to serious horror, but have to admit, I would find laughable horror very tricky. Determined though to master this particular subject, and I'm having a group discussion with a group of "Young" barstaff later on in the week, to get a picture of what is going on in their minds about a whole range of topics.
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Okay...Nov.1st page total is only 3, but I had to spend time dusting off the script and reading it to return to where I was when I started with ideas. Goal for today is 5 pages...
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Elisabeth, thanks I got it on the paper part. It's their rules of engagement that is throwing me off - The contest is sponsored by an alcohol company and basically you can't have any reference to alcohol maybe besides "I need a drink" plus all of your protagonists must be 25 and over - That cut out 5 of my scripts alone from their stipulations which is frustrating. Not to mention they want a tight 7 page script. If unique commercials can do it in 60 seconds I'm going for the challenge! So far, I have a ton of notes and heavy scribbles trying to get it right before I write! Whew!
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Christopher - I see. Which company is the sponsor? Best of luck!
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2nd of November and haven't even put anything on a page. Loads of ideas swirling around in my head for some scenes that I would like to happen but just need to get it down and start arranging how i want the short to go. Good luck everyone !
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I am working on a tv pilot. Anyone else? I too, opened my script and just stared at it. Ideas running rampant but still waiting their turn to get on paper. Ok, here I go!
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I am working on completing a 45 page screenwriting assignment for school which I've been struggling with due to genre (fact based drama, I'm a comedy person) and also completing the last 10 episodes of my web series I plan to film next year. Episodes average about 5 minutes so it's not too much. I wrote 3 and a half pages yesterday and it was the most inspired I have been about the assignment so far, I'm really excited to see how much progress I make by the end of it.
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My Plan: I have about fifty pages of The Slingshot Brigade done. First 30, then random bits and pieces. 1. Complete the outline 2. Write anything to finish it without going back to edit 3. Make several passes aimed at different aspects of the script
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I am working on my logline and beatsheet today. I am very happy with the progress. While I've have more developed ideas than the one I've chosen for November, it is closest to my newest finished screenplay which I am currently shopping. I have been studying up on "selling your screenplay" as that has ultimately been a weak spot for me. They say you should have "one in the wings" that is in the same genre. So I am excited about making this my "what else have you got" script. I am also considering posting what I am doing with this Nov challenge on my FB page. I figure if I announce my commitment to my non screenwriting friends, I will be even more hard press to complete the challenge!
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That's never a very healthy idea.
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The screenplay I'm working on currently is entitled, "And The Coming Of Nighttime". the story was inspired by two movies: "The Howling" and "Blade Runner". I've always been a fan of Werewolf films and "The Howling" literally served as a game changer for the genre-It also got me to thinking about what if Werewolves weren't just pathetic, cursed individuals leading lonely existences as they wander the country side, desperate for a cure. The Howling got me to thinking, "what if, instead of all that, they lived as a society within society?" Which of course, led me to thinking of what it means to feel like an outsider, to feel as if you have to hide the most vital aspects of yourself for fear that should others discover your secret, you, and everyone you care about would be in utter peril. I also loved "Blade Runner's" dystopian future-and flying cars. The story itself revolves around Dr. Josette Anthony, a brilliant Home girl with a PhD serving as the top Geneticist for Bio-Logical. Her husband, Stephen Durant, owner of the company and their daughter, Petra. Things get cracking when Stephen ends up turning himself into a Werewolf in a lab experiment gone horribly wrong. Anyhoo, I'm about halfway through Act 2, and actually managed to get through a scene that has been plagueing me for some time-I'm also working on a graphic novel version of the story. I'll post more in a day or so when I get more pages done.
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Hello EVERYONE, okay, so I knew yesterday was coming... but Sunday's are a bit of a challenge, it's usually family day around her... I shooed them all away and then sat down to watch the Royals & Mets game and then that was that. So Happy Monday to all. First of all Beth, thank you for sparking these engines. I'm going to go for it. I have Act I of a rewrite done and hope to finish the whole rewrite by the 30th. A month ago I remembered I had an 'IDEAS' folder somewhere, so I hunted it down and in the same filing cabinet I found 15 Chapters of a book I started a long time ago. Thank goodness I have the hard copy because I no longer have the disc or that computer. As soon as I'm done writing it I'm going to adapt it into a screenplay and have my own IP. Yaay. I'm all pumped up Beth. Thank you. I'll keep you posted. All the best to all in achieving your goals this month. Keep it up. xo P.S. I read most of the posts above... what a great group... just too many to read them all or I'll never get started.
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Elisabeth or for anyone it's Jameson First Shot Short Film contest in conjunction with TriggerStreet. Check the rules, they are nuts!
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I spent the last 5 days in Austin and am flying home today. tomorrow I will join the fray. Applying all the new information l learned at the panels should make this my best vomit draft ever.
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Christopher - thanks for sharing. Just checked it. They are discriminating. Have you checked the list of countries from which you may participate? A great example why we should block the information where we and our computer are located.
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@Christopher... the Jameson comp has been running for a few years now, the requirements don't seem too difficult this year and you can look at it the other way round and treat them as nice specific guidelines to deliver a script that they are looking for... though probably means writing one from scratch. Not sure what software you use for screenwriting but in most you can change the page size from US to A4 pretty easily. @Elizabeth, unfortunately it's their competition so they can restrict it as they see fit, suspect that it's probably got something to do with where they sell Jameson... there's plenty of competitions that have similar stipultions ;-(
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My script for the November challenge is a limited location thriller, tentatively entitled 'Family Bonds'. I've done the planning for it cerebrally, and aiming to write without outline or plan and see how it goes freestyling for a change. Logline A Brother and Sister struggle to make a go of their new business, but this is the least of their worries when an abusive ghost from their past returns to terrorise them one last time. Wrote four pages yesterday, hoping to achieve similar today.
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My focus changed a little bit on my writing today. Found out that a television pilot I wrote with a co-writer 9 years ago is finally gaining some interest. I actually haven't worked on it since I originally wrote it and he called me and said someone is interested but the script needs updating. So I'm frantically updating. Lol! Well, you know how these things go. could be sold right away, or we may be waiting another 9 years to hear anything. But at any rate, I'm going to get the rewrite done and the script resubmitted to put the ball back in their court. I've forgot about the Jameson First Shot Contest too! Thanks everybody. But for now, I'll go back to my Web Series once I finish the TV pilot rewrite. Phew! November is going to be busy! Thanks for the support of the group. I feel like I'm part of a movement of super talented people! Happy Writing!!
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One pilot I finshed a rewrite on mught have to take a backseat since I head Fox put out a pilot production commitment for a reboot of The Greatest American Hero. My concept Project: Hero is very slightly similiar in basic premise but different in SOOO many aspects. I know this kind of thing happens, still a bummer. Still going forward with it, just never know these days.
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Hey guys, glad I found d this lounge, love the motivation, hope everyone succeed in their screenplays, I'm on page 5 my short film ,was hopping some of you guys can give me some thoughts on it, and if I can post it here?
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Something for everyone on this journey. "Know yourself, Believe in yourself and follow your heart! Pursue your passion to find fulfillment!
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And a bit of a laugh to break up the day! Stevie Wonder is playing his 1st gig in China and the place is packed to the rafters. In a bid to break the ice he asks if anyone has a request. One chap jumps out of his seat in the 1st row and shouts at the top of his voice "Play a jazz chord! play a jazz chord!" Amazed that this guy knows about the jazz influences in Stevie's career, the blind impresario starts to play an E minor scale and then goes into a difficult jazz melody for about 10 minutes. When he finishes the whole place goes wild. The chap jumps out of his seat again and shouts "No, no, play a jazz chord, play a jazz chord". A bit cheesed off by this, Stevie, being the professional that he is, dives straight in to a jazz improvisation with his band around the B flat minor chord and really tears the place apart. The crowd goes ballistic with this impromptu show of his musical expertise. But, still the little Chinese man jumps up again and shouts "No, no. Play a jazz chord, play a jazz chord". Stevie is really annoyed now that this chap doesn't seem to appreciate his playing ability and shouts to him from the stage " OK - smart arse, you get up here and do it". The little bloke climbs onto the stage, takes hold of the mike and starts to sing............ "A jazz chord to say, I ruv you... "
Thanks Gary, very funny....
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Hi David B. Welcome! Please post your work on your profile page, under "Logline." People can view it there, and perhaps leave comments. You can delete at any time and/or re-post as you go. Or, you can share/exchange work for review through email. :)
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Day 2 update: About 10 pages into the screenplay & an almost finished beatsheet on our end!
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You are all inspiring me! Keep on going!
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Progress Report Nov. 1, 2015: I am up to page 95 in my rewrite of my fantasy screenplay, "BETWIXT AND BETWEEN, The True Origins of Peter Pan". 15 pages to go. This is an adaptation of "Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens", J.M. Barrie's prequel to Peter Pan.
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Working on my second TV pilot. Outline is done, teaser is started...4 pages down and 56 left to go.
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Today turned into a research day for me. I don't mind...It is part of the journey and you never know where it's going to take you. Plus, I'm obsessed with research! Back to writing tomorrow. Great job, everyone!
Wow, great work! You guys are killing it! Truly inspiring. :) Me, I'm off to a slow start, but I should make better traction in the days ahead.
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Kathryn, could I borrow some of your energy? Please? :)
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Whoopee! I did what I promised myself! :) As Nov.1 closes, I'm sitting here at 7/11 across the street from my condo, my short script in front of me, and my fingers still hot from typing, , , It's shit, I'm sure, but it's done. I'll knock out another one Nov.2, sooo, , , Let's wish each other lots of luck! :)
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I completed 3.5 pages today. Aiming for five pages tomorrow. I'm 11 pages into the 45 page script now, really happy with the motivation this has given me.
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Well, I'm 18 pages into the feature I'm writing now. It's inspiring to read all the posts and it helps get me fired up to work and not procrastinate, (which I can tend to do from time to time, but sometimes I put off procrastination to do other things).
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Hi all. I'm off to town, meeting a group of young barstaff on their break at split shift. (Later on in the day). The end game is to gain fresh insights/perspectives in what they are thinking about, as my Rom Com is their age group. I've said before in this thread the genre is new to me, the difficulty is not in the writing, but getting inside the characters minds. I agree with Boomer above, work is not just in the writing, but the theory aswell. There are so many ways of study for writing, observation being only one. Your idea is spot on Boomer, working out ways for getting the most both in protagonist arc and story fuel.
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I was only able to crank out 3 pages yesterday before a migraine settled in, but they were 3 great pages of dialogue. You are all inspiring me to keep with it and hone my daily routine. Thank you...
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Ryan: 3 pages is still better than none. I've only written down 2 new ideas for my comedic web series. I've been reviewing the same script over and over. An agent's assistant at APA who did coverage on my script a few months back wants me to e mail him my latest draft. Don't know how many more times I can review the damn thing before sending it!
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Thanks everyone! This is great! I really love hearing how everyone is doing. :) I've had a slow start as well. Remember this is not a "competition." Everyone works in their own way. Comparing yourself to other writers' process, progress or ideals is a very very good way to feel very very bad. We certainly don't want that. ;) Boomer: I'm doing the same thing -- working it out first. I unexpectedly became so busy prior to Nov. that I was unable to prep my outline, so I'm behind where I wanted to be. However, I've been thinking more in terms of sections rather than page count and that's been helpful. :)
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a little behind -- just got home from AFF -- but excited to catch up. today I'll be working on a logline and beat sheet. by Friday I hope to have an outline. I'm inspired by you all! ready, set go!
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Yep, I'm in. Had an exec from Weinstein express interest in my WWII drama, recommending I rewrite (read that "trash") the first 30 pages. Still in denial that this super company is interested after all the rejections, but hi ho, hi ho, it's off to the chopping block I go. Any comparisons from y'all about what this little chore is like for you? I state it's like putting your head in the guillotine and loosing the blade yourself, but instead of the quick painless end it's reputed to have (can't speak from experience here), the blade severs s-l-o-w-l-y. Hmm. Now that's a scene I haven't seen in a gory slasher movie. Any takers?
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Congrats Wendy! Weinstein is huge news! I do hate slashing script I worked so diligently on, poured your heart and soul into to have somebody basically say "Hmm, this part sucks". I learned my lesson though, I missed out an opportunity with a small film company some years ago because I whined about rewriting a portion of the script. They basically ended up not using my script or me. I do it like this now, take that portion out and keep it, I basically have another in development script I can mold however way I want to. That lil piece can take me in a whole new direction! Cut that part out and make something else! Hey, are we cousins? LOL
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Love everyone's techniques. I once I know the world my characters live in, I just dive in. Like writing teacher, Pilar Alexandra,s says, just keep going and don't look back until you are done. I know my ending b4 I start. What works for you all, you should stick to.. Page 24 of act one. Now comes the most difficult for me, act 2. Might have to visit the world my protagonists just entered, then again is 1983. Let's do this!!
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Chris, 117th cousins twice removed on my uncle's sister's aunt's brother-in-law's stepdaughter's side; shaken, not stirred. Actually it wouldn't surprise me. Any Black Irish Catholic Sweeneys or Sullivans on your side? Any Filipinos? Any Ukrainian Jews? Any Nez Perce? Any Scandinavians? Extra-terrestrials? I wouldn't be surprised if they found those last in my DNA. You never know.
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Day three and I'm still mostly in my head with my story. I have written (what I think is) a strong logline and begun my beat sheet. I am very happy with my progress as once I have the structure down and story developed in my head I can write the script pretty quickly. I am also getting excited about the story - which always helps.
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Day three went well for me, even before my planned barstaff meeting, I found an unexpected source of ideas talking to the young girl who blow dried my hair in a salon. It's amazing where inspiration pops up, when out in the public tapestry of cities, some characters even stranger than fiction. (To anyone who doesn't know, I'm particularly referring to studying how young people think with view to Rom Com.)
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Hey guys I finish my first 5 pages of my short film, wanTed to get some feedback, was hoping you guys can check it out and give me some thoughts on what you think about it so far, its in myloglines.thanks
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Working to find some good Werewolf films to help get me in the right head space-But, I got pages done yesterday and I had some done before the start, so I'm not stressing.
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David Levy, go ahead and send it to the Assistant that wants to read it again. If you're good with it... I'd send it... the worst that can happen is he'll give you more Notes LOL. It's a process.
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I was only able to spend a couple of hours on writing and research today, but I feel good about what I accomplished. Thank you, Beth, for getting us 'fired up and ready to go'!!
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Elaine - Underworld (any of the 4 movies) is always a good choice if you need to re-charge.
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Sorry to hear about your migraine, Ryan. I hope you feel better today/tonight!
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I got six pages done on one of the scripts today. Not much but more than I've done in weeks. I needed something like this challenge to actually make time to write again.
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Nov.2, I got a start on my 2nd short titled, "Acapulco at a Knife Point." I did just 2 pages, but hey, 2 pages is already 2 pages, right? :) I hope everybody is doing a splendid job.
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Yaay Kass... 10 pages is fantastic. xo
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Hey Marli. You're welcome. :) I'm just happy to see you're feeling good about your own work. That's fantastic!
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Wow, everyone is doing great! :) Happy to hear you feel more inspired to write, Sarah M. Sometimes a little push helps. :)
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Elaine, Benicio Del Toro's turn as the Wolfman, with Anthony Hopkins (2010), caught my fancy. (Though anything from any Del Toro usually does) And the original with Lon Chaney Jr. (1941) still cuts it. For laughs, there's I Was A Teenage Werewolf (1957) which is nevertheless touching. And a step further off, there's I Married A Monster From Outer Space (1958), whose non-CG, Gothic-lighted Man turned to Monster is still as terrifying as anything digital.
WENDY!!! You're truly a horror fan. You put a smile on my face with your post. I don't watch horrors, but you definitely put a smile on my face with your enthusiasm. I'd watch Benicio in anything he does... except horror although I know it's very popular. If I can't watch it... I can't write it. LOL.
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I was thinking about this whole group today and was trying to put it in proper perspective. It's fantastic of course to have all this encouragement and inspiration as an incentive to work a little harder and do more, but it's also an opportunity to build better habits and continue afterward to write more often and take this work seriously. So while I'm enjoying the camaraderie, I also want to build this kind of initiative into my work habits. So thank you all for helping me on many levels.